» Fiction » Luc Aiphiar, Vexadiem [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Luc Aiphiar, Vexadiem [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗». Author Vexadiem

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A woodsman was walking with a hatchet in hand
his hair was untended to the end of each strand
the forest he walks on, so vast and so grand
in his wake fall the trees, they fall down to land

but woe by so much was this hard working man
for past his skin, his sweat had ran
he spoke of his name--Riguardo Zan
ending his life, he considered a plan

his wife had another; a fact he was sure
her daughter defiled by a priest he thought pure
his son, by the bandits, was caught by their lure
with his hatchet raised high, its blade was his cure

but his flesh was too weak, his arm could not drop.
and his heart was too meek, he could not make the chop.

his life was a pit
and no candle was lit
so I whispered him "do it."
in his head the blade fit.


Three weeks have passed
Seven souls have gone down
their ends came so fast
If I could, I would frown

Now comes my eighth
I must deliver his fate
through the woods he strolls late
in his heart was vast hate

A fair girl was his love
she was white as a dove
his hopes high above
but was slapped with a glove

"Hideous bastard, do not be nigh!"
all he could do was give out a sigh
for more than a year, in wait, he was shy
A truth was untold; that she had a guy

"Do not fear death," is what I had said.
"I loved her too much," ago was he dead.
"Lie down these thorns, lie down thy head."
and then he had rest... wooden spikes was his bed.

Whisperer's Den

Though many have come, quite few made it back.
And according to some, my presence is black.

Through lips and ears, my feats were spread
With sniffs and tears, they mourn their dead.

"This must not wage on," squealed them brave men.
"So armors you don," the people said then.

When the night had grown old,
they then made a charge.
torches and pitchforks they hold,
in the forest they barge.

"Be with us you murderer!" The loudest one roared.
"Face us damned Lucifer!" They were a great horde.

But I am just a voice, I have no true form.
walk home girls and boys, I will not take form.

they all tried in vain, again and again.
thus they named my domain "The Whisperer's Den."

Two Hundred Forty First

Years have passed but their fears remained.
Their corpses last but their breaths refrained.

Despite the horrors, another fool walks
In a forest of terrors, around here he gawks

"So they see you as folly?" I feel pity for this.
"They shamed me so gravely," his pride's at abyss.

"I feel thou art lonely," I gave him a hiss.
"Rejected by Mary," so, he wanted a kiss.

"She hates you, my friend," I showed him the cliff.
"With this, will it end?" his body went stiff.

"Most likely it will," I gave him my word.
"All them speak so ill," he left now this world.

Two Hundred Forty Second

The fool's vessel was found
five mornings after death.
People gathered round.
Newcomers gasped a breath.

A pair of eyes gazed quite more than the rest.
The conscience of Mary was then put to test.
The man he saw nothing more than a pest
was also the man who loved him the best.

That night, as well, she sought for my aid.
"A wise decision," I admit it well played.
At the brink of a cliff, a farewell she bade.
For all her misdeeds, the penance was made.


For every last breath,
I wonder more so.
In the time after death,
where do their boats row?

I tried many times,
I sought my own end.
To atone for my crimes,
and my deeds they have penned.

Amidst all these woods, this darkness, this mist,
They pass all in hoods, with a dagger in their fist.

If thy knives can do harm, I would let me be stabbed.
But even if you all swarm, you cannot have me grabbed.

I, too, wish a halt; an end to this sadness.
But they too are at fault, they are bested by madness.

I wish to meet one... who can bring me delight.
for there is no fun... if they cannot best plight.

A Woman

In the dead of the night, this woman walks by.
I see her a goddess and I wonder why.

She wanders alone.
Does she not fear me?
I sense fright in her tone.
I will not leave her be.

So I come to one beast.
To its flesh I make feast.
Though she might not be pleased,
she would see me at least.

I marched to her sight as a demon in shape.
With fangs to make bite and spikes on my nape.
With limbs that can fight as strong as an ape,
I walked to her right and deprived her escape.

She was too fair a damsel, too fair I must say.
A queen of a castle, though in truth she is nay.

As I touched her soft cheek, she was frightened as hell.
She could not make a shriek, so I went with my tell.

"Fear thy beauty, fear it most.
For a curse so deadly, you are host.

Countless men shall fall for thee.
Among the fools, a friend of ye.
He shall give you poems, one, two, and three.
Too sad is his fate, oh woe is he.

A depressing death, he deserves not.
For the efforts to have you, he reserves not.
So touch now my hand, my dear Arza Faith.
I will make it swift, in me place your faith."

But before she could choose, a young man arrived.
From nothing but words, his swords were derived.

Its radiance alone, it vanquished the dark
If he was a fish, the mighty white shark.

With a single command, they all charged to me.
and before I was harmed, they stopped at his plea.

"Insolent," I groaned, and then made away.
I left them together, "Good luck then," I pray.
He met her at last, I am Cupid today.
At the end of his novel, I am evil at bay.

Prepare, Forger.

Five Hundred Second and Five Hundred Third
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