» Fiction » The Savior King, M.D.H [easy books to read in english txt] 📗

Book online «The Savior King, M.D.H [easy books to read in english txt] 📗». Author M.D.H

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Chapter 1)
Deacon was helping his older brother Leon mend the fence around his family’s farm. A small home among a little village called Seaside with the sea to the east and great mountains to the west. In a country called Ruthenya It was a peaceful and prosperous land there as no war. The chieftains all lived by a truce set down since the dark times when the lands were overwhelmed by war and hate a time of great suffering. That was over two thousand years ago. They still tell the story’s of it on the full moon gathering like the one happening tonight. That is why Deacon can’t stop thinking about the story’s he loved to learn any new thing he could.
“What time do you think the gathering will start Leon?” Deacon asked.
“Soon Little brother soon it’s nearly dark. Now please hold this timber so I may tie it down. Father will have our hides if we do not have this done before nightfall.” Leon replied.
Deacon just turned thirteen this month so this full moon gathering would be special he thought his first one as a man. At least in the old times he would be a man now. From the stories told of the old times when a boy turned thirteen his training started to become a warrior. But it’s not like that anymore there are not any warriors. There are wardens that keep the peace and punish people who break the law. There are cities to the north with small armies, but they are just to keep the peace as well.
“Done” Finally! We should go get changed and cleaned up for the gathering Deacon.” Leon exclaimed.
“Ok.” Deacon replied. He thought that Leon looked even more excited about the full moon gathering then he did. No doubt he was eager to see the Sadara young women he has been courting for almost a year now. They will be married soon.
We walked in to our cottage together. It was a small home with two rooms and a main outer room. The walls were timber, the roof was grass, and the floor was dirt but it was home and they were happy. Mother was standing in the main room listening to father speak of a rumor that he head from the peeks by the sea people were claiming to see hundreds of ships big enough to carry hundreds of men each.
Mother saw us and said,” Hurry up and get cleaned up the sun is down and the gathering is starting.” Then she turned to father and said” it must just be wild rumors.” But Deacon thought he saw fear in her and his father’s eyes.
Deacon was the last to leave for the gathering his parents and Leon had already left. He was only interested in the stories and they did not start late so he was in no hurry. He was walking towards the main village where the gathering was held still a good ways off enjoying the moonlit night when he heard a loud horn in the distance on the other side of the village.
Deacon’s mind could not register what was happening. He heard men, women, and children screaming. The next thing he knew he was running towards the village he had never ran so fast in his life. Then when the village was just in sight a strong hand grabbed him and pulled him down to the ground and griped a powerful hand over his mouth, Deacon struggled mightily but to no prevail.
“Be still and quiet yourself boy.” A man said as he removed his hand from Deacon’s mouth.
“But I have to help my family and the others.” Deacon pleaded.
“And just what are you going to do boy there are thousands of them. They will kill or enslave them all. The women should pray to the ancestors to be killed for it will be far worse for them. The same has already happened in the cities to the north. The nobles, their families, and some others got away. They are fleeing to the moutons and to the south.” The man said.
“But I must help them.” Deacon cried.
“No boy your family would want you to live now come we must leave. My name is Armos.” He said.
Armos pulled Deacon back and whistled. Two horses came running up he threw Deacon into the saddle of one of the mounted animals and mounted the other he took the leads to the horse Deacon was on and road away south west towards the great moutons leaving Deacon’s family and village everything he knew behind.
They road all night and the next day neither saying anything to each other. Armos was a tall muscular man he had a scar on his left cheek, a graying beard, and green eyes. He carried a sword at his left hip and another across his back he also had a long knife on his waist. He looked like what Deacon pictured in his mind of a warrior from the stories of old.
“We will make camp here tonight. Tomorrow we reach my village.” Armos said.
“I did not know that there were villages in the moutons.” Deacon said.
“What’s your name boy?” Armos asked.
“My name is Deacon.” He replied.
“Well Deacon you would not have. There are four villages like mine. We still live by the old ways.”
“What do you mean the old ways?” Deacon asked.
“I mean the way of the warriors.” Armos replied.
Deacon was quiet for a moment deep in his on dark thoughts thinking about his family, the invaders, and how much he hated that he could not do anything. Deacon wanted revenge.
“Will you train me to be a warrior? “Deacon asked. “I am thirteen and of the age to start my training. I promise if you teach me I will do whatever it takes until my last breath if I must to destroy the invaders who have plagued Ruthenya. I swear it in my blood to the ancestors.” He said.
Armos appraised him for a long time. Deacon saw hope and a slight glimmer of fear in his eyes that he did not quit understand. Then Armos gave a single nod and said. “I will train you. We must rest now young Deacon tomorrow you start your training.”
They woke at sunrise and broke camp. They arrived at the village by mid morning. The walls were stone and at least a hundred feet tall with archers on the top. A horn blew three times when we came into their sights then twice more when we got closer. A large wooden gate opened and we entered. It was unlike anything Deacon had ever dreamed of there were huge buildings most made of stone and some of fine wood. There were armed fierce looking men everywhere. He saw a training ground in the distance with young men training with swords, bows, and other weapons.
They dismounted their horses a man took them to the stables. A women ran up and kissed and embraced Armos after they parted each other the women said. “It’s good to have our chieftain home. You must not leave like that without your bodyguards. I have been beside myself with worry.” She stopped speaking when she noticed Deacon standing next to Armos. Deacon was thunderstruck to learn that the chieftain of this great village had saved his life.
“And just who might this young man be?” The women asked.
“This is Deacon.” Armos answered.
“Deacon this is my wife Eldora.” Armos muttered.
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Deacon.” Eldora said.
“It is nice to meet you as well.” Deacon replied with a bow. Then he turned to Armos an asked. “When can I start my training?”
Armos did not seem surprised by the question and answered. “Now if you would like Deacon.” Armos waved a man standing nearby over. “This is one of my captains. He oversees the training of new warriors; I place you in his very capable hands but I warn the training is brutal.”
“I’m prepared.” Deacon said without hesitation.
“Very well Captain Rayo he is all yours train him well.” Armos said

(Chapter 2)
As the years past Deacon trained hard and learned fast. He trained longer and harder than anyone else. Ten years had passed since he began and now no one in the village could match him. Deacon lived with Armos and Eldora. They became his family. Eldora could not have children so she thought of him and treated him like her son. Deacon came to love her as a mother as well. But he never forgot his real family or what he swore to the ancestors to do.
Tonight was the full moon gathering of his twenty third years. Tonight he became a full warrior. For some reason the full moon gathering was different tonight. The chieftains and the best warriors from the other three villages that fallow the old ways were coming to this full moon gathering. Deacon had no idea why. He had never seen anyone from the other villages but he was too busy training to care. Deacon really did not care about much else other than training. He was ready to take his vengeance and after tonight he would be free to leave the village and do so.
The invaders had occupied the cities and villages the people they did not kill they made slaves. The invaders called themselves the Serpent Order. Deacon thought that the first thing he would do when he left tomorrow would be to try and free as many slave as he could. Then he would kill every last person in the Serpent Order.
Deacon came out of his dark thoughts and realized it was dark and the full moon gathering had begun. He wore his finest armor and black hooded cloak. He also wore a short sword over his shoulder and a long knife at his waist. Armos told him not to where a sword at his hip tonight. He had no idea why.
Deacon started down the stairs and found Eldora waiting at the bottom for him. She had tears in her eyes. He embraced her in a hug not sure why she looked so worried.
“What is it? What’s wrong mother?” Deacon asked.
Eldora stepped back with a small sob then she composed herself a little. She pulled the aura of authority around her that she commanded as the chieftain’s wife. She smiled and said in a said voice. “That’s the first time you have ever called me mother.”
Deacon did not even realize he called her mother but it was no surprise to him he loved her like she was his mother.”

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