» Fiction » Witch's Hill Chapter 1, aglass16 [people reading books TXT] 📗

Book online «Witch's Hill Chapter 1, aglass16 [people reading books TXT] 📗». Author aglass16

Chapter 1

“Mom, I don’t think that another school will help the situation!” I said to my mother in the car. We were driving me to my new school in Maine. “ Honey, this school is going to be different. It is for people who are like, you!” Wow. My mother had just called me “Special”. I have gotten used to words like different, unique,special, but from my mom, it was different. The car pulled up into the driveway of the private school. A big sign was plastered to the front of the gargantuan building reading, “ Witch’s Hill Private School”. It was a grand building made of crimson bricks and vines and various flowers were creeping their way up the side of the building. My mom opened the trunk of our green Corolla and pulled out my tattered suitcases. We hauled them up the porch and knocked on the eccentric looking door knocker. A girl who looked about my age opened the door and welcomed us inside. She led us to the supposed, “drawing room” ( why do these old places have so many names like drawing room, or parlor, or sitting room?) and motioned for us to sit in the sofa and wait for the headmaster to come to greet us. Well, I thought to myself, here we go again!


Publication Date: 12-08-2010

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