» Fiction » Broken Bones And Hearts, Oreo Llama [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «Broken Bones And Hearts, Oreo Llama [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Oreo Llama

Prolouge: A dream come true?

Chris's Pov


The bitter cold air, nips at my bones like a wild beast nipping at a carcass. I shiver as another cold wind blows, squiting my eyes i stand for a few heartbets before moving my swore feet.


I open my eyes, taking in the snowy terrain. Trees had snow filling there branches, and the soil had a blanket of the freezing snow. Turning my head i look behind me, nothing but a endless road trails behind me. I look forward again and the head lights of a van flash over me for a heartbeat before i get shallowed by the darkness once again.


I take another step, this time closer to the road. Taking a few more i can feel the rough stone road through my torn sneakers. Another wind blows, and as if im paper i fall down. My head hits the road with a bang, but the pain is not nearly enough as the cold.


Closing  my eyes i hear another sound of a car, and before long the powerful lights shine on me. I open my eyes to see a car coming straight at me. I close my eyes again 'I dont care if i die, it's better then living on this planet'


But instead of it hitting me it stops, because i can hear the squeaking of its breaks. I open my eyes to see the car door open up. A tall man gets out, with a pityful look. "Where are your parents? You shouldn't be out in his cold" he says, followed by other questions.


I try my best to answer but its as if the cold has frozen my vocal cords. I whimper, and i belieive he understands. "Well....come get in the back of my car, i'll take you home. You can have a nice bath, a good dinner, and relax" he says coming towards me.


I flinch as his hands grab me, there so strong and big. "Dont be scared kid, i wont hurt you" he says in a calm voice. 


He takes me towards his car where he sets me in the back seat. He blucks me up, and presses a button and with a smirk he smiles. "Its a seat warmer, give it a few and your back and butt will feel warm" he says with a little chuckle before closing the door.


Just like he said, my butt and back beginngs to get wamer and the cold leaves my system. I hear a door close and i see the man in the front seat. It blucks his seatbleat before turning to look at me. "Are you ready?" he says i only give a weak nod. The car starts up, the enegine rumbling and soon we dart off.

Chapter One: A Day Of Work

Chirs's POV:


"You better get your ass moving, or i'll wip you so hard you'll bleed!" the bloody scream of my so called Father, screeches at me.


He crunches on his apple again, getting another gaint bite. He does so why staring at me with those deivlish eyes. It sends a shiver through my body, which only amuses him.


"Come on boy work! You dont want to go back into the Out House do ya?" he snarls, his yellow teeth bare.


"N-n-n-no s-s-sir" i whimper in fear, which only makes him grow a smirk on his face. The Out House, is this old underground place. Im guessing it was used back in WWII, with its old rusty look. Although it might sound wonderful it's a place of torture for me. If it was a show it would be called, Beating 101 or something.


"Then work faster!!" he yells, getting up from his chair so fast he knocks it over creating a bang. He only gives a snort and tosses the apple core at me. Hitting me square in the head, i only rub my head for a heartbeat for i know it would be worse if i tried to stop the pain.


"Thats it, when i come back i want this place cleaned. If not its the Out House for you!" he snarls once again before opening the wooden door and slamming it shut. I hear the sound of his car start up, till it fades as he goes down the road.


"Probaly going to get more beer" I say out loud, before standing up and wiping my hands off on my shirt.


Once my hands are clean from the water and soap, i dash into the kitchen. Opening every cabint checking for any food. I grab a bag of chips, and a few cookies and dart up stairs.


I go into the bathroom, slam the door and lock it. Leaning on the door for a bit more help, i dig in. The stale chips taste like candy, and the 3 month old cookies are like heaven. Once im done with my meal, i hear my stomach growling for more but i know i cant.


I rush back down to try and finish my endless chores before my Father come's home.


Im just finishing the floor, when i hear the screeching brakes stop. My heart beats faster as the door knob turns. I can feel my stomach twist as he walks in.


"Just as i thought....not done. Its time for the Out Housse.." he says with his eyes blazing, and that demon like smirk.


He takes a few steps toward me, and i take a few back. My fear is only feeding his darken soul, so i just stand sit there letting him come closer letting the fear grow in my small eyes.


He grabs my arm, squeezing hard as he tugs me towards the door. I didnt reliaze till i heared the echo's of my cries, to know i was screaming bloody murder. 


With one dragging me outside, and another on my mouth i felt hopeless. He dragged me out to our backyard where in my first few days we would spot some deer, or rabbits. But those were lost memories in a ocean called death.


Pasting the gate, and father into forest. I try and scream for help, but his hand just cuts my words to mummers.


"Stop you moving you brat!" he snarls/whisper's to me. I  stop, but let the tears run down my cheeks. 


He opens the hatch to the Out House, and pulls me inside. Dropping me on the cold hard floor with a bang. I whimper as i try to get up but only got pushed down by him as he jumped inside. With a powerful foot on my back, he light a lamp sending light into the dark, and soulless place. 


"Now child i thought you understood..." he says letting me up.


"I-I-I-I-Im sorry..." i whimper. Anger flashes in his eyes and a powerful hand slaps be across my face. I fall hitting the metal floor. 


"Sorry? Sorry?" he says with a evil chuckle. Before grabbing me and pulling me towards his face, my feet dangle as he lefts me to his height. "Well im not sorry for this!!" he snarls and tosses me on the ground, letting the real beatting begin.


He kicks, he hits. He laughs, as i try crawling away holding my gut as each step shots pain through me. It slams me down letting the air knock get knocked out of me. I whimper in defeat, and let the tears run down my face. Blood paints the floor, as bursies are formed.


Once done he gives one last kick to my gut, before opening the door. It climbs out, turns and lets his demon eyes look at mine "Four days in here, no food, no water." before closing the hatch.


I whimper, and letting the tears escape my eyes. Blood pours from a wound on my head, which was created by him slamming my down onto the metal floor. I get up, weak and tierd from the beating. I lean on one of the walls and begin to let the blood mix with the tears and fall. Hopefully letting my life changing sooner.



Publication Date: 05-20-2015

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