» Fiction » Five First Dates, Stacey Doss [ereader with android txt] 📗

Book online «Five First Dates, Stacey Doss [ereader with android txt] 📗». Author Stacey Doss

Five First Dates

Alana’s eyes were drawn to him the moment she walked into the room. His smile was brilliant, his eyes shone, and he had charisma beyond anyone she knew back at home. He seemed to draw people to him; a social butterfly.
“Who is that, George?” she asked her brother.
“That’s Michael Mathesen. He’s in accounting.”
“He’s kinda cute.”
“Not really my type.”
She slapped him playfully on the arm. “You know what I mean!” He chuckled. “Is he single?”
“Yeah, I think so. At least I haven’t heard of him getting married recently. I don’t know him well, though. Different department, you know.”
George introduced her around to his colleagues. She smiled and chatted, yet was aware of the draw she felt toward Michael. George left her alone at the hors d’oeuvres table later, where Michael found her.
“Hello, Alana, is it?”
“I’m Michael. George talks about you all the time. I think you are his favorite sister.”
“Really? I should be; I’m his only sister.”
“He says you enjoy museums? Have you been to the Smithsonian yet?”
“Yes, George took me yesterday. It is amazing!” He looked crestfallen. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, I was just going to ask if I could give you the tour.”
“You like museums, too?” Her interest peaked.
“Yes, I love them.” He took a sip of the punch. “Hey, there’s a party across town tomorrow night. Would you like to go?”
“Are you asking me out, Michael? I hardly know you.”
“I know. It’s just that George has told us so much about you that it seems like I’ve known you for years.”
“Now you’re schmoozing me.”
“No, really, I’m not meaning to.”
“You know I’m going back home next week.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course! I’m not trying to ask you out ask you out, you know…just thought you’d like to take in some of the fun the city has to offer before you have to go back to your boring small town. And I know George is pretty busy getting settled in with this new promotion.”
She laughed. He was easy to talk to and seemed like he’d be fun. “Sure. Sounds great.”
“Wonderful. Pick you up at 8?”
“Okay. I’ll be ready.”


She sat on the porch with her brother, waiting for Michael. Even though George had been in the city for most of his adult life, he had never outgrown the habit of sitting on the porch in the cool of the summer evening. Fortunately, he lived in a suburb where he could have a porch. They chatted lightly while watching cars pass. Soon, a blue sports car pulled to the curb. Alana trotted down the short sidewalk, jumping into the passenger side and waving goodbye to her brother before Michael could get out. She settled into the seat and turned to him, then gasped when she realized the driver wasn’t Michael, but another of George’s co-workers, Tom.
“Tom? Where’s Michael?” she stuttered. Her hand moved toward the door handle as her heart rate increased.
“He sends his apologies and asked me to pick you up. He had to get to the club early; apparently there was some problem with the band he lined up.”
“Oh, so, uh, he’s like hosting this party, or something?”
“Yeah. Actually, his brother owns the club, so Michael can reserve it occasionally.”
“Oh, ok.” She stumbled along, trying to reconcile herself to this new twist. She leaned back, trying to relax, watching Tom navigate the night traffic with ease. “So, have you worked with my brother long?”
“George? Yeah, he and I started the same week.”
“Do you work with George?”
“Naw, I’m not good with the technical side of computers. He can keep all that techie stuff. I work in advertising.”
“Oh, that’s right; I remember now. You are the assistant graphics designer, right?”
“Yep, and I love it. It’s exciting to see some of my ideas form the final product, and when I see them on t.v. or in the magazines…wow! I get as excited about each image as I did the first time my mother taped one of my drawings on the refrigerator.”
“I love art like that, too!” Alana laughed. It was easy to be relaxed with Tom, and she almost forgot he wasn’t the person who asked her out.
At the club, Michael swooped in, thanked Tom, and swept her to the dance floor. They danced a couple rounds then he left her to take care of a problem. She meandered to the group of ladies hovered around the drinks and grabbed a soda. She watched as Michael finished his business and started dancing with another girl. It didn’t bother her until 15 minutes later, when she realized she’d been forgotten. “You know, I think it’s rude that he invited me to this place, then forgets me,” she griped to the woman on her left.
The woman started, then replied, “You, too? My date did the same thing!”
“Really? I can’t believe that.”
“Yeah, mine is over there, dancing with the brunette.” She pointed to Michael.
Alana replied, “You mean Michael Mathesen? But he invited me.”
The woman snapped, “No, he invited me.”
Another woman on Alana’s right joined in. “You must be mistaken. I came with Michael. Actually, I came with his buddy, Alan, but I’m here with Michael.”
Before long, they realized that Michael had invited five different women, and had five different friends bring them. He had been working the room, trying to spend time with all five without them discovering the truth, but apparently juggling five was too much. He now had five angry women on his hands, and five unsuccessful first dates.
Alana rode home with Tom, who was very sympathetic, as well as disgusted with the actions of his friend. Years later, Alana looked back with thankfulness , however, as she and Tom recounted to others how they met , fell in love, and married just three months later.


Publication Date: 06-28-2011

All Rights Reserved

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