» Fiction » stowaway, lady asha wheeler [best e reader for academics .txt] 📗

Book online «stowaway, lady asha wheeler [best e reader for academics .txt] 📗». Author lady asha wheeler

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Time to die

Ella saw the ship off the cliff. It was just a dark shape in the twilight. Within minutes, the night would completely cloak it. She looked behind her as she heard the dogs draw closer. Their braying echoed off the trees. She ran away from the cliff, she turned and ran at full speed.
At the last moment Ella pushed off the cliff face, arms above her head she arched her back. She felt the wind rip at her clothes. She tried to breath but barely managed as the wind pushed against her face. She leaned forward bending slightly at the hips. She hoped she had jumped far enough to avoid the rocks below. She straitened her body. Her hands sliced through the water, she held her breath and arched her body as it was engulfed by outgoing tide.
She heard the crushing thud of the waves as they assaulted the rock and then the silence of the ocean as it cradled her in its cool embrace. She swam, away from the shore, until her lungs burned. But her body was numb from the frigid water. She arched her back once again. Her lungs caught fire.
There was no glimmer of light in any direction. Had she swam the wrong way? Where was the surface? Franticly she looked around. She saw nothing. Was she to die now? Had it all been for nothing? Had she escaped him only for the sea to kill her for him? She ordered her mind to calm down and think.
She stopped moving filled her mouth with a small measure of air from her burning lungs and let it out slowly. She ached to draw a breath but closed her eye as the needed air left her lips. the moved toward the surface and lift her hair. The pain in her chest was excruciating. Her muscles barley obeyed her command to swim. Still she struggled to follow the bubbles. Every stroke made her muscles scream. Her skin felt like needles stabed her repeatedly. Her lungs burned with a white-hot intensity that forced more air from her lungs. Her hand hit the surface; she opened her mouth and sucked in the cold salty air. She couldn’t stop the coughs that racked her body. Her teath chattered.
She looked around and spied the ship. She swam toward it and finally found the anchors’ chain. The chain links were huge. A wave lifted her and slammed her into the links. The pain was mild as her body was already numb from the cold. She wrapped her arms around the links. She placed her feet, pushed, than she pulled with her arms. She climbed the 15 to 20 feet. Salty tears mixed with sea water on her skin.
She heard voices the closer she got to the deck. She lifted up and peered over the sided. There were only eight men. Still they worked and ran about in the dim light of lanterns. Staying as low as possible, she slid over the side. She crouched behind some crates that had been secured by chains fastened to the wooden deck. She feared someone would hear her teeth chattering.
"A hoist sails!" came the captains’ call. "Weigh anchor!"
She crouched lower. She tried to remain still but the cold felt as if it went to her bones. She knew if she didn't move soon she would of the cold. After some of the crew pulled the anchor, that hide dangerously close to, she did move.
Ella scurried quickly over the deck. She kept low and hidden. She found a hatch and moved fast. The air was dank and ripe. Her nose wrinkled. She moved through the hall. The ship swayed her stomach rolled. Somehow, she made it down into the hold. She was less careful now. Her head ached. Her stomach boiled and her limbs felt heavy. She neither had slept nor ate in almost two days. The climb up the anchor line had truly stolen her strength.
Almost half of space was in use except close to the entrance. Ella only found a small area the size of a large trunk. She found an old blanket and pulled it into the small space with her. Thankfully, it was hidden by tied down cargo. Just a small rest. I'll just close my eyes a moment. She thought. She sat down and curled up in the dirty grimy blanket. It stank of fish but it was warmer than her wet clothes. In moments, sleep claimed her.
For weeks, Ella stole about the ship, moving her beding as the need arose. One night she was almost caught in the head, another below the poop deck, twice the galley. She had learned quickly that it was a pirate ship. She still bound her breast- dressed as a boy and slept in the hold were ever she could find enough space. If she were caught she wanted the men to believe she were male.
The captain was a Captain James Talbot. At nineteen, Ella found him quite handsome in a scary way. The scar along his right jaw added to his intrigue.


Tonight they dropped anchor off the coast of France. Three boats had taken the crew ashore. Only two men remained over the week, men came and went. She longed to go ashore but knew the docks were heavily patrolled.
She had no desire to swim in the cold waters again so she stayed on ship and hidden. There were times she moved about ship just because she could no longer force herself to remain in her self-imposed confinement. She used her small size and exceptional hearing to her advantage. At night, she stole to the deck and watched as France slept. Concealed she watched. She heard no noise so the heavy hand on her shoulder stopped her breath in her throat.
"What ye be doin boy" the voice of the first mate asked.
Ella turned. His eyes narrowed. "Who is ye? Wha'ye be doin 'ere?" he grabbed her by the shoulder and started dragging her. "The Cap'n el wanna see ya."
Ella shuffled her feet and tried not to fall as he dragged her along. He banged on the door below the poop deck. He banged again. It swung open and banged the wall.
"What?" the captain bellowed.
"I foun' es ere crab by yer quarters sir." answered the first mate quickly. The captain motioned them inside.
He shoved her hard in to the room. Elle stumbled and fell. He laughed and the captain glared.
"Get up, boy." the captain commanded. She did so quickly. Harve shut the door.
"I wanna be your page boy," she blurted out in a rush of words. She was desperate no not be sent back. They both laughed at her.
"Aint no such thing ere boy- we's pirate." Harve said with a sneer.
She knew what they were. Her face showed no surprise. Straitening her back, she said "Fine. I'll be your runner then."
The captain looked her up and down. For once Elle was thankful for the dirt that concealed her features.
Harve blurted out, "Yers just a wisp. Aint got not a trace of air. Why’d we need yous fur?"
Elle glared at him. How dare he try to rune her chance? "I been on this ship a month and not been seen or caught. I can go anywhere the Captain sends me. My size works to the advantage." she spoke rudely and with more anger then confidence.
"Ye aint been ere no mont." Harve said accusingly. She laughed at him. He made a move yet the captain stopped him with one word.
Then the captain then said. "If the crab’s tale is true then it can be proved. Show us boy."
They made their way to the hold. She showed them her meager home. She had had to move it three times to avoid detection.
Harve glared at her. She knew she had made an enemy. When the captain asked what she wanted out of this employment and how long it was to last she had an answers. "A bed, a real one." she glanced at the filthy blanket she had been using. "In two years enough money to make a life in the new world." She never wanted to go back to England. Her father and Sir Reginald were there.
"Agreed." he said and turned, lantern in hand.

Unlikely friends

Her cabin was beside his and big enough for a bed and dresser. She was grateful for the small private space. The next weeks were harder than any she had ever known. Her duties did not end at running messages and gathering information. She worked the ship with the crew. She worked harder than any of them; fear of being flogged kept her moving. Punishment by the CAT O' NINE TALE meant being striped to the waist. Her true sex would then be discovered. She would, most likely, be forced to leave the ship at the next port.
Therefore, she worked hard to keep her secret. Off the coast of England, she sat in a boat bound for shore.
She intended to deliver the messages, gather some information, and board the ship as fast as possible. The first two messages were quick. The third took more time because she had to wait a reply. It was when she was at the docks that she heard a fight.
Harve and another man were in an altercation that involved fist, blood, and blades. Two men watched. One man stood with his back to her. His clothes suggested minor nobility. The other man stood in profile.
Harve killed the one that he was fighting and with a flick of his wrist, the well-dressed man sent the other to take his place. It was plain to see that Harve couldn’t take much more abuse. The well-dressed man was not much bigger then Elle so she drew her cutlass and from behind him put it to his throat.
"Order them to stop or I slit your throat now." she applied a bit of pressure to the flesh just over his vein. When he opened his mouth to obey, she almost dropped the knife.
His command brought them to a halt.

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