» Fiction » Dynamite, Madison Charlton or horselover7399 [ereader iphone .txt] 📗

Book online «Dynamite, Madison Charlton or horselover7399 [ereader iphone .txt] 📗». Author Madison Charlton or horselover7399

The day was hot my master was abusing me i needed water! The day mister Shacle came into my small box stall and put on my dreaded work harness. I am nothing but a big hearted Quarter horse gelding that lives in a small plantation.

I know that i am just a small little horse that dreams were crushed. But before i get to far in my story i need to tell you that this is my story of me Dynamite a little horse that made it to the top.
After that horrible day a girl named Annamarie came by to mister Shacles plantation and asked him if he was willing to sell me. "Why darllin why would you want this little shabby horse when you can have one of my finer horses like this thoroughbred right here we will start the bidding at 10 grand huh?" "One will you stop calling me darlin i am here to buy this little Quarter horse here not one of your fine little prized horses." "Okay, how much money do you have?" "A couple hundred." "Okay then deal" Annamarie or as i will call her Anna clipped on my lead shank. Then she lead me out the door and then at once i noticed that my new life would be much more better. "Dynamite you are going to be a champion one day and i am gonna ride you to the top!" And with that she hopped on my back and rode me to her little ranch and ranchhouse.
In their indoor arena Annas older brother at the age of eighteen was riding his beautiful Quarter horse Angels Magic. She was a pretty mare! Inside my new and much more tidier stall Anna groomed me until i shined like the days sun. Anna then turned me out to the pasture to let me graze in the sunset.

When i woke up the Hawaian sun peaked over the slits in the barn doors. Anna came running down the lane and said " Dynamite guess what boy, i am going to enter you in the reiniing competition in two months. So that means i am gonna saddle you up and we are gonna start traning ASAP." WOW! I have never been entered in a comptition before. The onley thing that i have ever been entered in was that weight pulling contest. All my old owner thought about was money. Money. Money. Money! Anna came back with my tack."Whats wrong boy you seem stressed?" She strapped on my girth and tightend my cinch. And then she hopped onto my back and rode me around inthe arena. "Oink, Oink, Oink." PIGS! I reared."Easy boy its alright." But that was not enough. I threw her off and she landed with a tumble and a scream. One thing ran through my mind she was hurt. BAD.

Annas older brother Zack came running out of the tack room."Anna what were you thinking?!" He picked up her frail limpey body and carrid her to his old blue pickup truck. And drove off to the hospital.
I realized that her dad was over on mainland in Cali. What have i done! I don't know what i am going to do.

One week passed and i heard nothing from her. Until Zacks pickup drove up into the stoney driveway and halted. He walked over and opened her door. There she was with a fracturd wrist and three broken fingers. She ran over to my stall and stroked my head and said real softley "It wasn't your fault i should of been holden on." I nickered it was quiet for about three minutes. "Anna come on dad said you need some rest." She left and all was quiet.

Anna came out and got in the truck. Two hours later they came back. She had no cast on whatsoever. I was so relived! Oh! Shoot! Mister shacle just pulled into the driveway and he had a trailer with him as well.

"I am here to pick up my gelding." Oh no. They are here to pick me up! I know that once i step onto the shacle property i would be sent to work pronto! "No you can't take him Uncle Shacle you are very cruel to your horses and i hate every bad thing that you do to your horses! You may be my uncle but that does not mean that you can hurt your horses and take MY horse.Remember i bought him?Huh! Does that ring a bell? Well it does to me you can not come on to our property and demand for my horse!" "Calm down please!" "No you!" "Anna go inside. It was dads orders. Since he threw you." "It was my fault i should have been holden on to the reins!" But her brother told her to go inside and wait till i am gone. After she left i was crushed so badley! He clipped on my lead shank and lead me to the trailer.

"Get in there runt!" said my new horrible master. He was trying to get me into my stall but i refused do go in that dreaded place. He got out his swith and swithed me one over my hide.I gave in and latched me in my own little prison. He knew how to abuse horses mentally and defenetaly phisically!

One early morning at about 3 or so Anna showed up she jogged all the way down to her uncles plantation.She brought a bridle to. Not just any bridle. My bridle!

She hopped on my back and rode me till we got to the old cave. That is where i lived before i got captured by those ranglers. She let me go and then we camped out there.

"I don't ever know how i am gonna hide you from my dad.He knows what happend. At his reining contest his phone went off and called Zack back. He was very worried."
I let out a very long sigh. She clipped on my lead shank and walked me back to our farm.
Tomarrow was the big day.And i was worried.I paced around in my stall hopeing get relieved.

Today i will go to the reining contest.Today i an gonna win.Today i am gonna shine out in front of the others.i will.Zack didnt know about me for he had gone to Hilo to judge a dressage contest. Anna came in with my shiny western saddle,and my black leather bridle. She saddled me and hopped on my back. And we rode off to the contest.
We arrived and we entered the 7:00 contest. I had butterflies in the pit of my tummy. Anna led me to our contest stall to wait to go and show."Well,boy whatever happens even if we lose we still have the memorey" Anna said. "Well looky here" said this mean red headed girl "You might be lucky enough to lose you know." she snickered. "ATTENTION THE 7:00 CONTEST PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE SHOWING RING THANK YOU!" blared the speaker."Good luck you'll need it"the girl said as she past. Anna led me.I shaked. She mounted i waited.Silently we loped into the ring we did some turns some loops and we then slidded to a stop.Everyone claped while we stood there. "I think i speek for all of us judges here when i say that this gelding has stood out from the rest. I have our blue ribbon winner. Give this young lady and her horse a round of applause." i stood there i could not beleive my ears! Holy stars!

We arrived at home with two blue ribbons.One for reinging one for showmanship. I do not care what her dad and brother thinks and that nasty girl. I won. i started from sratch. But then i mixed into something beautiful!


Publication Date: 01-18-2011

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