» Fiction » Fight For Your Life, Catherine Holland [intellectual books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fight For Your Life, Catherine Holland [intellectual books to read txt] 📗». Author Catherine Holland

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Fight For Your Life

Part One


Two men sat talking quietly in a corner booth, the pub they were in was crowded and there was a lot of noise coming from a group of people at the bar who were watching a rugby game.
The two men paid no attention to the game, but they were both speaking in voices no louder than whispers. “Thank you for meeting me on such short notice tonight.” Said Paul, the anxiety in his voice was clear. “It’s no problem.” The other man said calmly. “I heard you come highly recommended for the situation I am in, which is why I’ve come to you.”
Paul seemed hesitant to continue, so he took a few gulps from his glass of beer. “And why have you come to me exactly?” The other man asked. “I’m going through a messy divorce and-.” The other man cut him off, “Divorces aren’t my area of expertise, so I suggest you speak to a lawyer.” Paul laughed a shaky laugh, “I know that’s not your area of expertise, I-.”
The other man cut him off again, “Then why don’t you just tell me what it is you want done? I don’t need or want to hear about your petty problems.” He snapped; Paul took a few deep breaths. “I want you to kill my wife and daughter.” The other man looked remotely amused. “Your wife and your daughter? And here I thought you were such a family man.”
Paul looked uneasy under the man’s stare. “I don’t want them dead just to end the divorce proceedings, Sharon can keep Poppy for all I care; I want them dead for the money.” The other man sat in silence for a minute, coldness and rage rolling off of him in near tangible waves. Once the silence had Paul squirming in his seat he spoke, “Look, sorry I came to you with this, maybe I should find somebody else.”
The man spoke calmly, “If that is how you feel Paul then I won’t stop you... But can you guarantee that this other person won’t make any mistakes? Will he be able to blend into society as well as I can?” “Yes I think so.” Paul replied. The other man slowly leaned across the table, “Lies!” He sneered, “I’m the best at this and we both know it, why surround yourself with second rate people?”
His voice turned calm and emotionless again. Paul took a deep breath, “Does this mean you’ll do it?” The other man replied, “Assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups; never assume anything about anyone Paul, especially me.” Paul flinched as though the man had shouted the words at him, but the other man continued to whisper. “Yes, I’ll do this for you, what I need for you to get me is a picture of your house, wife and daughter.
“I will also need the street name and the area you live in; I’ll be here in two days at this time.” The man stood up and Paul stood up with him, they briefly shook hands then left the bar together.

Two Days Later

Paul arrived at the bar earlier than was expected, he met the other man outside and they went inside together and ordered two pints from a heavy set man at the bar, they then sat down in the same corner booth as before.
“Do you have what I asked for?” The man asked, “Yes.” Paul replied. “Show me.” The man said in that same empty voice as before. Paul took out his wallet and pushed three photos across the table. “Everything you need is on the back of the photo with the house.” “I’m impressed Paul, I didn’t think you were capable of being subtle.” The man said. Paul looked taken aback, “You thought that I’d have given you everything you needed to know on sheets of paper?”
“That was my initial thought yes, like I said; I’m impressed.” The man said slightly amused. Now that Paul had an inkling of what impressed the man he said, “Sharon and Poppy are home every night, they do this ‘mother daughter thing’ and usually go to bed at around eleven.” The man noticed the change in Paul’s tone when he spoke of his wife and daughter.
“You seem somewhat... Jealous of your daughter, I wonder why that is?” Paul didn’t hesitate to tell the man with undisguised hate in his voice. “Sharon cares more for Poppy than she ever did for me, at this very moment Poppy has a trust fund with over five million dollars in it.” A flicker of emotion went across the man’s voice, but before Paul could see what it was, the emotion had gone.
“So Paul, where do you want this done?” “At home would be the best way, if you wait until Friday night to do it, they normally sleep in on the weekends and it’s not until early Friday evening they go out to the cinema. So it’ll give you plenty of time to get in and out without arousing suspicion.” The man picked up the three photographs and put them in his jacket pocket. “Now Paul about the payment, my fees will be three hundred thousand dollars.”
The man paused for a moment, “With that money it’ll pay for a clean killing of both your wife and daughter, and in case any of your daughters’ friends stay over for the weekend etc, etc... I prepare for any and every scenario there is.” Paul took a deep breath, “So how do I do this? Pay you I mean?” The man smiled briefly, sending chills down Paul’s spine.
“I want you to invest, invest in your daughter’s future.” “What?” Paul demanded. The man spoke slowly and clearly, “There is a company listed in the New York stock market called ‘HTY,’ I want you to buy three hundred thousand dollar shares at seventy five cents a share, I’ll take care of the rest.” Paul slowly nodded his head in agreement, the man got ready to stand up.
“I’ll contact you in a week after I confirm your investment.” The two men stood up and left the bar together.

One Week Later

Paul was just leaving his place of work, as he got into his car he felt someone in the backseat, Paul made to face the stranger when a cold voice said, “Don’t turn around; your investment has gone through as planned and you’ll need an alibi for this Friday night. I suggest you make plans.”
The back door opened and then closed, Paul was a little shaken up; his car had been locked before he’d entered it of that he was sure. Paul drove back to the hotel where he was staying and immediately made plans with his new ‘lady friend.’ His alibi was secure, yet Paul had a sinking feeling in his stomach as though something would go wrong.
Paul picked up the phone and almost called it off, but as he was dialling the last number he hung up and put his feelings down to nerves.

Chapter One

The week passed quickly for Poppy, she was impatient for Friday night to arrive, her two best friends Rashel and Thea who were also twin sisters were having a birthday party, and they were both turning fifteen. Rashel and Thea had invited most of their friends and as a result a hall had been hired in a local hotel where some of the teenagers would then be spending the night.
Poppy ran the comb through her long silver hair, her hazel eyes wide with excitement, as Poppy stood up, and she examined her five foot four inch slim figure critically. She was wearing skin hugger faded blue jeans with a silver slinky top which ended in a triangle at the front, and she was wearing silver strappy stiletto heels.
Poppy applied a blood red lipstick to her full lips and a little blusher to her cheeks. A knock on her door brought Poppy back to reality. “Come in.” She said, and her bedroom door opened and in walked her mother; Poppy had inherited her silver hair and height from her mom. “You look lovely.” Sharon said. “Thanks mom, I just can’t decide what to do with my hair, whether I should leave it down or tie it up.”
Sharon looked at her daughter proudly, “Leave it down love, just to let you know you’re ride’s here.” Poppy looked away from the mirror and grabbed her overnight bag from the bottom of her bed. Poppy had already packed the bag earlier on that day, and she added her comb to the bag and followed her mom downstairs. As Poppy opened the front door a white limo was sat outside.
She turned and gave her mom a cuddle and a kiss on the cheek. “Love you mom, see you tomorrow.” “Have fun love.” Sharon shouted as Poppy half ran to the limo. Once Poppy was inside the limo, she greeted her friends with squeals of delight, they then all took photos of each other, and were laughing and telling jokes all the while.
When they finally reached the hotel, the chauffeur opened the door for them and they got out, and then walked into the hotel. The receptionist gave them their room keys and the porter showed them the way, once they’d all put their stuff down they all headed back down to the reception where they were showed to the hall where the party would be.
Music was already playing in the hall, and most of the room had been converted into a dance floor, a few tables had been put together and were filled with food. Near the food area some small tables and chairs had been set aside. Poppy grabbed Rashel by the hand and pulled her to the dance floor, she was taller than Poppy by two inches but their figures were the same.
As they danced Rashel’s long black hair swayed from side to side and her blue eyes were glinting in the light. After three dances Rashel and Poppy stopped for a drink, Poppy looked around the hall for Thea but couldn’t find her, the hall was slowly filling up with their friends and Rashel went to play hostess while Poppy snuck out to look for Thea.
Thea was sat outside the front of the hotel on the steps and Poppy sat down next to her, “Hey, how come you’re out here?” Thea replied, “The hall is a bit stuffy.” Poppy moved a strand of long blonde hair out of Thea’s eye, and then moved to kneel in front of her and looked into Thea’s brown eyes. “So we’ll ask reception if we can open the doors, let a breeze in.”
Thea sighed then stood up; she was five foot five inches tall and had a slim build, “I guess.” Thea replied. A small grin was playing across Poppy’s lips, “What?” Thea asked. “Oh nothing.” Poppy replied. “Poppy...” Thea said in reproach. Poppy laughed, “OK, OK, Sean’s inside and I know he wants to dance with you.” Poppy took Thea’s hand and led

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