» Fiction » Attack of the school-finished, Marriah Fergsuon [classic novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Attack of the school-finished, Marriah Fergsuon [classic novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Marriah Fergsuon

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Attack of the School
There was this school in a city called Loretteville. In this town was a school people tended to avoid. They avoided it because a few years back a kid went in and still hasn’t came out to this day. We don’t know if it is because he is dead, if he was kidnapped, or if he liked it so much in there that he doesn’t want to leave. All we know is that none of us are willing to go and check.
The boy’s name is Clark. Let me tell you a little about him then we will get on with the story. The boy, Clark, only went into the school on a dare. See the school had been abandoned for over 100 years, everyone had said, and still says, that the school is haunted by the ghost of a killer and if you go into it then it kills you. The kid crept into the school grounds slowly, opened the creaky front door, his eyes bulged and it looked as if he was yanked inside by the front of his shirt. I know this because I was in the crowd that had watched it, me and my friends Carley, Mimi, and Elisabeth, who we call Liz. We tried to talk him out of it, we really did. We were about 7 at the time and didn’t know the rumors about the place.
My name is Aqua I have red hair and brown eyes. My friend Carley has green eyes and blond hair. Mimi had jet black hair and slate grey eyes. And Liz has almost white hair and eyes so dark they look black. It had been 10 years since then and we are all 15, we all have birthdays in the same month. Weird, right?
It has been a while since then and people are starting not to believe what we say about that night. One day we sat with our backs to the fence that surrounds the school wondering what happened to Clark.
“I think that he was murdered and a murderer is using the school as a hideout,” insisted Mimi.
I replied, “I think that there is some magic in the school that makes it impossible to resist going in, or ever going out.”
“Naw,” argued Liz, “I think that the spirit grabbed him and refuses to let him leave.”
“I honestly believe the school kidnapped him, not a person the school itself.” Carley said.
“Let’s change the subject it always causes us to argue.”I simply said.
About that time a little kid walks by and after overhearing out conversation says, “I dare you 4 to go in and see what really happened to Clark.
My friends and me glance at each other and at the same moment we all say, “Sure, we’re bored anyways.
After a stunned silence from the boy he says, “In five minutes meet me and a group of people at the front of the school.”
“Ok” we reply
My friends and I look around us nervously, the kid wasn’t lying when he said he would gather a group. It was almost the whole town. We started to the school, checking each step to make sure it wasn’t booby-traps. We got to the door safe and sound. The door creaked as we slowly opened it, we peaked inside and saw the most beautiful place we have seen before, our eyes budged. Suddenly we were pulled inside by something we could not see. At first I thought it was the ghost, then I say the walls of the school moving gently as if breathing.
I gasped, “You were right Carley, the school really is alive.”
She looked at us smugly and replied with, "Told you do."
We slowly proceeded farther into the school.It was at that time that we saw him,Clark, he was alive and well.We all stared at each other for a few minutes, stunned. He was the first to speak. He said, "You realize whats going on, right? You are stuck here with me until we either fix the school or we die, whichever comes first. And trust me you don't want t o be stuck here the rest of your life, you have to go to school still and eat really bad food and never see your family again."
"Wait! Whats going on! I do NOT understand what is going on!" I say freaking out, I mean he was supposed to be dead and here he was talking to us.
"Chill it's quite easy to figure out. Whats going on is that we can not leave the school for anything unless we break the spell and evil witch had put on it years ago when the world still believed in witchcraft." explained Carley.
"oh." I replied feeling stupid and spazzy.
We all looked at each other and at the same time nodded.We were in complete agreement, we would work together trying to get out of this school or die together having tried or trying. We all understood we wouldn't give up and that no matter what we were in this together, I mean we are all trapped in a school together, it would be hard to have cliquish drama here. As if we would have the time. At that time a bell rang and scared us all,but Clark, crappless.
"Time for math, we will all share the same classes because we are all in the same grade. Today we are having a test to see what we have learned, not for a grade, OK?
"Sure, how better to start at a new school except in class." I joked. Surprised that i actually got a few laughs.
"I do have one question. How do we get taught with no teachers?"asked Mimi tentative.
"well,we aren't the only ones who have been dared to come into this school and the ones that have grown up and been forced to go to college here went to be teacher,no willingly, so other dare takers or friend savers, like you and me, are our teachers." answered Clark.
"Oh" We replied with wit.
After school that day we went to the library to talk and do our homework. We talked about everything from lunch to how to break the spell. As it turns out we are the only ones to think of escape, the teachers had given up long ago or had never tried. Also we have no cable here so the only entertainment is reading and stuff the teachers have like board games, cards, dice, etc. It was a very boring existence.
We also complained about the food because he was not joking when he said it sucked. It tasted like elementary school food, the glop and goo you know what I'm talking about, right? Now that you're caught up we can start on the spell breaking conversation.
"Have you tried looking in the books in here?" I asked Clark.
"Not really, i wasn't trying to escape without more people so i was just going to school and doing homework not really looking for a way to escape." he answered.
"Well the library seems like a logical place to start. But I have a few questions before we start. The first is have you read any books in the library and who is going to keep track of what books we have read and that don't have the answer and ones that are a maybe." logicly stated, and asked, Liz.
Well I have read a few books with no clues in them. When we figure out who is record keeper I'll tell her and we will have a start."answered Clark.
"I'll be record keeper." I say.
"And i can hold onto the papers so we don't lose them."says Mimi. She is the most organized so we agreed.
"OK,Now that that is settled we can start on out homework and get started on these books." Says Liz, she's the smartest in the group.
A few hours,of reading and homework, later.
"It's almost dinner time." says Clark glancing at his watch.
"Thank goodness I don't think I could have read much longer. How are you guys holding up" I say standing up and stretching.
"Eh" they reply.
"I have a few more questions," says Liz "Firstly,were do we sleep? Secondly, will dinner be any better than lunch and breakfast because we are not in school hours now? Thirdly, are the beds comfortable? Fourthly,well there isn't a fourth question right now."
"Yes dinner is actually really good most of the time. We sleep in classrooms made into bedrooms,we each get our own. And yes the beds are comfortable."answered Clark.
"Let's go get dinner, I'm starved." I say.
"Me too.'says Mimi "Then I'm going to hit the sack."
"Yea."agrees Liz wile yawning.
"Follow me." Clark says wile walking away.
We all follow quickly after him.
"I think I found something!" yelled Liz."In this book here." she pointed out a page.
We read over her shoulder, the book said.

TO DO: simply say, evilness take this school
and make it into your tool.
TO UNDO: this is a lot harder, make a bomb with the following ingredients,
1 mystery meat sandwich
10 packets if salt
3 chairs

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