» Fiction » Curse or a Gift? I don't know....., BB [all ebook reader .txt] 📗
  • Author: BB

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Curse or Gift? Aww hell! I have no clue!

I fell to the floor screaming, and in agony while black wings sprouted from my back. I saw and heard people laughing all around me. I heard the bones in my back cracking again, forming the black bird wings. I screamed louder.

I woke up in my bed, shaking. I saw my older brother sitting looking worried. Ya right! He was never worried about me, to busy with his new girlfriend every week.( This was an old memory as well, these were all memories.)

I turned away from him and went back to sleep, but this time there was nothing to see. Just black all around me. As I looked around, I saw a little girl crying. I went over and asked her what was wrong. I saw she had wings like mine, exactly like mine. She looked at me with my bright purple eyes and said "You ask me whats wrong, but what's wrong with you?" And she vanished. Then I saw every memory of mine pass before me. Hmm maybe I'm dead, isn't that whats supposed to happen or something like that? But the memories stopped at the most hurtful one. I was six and my mother threw me out in the snow, now knowing what I was and screamed "Get out and never come back you horrid child!! You are not mine and never will be!!!!" I ran and ran, as tears poured down my face. I eventually bumped into someone, someone like me, only he was a grownup. "What are you doing out here all alone?!" He asked surprised. "My mommy didn't want me, so she kicked me out and said she never wanted me again!" I said through my sobs. "Well were's your daddy?" "He died. My mommy said he died 'cause he was like me and she said she never loved him again because I was like him too, and now I have nobody!" I said trying to run off. This man probably thought I was a freak too. He grabbed my arm and came down to my level. "Well I guess you can stay with me, my sons and my wife, if you promise to be good, ok?" "I...I..I... ok" I sniffled. The man held out his hand and I took it. "What's your name?" He asked. "Raven, because of my wings, you don't think I'm a freak do you?" "No hun, I'm just like you, and so is your new mommy and your new brothers." "Oh. Ok." I said as I began to swing our hands back and forth.

I groaned as I got out of bed. I hated those dreams, where it was a dream within a dream within a dream. The one with the brother was with my old mom that kicked me out when I was six. I went to my walk in closet and picked out a black shirt with a red dragon on it and black jeans. I jumped into the shower and felt the warm water run down my body, relaxing my muscles. I got out and dried myself off, putting on my clothes. I looked into the mirror as I brushed my teeth, then hair. I had raven black hair, purple eyes, and a very pale complexion. I had no pimples, and my hair was always like silk. As soon as I was finished I put on my "Dragon Gloves" as I call them, because 1) They match my black shirt with the red dragon, and 2) Because my pet dragon Chewy likes me better for some reason when I wear them. I got on the railing on the stairs and slid down, doing a summer salt in the air, landing on my feet soundlessly. I began to make breakfast when all of my brothers came down the stairs asking me what I was making.

"QUIET!!!!" I yelled. It went silent. I am the only one that usually shuts them up. "Jake, blueberry pancakes for you, butter and syrup." I yell as I slide the plate over. "Yes!" "Adam, french toast and bacon, little bit of syrup" I yelled as I slid it to him. "Oh Yes!" "And last but not least, Jeremy with scrambled eggs, bacon,toast and orange juice!" I said as I placed it in front of him."Thank you" He said quietly. He was a quiet kinda guy, that's why I loved the fact he was my brother. "What about us?" asked my parents. I pointed to a table set with everything. I took out my chicken fried steak, gravy, homemade fries, and scrambled eggs and sat down next to Jeremy. I saw Jake, the oldest reach for a fry and I stabbed him with my fork. "M..I...N..E.." I spelled for him. Jake was a blond, muscular boy, with purple eyes and a pretty smile, and the oldest. Adam then tried to reach behind me and grab one but I grabbed his hand and said "You want to pay for the counters and my breakfast again?" "No." He mumbled and went back to his. Adam had chocolate brown hair, purple eyes, muscular build like my whole family, including me, and a smirk on at all times he was second oldest. Jeremy had finished and asked "Can I have one?" Very shyly and timid. "Here ya go!" I said as I put a couple of fries on his plate. Jeremy was the youngest of the boys, and always stood up for me and was always nice to me, so I was nice back.
He was beautiful. He had hair like mine, in a perfect haircut, that I picked out, and he liked it. He had beautiful purple eyes that shone, unlike the other dimwits, and had the perfect amount of muscles.He was one year older then me. My other brothers looked their eyes as wide as dinner plates. "Why does he get some and we don't?!" They asked angerly. "Because he asked." I said simply. "Can I have one?" They asked. "Nope!" as I popped the "p" like gum and I continued as there faces were surprised. "Because you tried to take one first." "No fair!" "Jer, you want the rest?" I asked my plate half full. "Ok." He said a gorgeous smile on his face. I gave my plate to him. I remembered when I had first come home he ran up to me and wrapped a blanket around me and declared "I'm gunna be the bestest big brother ever!" He was gorgeous back then too, sadly he's my brother *Sigh*. I was always malnourished back then, so I was easy to pick up. He picked me up and brought me to the couch and got me popcorn. "Thanks!" I said with a big smile. I cuddled up next to him and watched my first movie with my new big brother. The next morning I woke up in a room with black walls with a red dragon going across the walls and matching bed, couches, everything. "Wow..." I whispered. "It's pretty" That's when I met the rest of my idiot brothers, who ran in, and started to ask me so many questions I got scared. I started to back away when Jeremy ran to my rescue and jumped in front of me yelling at them "Leave her alone! Can't you see your scaring her?!" From then on I knew he would be my favorite. Shortly after that I got Chewy, but Jeremy was still my favorite in the family.

"Hello?!" Jeremy waved a hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh. Sorry Jer. What were you saying? I had a flashback." "I asked if you wanted to go out flying." Jeremy said sort of annoyed, but he could never fully be annoyed at me. "Yes! I'v been getting cramps in my back waiting for you!" "Wait! You were waiting for me to go flying?!" "Uh Duh! Why would I go without you?!" " Good point" He said laughing. "Shut up and lets go!" I ran to the flying gear closet. I picked out my vest and took off my shirt, putting it on. It matched everything I had though. Jeremy did the same, and soon we were all geared up. "Mom, Dad we're going flying!!!" I yelled. "Ok Hun!" My dad yelled.

Flying is fun?

Raven's P.O.V.

As we got our gear on I remembered the day I had saved Jeremy. He was 11 and I was 10. Jake had knocked him out of the sky and he had started a downward spiral. "Jeremy!" I screamed. I dove after him and grabbed him by the vest. I flapped my wings as hard as I could, just to stay airborne. But then I was easily flying back to the house. I made sure Jeremy could feel his feet on the ground, and he ran inside. I slowly floated down, folded my wings and went inside were Jeremy was explaining what happened. I slowly started to tip toe away when I heard "Not so fast Miss." My mother pointed her finger at me and bent it, showing me to come here. "Both of you outside." "Spread your wings." I did as I was told, and I fluttered them a little, getting feeling back in them. I saw all of them wide eyed and mouthed. "What?! Did I do something bad?!" "No, look at the glass." I looked at the glass, and my wings were 5x's the size of Jeremy's and 2x's the size of dad's, and his was the biggest. "Wow." I whispered. They always would be like that, and they would grown bigger still.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

As we got our gear on, I remembered the day that Raven had saved me. I had been 11 and she 10. Jake, trying to be a show off to our sister, bumped me out of the sky. I started on a downward spiral. I heard her scream my name. I could hear her coming after me. "Oof!" I let out a breath, because she had so suddenly grabbed a hold of my vest. I heard her trying hard just to stay up, not including carrying me home. But suddenly, there was a nice breeze. I had thought I was dead, until my feet touched the ground, and I ran inside telling our parents what had happened. I didn't notice her tip toeing away until our mother had said "Not so fast Miss." And showed her with her finger to come over here. "Both of you outside." "Spread your wings." I did, but I heard a "WOOSH!" right next to me, and a loud flapping noise. I looked over with my parents, and saw it was Raven, with ginormous, amazingly cool wings! She looked worried, I guess we were gawking. "What?! Did I

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