» Fiction » Lovely, Spottednose [top 10 books of all time txt] 📗

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I’m in the hospital. Johanna’s dead. I almost lost a leg. I have to wear a cast and use crutches for probably a month. I almost suffered from a concussion. I’m watching the news, and the highlight story is about me and Johanna.
“…Witnesses say they saw both girls fly up into the air, and fall heavily to the ground. Here’s the mother of the girl who died,” the news lady said.
Johanna’s mom’s eyes were puffy and red. “I-I-I don’t know what happened! Johanna just hated her life I guess. She will be dearly missed.”
I sniffed. I barely remember anything. I see a light then a feel sharp pain in my side, and then I’m in a hospital.
A soft knock came on the door. “You’re lunch is ready, Rosie.”
I couldn’t get up to open the door. It’s like the nurses kept forgetting that. “Come in.”
Nurse Pickett opened the door and came in. She was a slender, fairly tall adult. Her cheeks were always rosy and her long brown hair was always tied in a ponytail. Closing the door, the nurse asked, “How’s your Sunday going?”
“Okay,” I answered.
Nurse Pickett set the tray on the thingy next to my bed. Don’t know what it’s called…
“Hope you like eggs with a side of bacon and bagels with butter in it,” Nurse Pickett smiled. “Oh and your orange juice, too, hon. can’t believe I almost forgot.”
Rosie swiped her tongue along her lips. “Yummy!”
“If you need anything else, remember to press the red button on the wall to the side of you,” Nurse Pickett said, and left my room.
I sighed. Yesterday was a blur. Strangely, my mother hasn’t visited me yet. I shrugged and gently took the tray. I grabbed the fork and started chowing down.
“Rosie!” I heard an excited shriek at the other side of the door. It was my mother.
“Come in!” I yelled.
The door pushed open, and a beautiful little golden retriever puppy busted in. It barked and jumped on the bed.
“Oh my feathers!” I screamed. “Mom!” I yelled, looking up.
“To keep you company while you’re here. You can’t be alone!” my mom shyly said.
“What is it? Boy, girl?” I asked anxiously.
“It’s a girl.”
“YAY!” I yelled. “I’ll name you…” I thought for a bit. “Lovely.”
Lovely yelped. She licked my face, and I laughed. “Thank you, Mom!”
My mother replied with a kiss on my forehead. “Finish your breakfast.” “Lovely!” she called.
Lovely was already catching on. She jumped into my mother’s arms and my mom carried her out. “I’ll be sitting outside,” my mother explained. “Just yell ‘Mom’ when you’re ready for Lovely to come in.”
I nodded and gulped down my breakfast and drank my orange juice. My stomach was not agreeing with me. I was about to call for Lovely, but maybe I should wait a little bit.
I patted Lovely on the head. She was with me watching Good Luck Charlie my favorite Disney Channel show. Every time Charlie came on the screen, Lovely yelped happily.
“You like Charlie?” I asked Lovely.
Lovely panted and yelped again as if she were saying yes.
I rubbed Lovely’s head lovingly and I bet she almost purred like a cat. She licked my face. “You really make this hospital room liven up,” I whispered.
Lovely whimpered. She kept tapping her paw on my lap. “What?” I asked. Lovely whimpered again. I looked at the TV. Gabe was on the screen.
I laughed. “I don’t blame you. Gabe is one naughty person.” Looking at Lovely in her eyes, I say, “It’s like you’re a human. You can tell people’s personalities by looking at them. You’re a real special dog, Lovely.”
Lovely licked my face again. She yelped as a knock came on the door and hid under my hospital bed. “Who is it?” I yelled.
“Nurse Pickett.”
At Nurse Pickett’s voice, Lovely runs to the door and starts yelping wildly. Nurse Pickett opens the door and looks down at Lovely. “Why you beautiful little girl!” she exclaimed. “You remember me?” she pops a squat and rubs Lovely’s head.
I smiled. “What do you need?”
“Just your hourly check-up, my dear,” Nurse Pickett replied. She puts Lovely in a chair and walks over to me. She lifts up my right leg gently and it hurts like mad.
I squealed. “Put it down, put it down!”
Nurse Pickett drops the leg like it’s a bomb. “It still hurts that bad, eh? Get your crutches and get up. Your mom would like to see you.”
Nurse Pickett helped me get up and got my crutches for me. “You’ll be okay?” she asked, her eyes shining with worry.
“Of course. I’ve had enough practice,” I assured her. I walk out of the door, my crutches feeling uncomfortable under my armpits.
Lovely is calm and knows not to smash into my feet as I’m walking like she used to do. She actually helps me. When she sees me about to lose a step she presses against my leg to try to prevent it.
I finally see my mom sitting down smiling at me. “You’re getting along fine, right Rosie?” she asked me.
“Yep,” I answered while Lovely jumps on my mother.
“Good girl,” my mother says to Lovely.
Lovely yelped and got off my mother roughly. She barks furiously, as if she’s seeing something awful.
“What’s wrong Lovely?” my mother asked, confused.
Lovely keeps barking and we turn our attention to the front door of the hospital.
And you cannot guess what is standing at the door.

Author’s Note

Again, we end the chapter with an Author’s Note! I like to end chapters with cliffhangers. If you don’t know what a cliffhanger is, it’s like a dramatic scene. I like to end with people wondering what’s going to happen next. I’d like to remind you, this is one of my “poor” books. I don’t spend my heart and soul into this book like I do in my other Word documents. But it’s still interesting right? Leave comments on this book please and I’ll post chapter 3 when I can! Thanks! G’bye!


Text: An original spottednose and jaynat book
Publication Date: 02-15-2012

All Rights Reserved

To Ms. DiMatteo, my former writing teacher.

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