» Fiction » Jack Of The Lantern, Rob Astor [great novels TXT] 📗

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Jack Of The Lantern


Rob Astor

Word Count: 502 Words

“What do you say?” Jack grinned. Jack’s right hand was inside his pocket. “Don’t tell me you’re above breaking a commandment, Beelzebub.”
Under a black hood, The Devil grinned. Fiery yellow eyes contrasted hideous red flesh. “Of course not, Jack.” The Devil downed his beer. He shrunk down into a coin. Jack quickly placed a silver cross against it and tucked them into a breast pocket.
Carrying a carved pumpkin with a hot coal inside, Jack walked along the dark path. He laughed. “Who’d believe my luck? I had a drink with Mephistopheles. Even tricked him into paying! Now, I got him right here in my pocket. Imagine what kind of hero I’d be holding Satan prisoner!”
“Release me!”
“Pazuzu afraid for his kingdom?” Jack stopped. “I’ll let you go. But, there’s a condition.” He took out the coin and cross. “For one full year, you stay away from me. If I die, you don’t come to collect my soul. What do you say?”
“I agree.”
“Swear it to God, Lucifer!”
The Devil sighed. “I swear by my most hated Enemy, I will not come to you for a year. Even if you die.”
Jack tossed the coin to the ground. The Devil sprung up to his true form and brushed dirt from his cloak. “Been a pleasure!” Jack walked on with his glowing pumpkin.
Carved pumpkin in hand, Jack followed the road to an apple orchard. A dark shape leaned against a tree. “Jack.”
Startled, Jack paused. “Daystar, old friend!”
“It’s been a year.”
“Before you take me, can I ask a question about the Garden Of Eden? I’d like to hear your side of it.”
The Devil smacked a lip. “Eve didn’t pick the apple. I gave it to her.”
“How? You were a snake.” Jack ambled over to The Devil. “Will you show me?”
With an irritated growl, The Devil climbed up. Jack hung his silver crucifix on a branch just below him. The Devil moaned.
Jack doubled over in laughter. He held his left side. “Twice I got you!”
“Same arrangement?”
“I’m not so young anymore. Make it ten years.”
“I swear by my most hated Enemy, I will not come to you for ten years. Even if you die.”
Jack took the cross down. He tipped his hat and walked off with his pumpkin lantern.
Three and a half year later, Jack passed. He stood before St. Peter. “Stingy Jack.” St. Peter traced an index finger down a page in the Book Of Life. “Here we are. God left a very specific message. He won’t let an unsavory character such as you into Heaven.” St. Peter closed the book.
Jack left Heaven and came upon The Devil. “Well, Devil, to Hades I go.”
“No. I don’t want you. You tricked me. Twice. And I don’t go back on my word.”
“What do I do?”
The Devil gave Jack a carved pumpkin with a hot coal inside. “Wander Earth for eternity.”


Publication Date: 07-06-2011

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