» Fiction » The Real Ruler of Cronam, L.P. Genove [romantic books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Real Ruler of Cronam, L.P. Genove [romantic books to read txt] 📗». Author L.P. Genove

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Chapter 1: Prologue

He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival,
my confidant and my betrayer,
my sustainer and my dependent,
and scariest of all, my equal.
-Gregg Levoy


“The victory will be ours!”

Yorki shouts.
The crowds are also shouting claiming their victory.


Jackal shouts too. He seems disagreeing on Yorki.
One of the swordsmen says, “We are going to win this battle Lord Crinthor Howl!”

But another one says, “Are you sure that we can win this battle? It’s almost one decade and yet the battle hasn’t finished.”

Lord Crinthor Howl becomes angry when the swordsman says that. So he replies angrily, “I am your Lord and I will become the ruler of this city. If you say that again I will be the one who’ll punish you after this battle!”

The swordsman murmurs after Lord Crinthor Howl says that.
“Are you saying something?”

He asks.
“It’s nothing my Lord.”

The swordsman answers.

The battle is still ongoing and they don’t notice that their warriors are dying and still they keep on talking and talking. Lord Crinthor howl tells them, “Stop this nonsense conversation! We are being defeated by those wizards. We need to concentrate on the battle.”

Lord Crinthor Howl uses Aliogher, the Volt Sword, and it makes his Disaresta, a thunder slash that makes earthquake every time it is use, that the wizards make them carried away.

Another man who calls Zifan Kaedo, the lord of the wizards and known as the ruler of the Underground Society of Sann Mano, says to his co-wizards to use their best spells to defeat the swordsmen.

Jackal shouts and says to Zifan Kaedo not to worry because they are doing their best to win the battle. Zifan Kaedo uses his wisps to give him energy and power to cast more spells. He uses fire balls, thundara, and other spells to defeat the enemies.

While having the battle, both leaders of the party have a face-off and have a conversation.

“Lord Crinthor Howl, where did you get your strength on battling? You’re still up when this battle had begun.”

Zifan Kaedo asks.

Crinthor Howl replies, “That’s why I was called the Great Warrior of All Time. And you! You still have spells. Is it long lasting my brother? Hahaha!”

Zifan Kaedo responds, “That’s the purpose of my spells. I am the only one who can make those. Aha! That’s why I am more clever than you brother! Hahaha!”



After a minute………
“Get up there you both bitches!”

Ashe shouted.

“It’s still early mum!”

Zifan Kaedo and Crinthor Howl answered in duet.
“It’s already 9 o’clock in the morning. So get up!”

Their mother shouted again.

Both answered, “Okay mum!”

while murmuring.

So they woke up and got up on their beds and took their breakfast. Marcus, their father, reminded them that they were already later on today’s orchestra performance near the market.
The two finished their breakfast quickly and went and ran over the said performance. While running and hesitating that they could still catch up the performance, a girl accidentally bumped them and they fell down.

“I’m so sorry. There’s something I need to do guys. I’m really sorry!”

She said an had run fast after that bump happened. And suddenly…

“Look after her!”

the leader of the wizards commanded the other wizards.
Zifan asked the leader of the wizards, “What’s happening Mister???”

“I’m Sann Mano. I’m the leader of the wizards and the ruler of this city. Have you seen a girl who wears blue blouse, has a blonde hair and has a height 5’4 I think.”

The leader answered and asked like their something really about the girl his looking.

“Ohh! Is that you? It's nice meeting you!”

Zifan was really happy.

“Anyway, was that the girl we accidentally bumped earlier?”

Zifan whispered to Crinthor.

“Yes, I thought so. There’s something fishy in here. I think we should not tell them that we’ve seen that girl. The girl might be in danger.”

Crinthor replied and whispered too.

So they both decided not to say that they had seen that girl. The leader went away and still looking for that girl. The two were wandering if that’s the issue about that girl and why those wizards were looking for her. And…

The wind just blew on them and they had remembered that they need to catch up and watched the performance.

“Oh! We need to hurry! I wish the event is not yet finish.”

Zifan said while they were running.

Unfortunately, when they had arrived there, the performance was already finished. They went home like rotten pumpkins for not catching up the performance.

“Did you catch up and watch the performance?”

their father asked.
“We haven’t watched the performance because of that girl!”

Crinthor answered.

“Anyway Crinthor, did you just notice that? There’s something really strange about those wizards and that mystery girl.”

Zifan asked Crinthor about noticing that.

“You’re right Zifan. I’ve noticed that too. Maybe there’s something they need about that girl. And what I have noticed most when we met that girl is she’s very pretty and really cute. What a cool face. Aha!”

Crinthor was blushing.
Zifan told Crinthor, “We still need to go on our own classes. It’s 10:15 already. The class is going to start at exactly 11 o’clock.”

while rushing.

Zifan wants to become a High Wizard while Crinthor wants to become a Lord Knight. After they set all their things for their studies, they went away from the house and went on their own classes.


When Zifan entered the room, his classmates were very noisy, throwing papers and vandalizing the walls and even their chairs and Jackal went over to Zifan.

“Hey Zifan! Did you watch the performance of the orchestra today?”

Jackal asked.
“Hmm.. My brother and I did not catch up the performance.”

Zifan sighed.

“How sad! It’s your first time not to watch that performance. You were not able to watch your favorite cellist.”

Jackal said.

“Exactly! That’s why I am very sad about what happened.”

Zifan was very upset.
“Class! Master Fitcher is here!”

One of his classmates shouted. All his classmates stopped what they were doing. The class started while at Crinthor’s…..

“Crinthor! You are here! Our mentor, Master Yoshi, is not going to teach us today about swordsmanship. He’s unable to come here because of personal reasons.”

One of his classmates said.

“Ohh! That’s good! We do not have a class! Haha! Anyway, I will just go to the cafeteria to have some food to eat.”

Crinthor responded.
“Alright! See you later!”

His classmate bid goodbye to him.

Crinthor headed at the cafeteria and there was Biindie, their childhood friend, and greeted him.
“Hi there Crinthor!”

Biindie smiled.
“Hi too! Why are you here? You should be on your class now together with my brother.”

Crinthor asked.
Biindie answered, “I’m lazy going on that class. It’s too boring. Ahaha!”

“Ohh! Here comes Zifan!”

Biindie was so excited to see Zifan. Biindie admired Zifan a lot.
“Brother! How’s your class?”

Zifan asked Crinthor.
“As usual, Master Yoshi wasn’t there again.”

Crinthor was happy.

Biindie entered to their conversation and asked, “How’s the class Zifan?”

Zifan replied, “It was fine. You’re not there again Biindie! Anyway, I am really expecting that you’re not entering that class.”

“Yeah you are right! You know I am lazy and besides I do not want that class. I just want to know spells but not having a class like discussions.”

She laughed.

After their conversation, Crinthor went to his favorite place, the light house near the Springwood Forest.
He loved that place because of fresh air and the sound of nature. He felt very comfortable when he’s at the light house. When he’s on the top of the light house, he saw an underground passage in the forest. So he went down of the light house and headed at that passage.

When he had reached that passage, he entered there and saw too many snakes. He tried to find a way to get pass through those snakes. “How can I pass these snakes? What’s that? A green crystal?”

He went quickly to that green crystal and behind that he saw a transcript and he cast it like this: “Salan nga dwata susnodre kyokin.”

The snakes went out the passage. He passed through those snakes and saw a big sword on a huge rock that was filled of green crystals.

“Wooowww! A sword! Hmm… How can I get this sword?” Crinthor tried many ways just to get that sword.

First, he tried to break that huge rock but suddenly nothing happened because the rock has its crystals that cannot break. So he tried to draw the sword from that huge rock and the sword enlightened the whole underground passage and the sword surprisingly spoke.

“I’m ALIOGHER, the Volt Sword of the great Lord Knight Heichi Yuuga and the legendary sword in the whole continent of Daggem.”

Crinthor was so shocked and surprised because of the strange talk of the sword.

“Are.. Are.. Are you really talking? I can’t believe this. Maybe I’m just dreaming.”

Crinthor slapped his face. It was really true that the sword was talking.

“What am I going to do with you? Aha! I’ll visit you every time I go in the light house.”

Crinthor decided to visit Aliogher every day.
Aliogher responded, “Alright, as long as you bring tomatoes for me to eat, I will stay here.”

Crinthor laughed and said, “Swords are eating too? Incredible! Haha! And tomatoes? How can I get those? I don’t have any money to buy them.”

“If you are not going to bring tomatoes for me I will leave!”

Aliogher said.
“How can you get out of this place? You’re a sword!”

Crinthor laughed again.
“You still don’t know me and yet you can say that. I said earlier that I am the legendary sword of the great Lord Knight Heichi Yuuga.”

Aliogher said.

“Alright! Alright! I’m going to bring tomatoes every time I visit you. Got to go now! I am already late on my next class. See you tomorrow!”

Crinthor left Aliogher and headed back on his class.

When he returned at the academy, Crinthor saw his brother Zifan. “Where did you go Crinthor? It’s an hour since you left us. My class was finished.”

Zifan said.
Crinthor was stuttering, “Ohh.. I.. I.. I just came by on my favorite place!”

“Okay! I’m on my way now to my next class. You also go now.”

Zifan said.

Zifan and Crinthor went back on their class until they had come back at their house.


It’s already 5 o’clock in the afternoon and Marcus, their father, greeted them, “My boys, how’s your day in school? It is New Moon Festival later. Let’s have a dinner outside and watch the moon together with your mum.”

“Yeah we want dad!”

Zifan was very glad about their dad said and even Crinthor too and that night the whole city were celebrating the New Moon Festival.

Marcus’s family had a dinner at the Honky Tonk Restaurant. They were chatting and having a bonding.
After having their dinner, they went in the market to buy some souvenirs and goods.

“Dad! I want this silver bracelet.”

Zifan told his father about the bracelet.
“You want this? Alright! Let’s buy this.”

Marcus bought that silver bracelet and he quoted his son like this: “Treasure this Zifan and remember this: Everything in this world is not for lifetime but

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