» Fiction » My New Life As a Vampire, Cassidy Garreth [books to read for self improvement TXT] 📗

Book online «My New Life As a Vampire, Cassidy Garreth [books to read for self improvement TXT] 📗». Author Cassidy Garreth

I'm sitting there, cuddled up in the dark corner of the alley. The hunger is taking over very painfully and fast. The sharp teeth keeps coming in and out, every time I think of blood. I can hear two distant heartbeats, pumping calmly down the end of the alley. They are in their old fashion car, talking. I get up, careful to not make a sound to attract the two men over here. I am keeping a close eye on them as I stumbled backwards, ramming into piles of trashcans. They tumble down like an avalanche. I gasp and fall over. I quickly look over to the old car again, where those two men were, but they were nowhere in the car. But behind me, I hear the heartbeats again. The blood inside them was pumping with excitement. I stood where I was, afraid that I'll kill them out of hunger raging inside me.
“Hunter, wait! She's just a kid.” a deep voice says.
“But a bloodsucker. Josh, she's a killer now. Just like the rest.” Hunter says, taking a few steps closer behind me.
“C'mon Hunt. You just don't go around chopping someones head off just because they were turned. That's not like you. We can help her. You and I both know that some of them turn good.”
I could hear Hunter take in deep breaths, breathing out a sigh. Then that was when I decided to turn around, and regretting it. Josh and Hunter went to fighting stance as soon as I made a movement. Of course, I was scared, and hungry. Hunter shined the flashlight he had in his left hand, and a stake pointing straight at my heart. I felt my lips tremble, keeping back the tears. Too late, I collapse onto my knees and sobbed.
“I-I-I'm so hungry. A-and I can't make it stop. I'm so scared! This man came up to me a-and......” I stared off into space, trying to remember what happened next.
Josh stepped closer, wanting to calm me, but didn't.
I practically screamed in frustration. I didn't mean to. His heartbeat was all I could hear.
I looked at him as if he was crazy, which he probably was.
“What are we going to do? We're not turning her in to Scott. That would be like a death wish.” Josh told Hunter. Hunter said something, but I tuned it out. As they were discussing on what to do with me, I listened to the footsteps behind them. They sure didn't hear it, but I did. I took it as a threat.
The brothers stopped their little conversation to watch me slowly stand up.
I snarled, showing my fangs, and the boys pulled out their weapons at me. I ignored it, and jumped behind them, attacking another figure; a vampire. It was the one who turned me a couple days ago. I went mad, ripping out his throat and repeatedly beating in his stomach. It only took a few seconds, but it felt like hours. I hate to admit it, but it was the most joy I had in the first three days of becoming a vampire. I guess it was the kill, blood, or maybe it was just the excitement of taking on revenge. The man who turned me ruined my life. I couldn't go see my family, my friends, or even my collie Gee-gee. The man ruined everything. I was only a freshman. I haven't even had my first kiss, or my first boyfriend. I didn't even get to experience my teenage years. It wasn't fair. Out of all the girls he could have chosen to turn, it had to be me.
“Why?!” I screamed out loud, and did one last punch into the dead vampire. I slowly stood up, and turned to face the vampire hunters. They just stared, mouths open as if they never seen such vampire kid do that to their creator. But on second thought, they probably haven't.
“What you two morons looking at? Aren’t you gonna kill me?” I spat. My anger for sure hasn't died down, nor the hunger. The two looked at each other, and lowered their guns.
“So, you hungry? I've got some blood packets in my trunk. But here’s the deal. You come and join us, and we tell all our buddies to back away from you, in debt of saving our lives. We could really use a vampire on our team. What do you say?” Hunter stuck out his hand. Josh looked at us two as if he was the happiest guy on earth. I looked at Hunter's hand, and took it. We shook.
“So, wheres the blood packet you mentioned?” I tried to smile, but somehow it failed. Hunter and Josh was a few feet ahead of me, and I followed behind them to their car. I guess this could be good. I mean, at least they know I don't mean harm. I wonder what will happen next.....


Publication Date: 07-13-2011

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