» Fiction » HELL ON EARTH, Becky Graham [best romantic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «HELL ON EARTH, Becky Graham [best romantic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Becky Graham

"This may be the most famous video call in the world. something came and we noticed it was a virus an alien virus.It crashed a little off the coast of Porta Rico.Ladies and gentlemen we are at war."

Thats all I remember he said a little prayer or something next I dono I still get haunted by those last words.Even though I am only 16 I carry around a machine gun a grenade belt two guns in my back pockets and a knife stuck down my boot.But that is what I call normal.
When this whole thing started we all had to go around wearing name tags it was awful ecpecilly mine I mean they put VORONICA instead of ROHNNIE my name is spellt diffrently because it looks better but anyway I think that if I got killed or infected and they contacted my kids home they would have no idea who I was, Veronica is such a horrible name.
I realised i was driving on the sidewalk but who gives a damn there is no one around to call 911.

It was raining for about an hour and when it finally stopped, not only the ground, but the air was damp to the frosty wind caught my eyes and made them sting and water.
I looked around, nothing.
Usually when you go down a damp dark alley you would meet an X (a person who has been infected)But nothing maybe I was paranoid (or crazy for wanting to come across an X)but I couldnt help but wonder.
"HELP HELP" "No i got this i can kill them Mark i can kill them all" "Listen Claire you cant we need help".
I found myself running to the voices when I got there there there were a boy and a girl maybe my age who looked alot like twins cowerding in a corner while about ten X crowded round them, I pulled up my gun and BAM! two head shots the rest were just kills. The girl supposedly Claire stood up her face looked very teary but angry.
"I could have handled it!" "I didnt need you"
Now it was my turn to get angry "Then you should have killed them when you had the chance thenand i just saved your LIFE so be a little more greatfull thank you VERY much!"
But Claire didnt even flinch.
"Sorry for my sister I am Mark this is Claire she is very short tempered, and thinks she can handle every thi-"
But Claire cut him short "Oh shut it"
"Hi i am Rohnnie, Rohnnie with an H"
Mark and his sister both had the same light brown hair a very light tanned skin and pretty green eyes.
"So" said Mark "where are you heading?"
"Nowhere I am just passing through"
But suddenly a huge crowed of about a hundred X came through the crumbeled brick alley there were to many what would they do now.......


Publication Date: 09-03-2011

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