» Fiction » Werewolves, Kasia [classic books for 13 year olds txt] 📗

Book online «Werewolves, Kasia [classic books for 13 year olds txt] 📗». Author Kasia

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"Marie. Can you please tell us what the difference is?" The teacher asked. There was only silence. "Oh come on Marie. I know you know this." The teacher begged. I of course knew the answer and why the teacher called on me. The principal was right outside the door waiting to here me speak. No I was not going to give them what they wanted. I don't care what they want. "Marie!" The teacher said snapping her fingers. "Answer the question." I shook my head. The teacher saw this small movement and got even angrier. It's not my fault that they don't try to understand me. If they did they would know that I don't talk. Oh wait they know that. They don't like it though and keep trying to make me talk. HA! Like that was going to happen. I sighed, oh well. "Fine don't answer the question. But it is going against your grade." The teacher said with a satisfied look on her face. I winced. Targeting my grade was the only way to get a reaction out of me and they knew it. Well that and all the kids around. Oh they just LOVED picking on me. Just because I was smaller then them and because I didn't talk. Hmh. Oh well. The school bell ringed. "YAY! OH YEAH! WOO HOO!" All the kids yelled as they ran outside. All but me. I slowly and calmly got my backpack packed and slung it over my shoulder. Not a word came out of me mouth as I slowly walked to the classroom door. "Marie can you please stay behind I would like to talk to you." The teacher said. I walked away from the door and to the teachers desk. The question was clear on my face but the teacher didn't say anything. She just looked at me expectantly. I sighed it was going to be a long day. I moved my hands in a gesture of yes? "Why do you not talk?" The teacher asked me. I just raised an eyebrow at her as if saying find out. She sighed knowing that she would not be able to get anything out of me. "Fine go on." She said with a tired look in her eyes. I waved goodbye. It was now spring break. No more kids calling me names, no more teachers looking at me expectantly, and most importantly no more school work. I sighed. Now I had to clean the house, mow the lawn, feed the horse, dogs, and cats, pick the fruit from the trees, sweep the driveway, pay the bills, get a new job, work at the new job, and much more. I sighed it was going to be a long three weeks. On top of that I had all the late nights out that I couldn't miss.

As it grew closer to night time I sighed at what a good job I had done. I had swept the drive way, fed the animals, did my last bit of school for the spring break (I knew that I could do it on the last day of school so I didn't worry to much about it.), and payed the bills. Now all I had to do was go out into the woods and visit someone. Out in the woods it is nice and quiet. The air smells of grass and trees. I looked around to make sure that I was alone before traveling farther into the woods. Suddenly the moonlight fell on me. There was a warm sensation slowly creeping through my body. I slowly took a deep breath and let it out. Suddenly some one yelled, "Marie!" I jumped around shocked. Some one found me! I turned to run but it was to late. "Hey! What are you doing out here at this time of night Marie?" Mici asked. I shooed Mici away with my hands. "Oh come on. Talk to me babe." Mici said hugging me. Mici and I where best friends. We have been since I came to the little town half a year ago. I looked at her with a look that said: you know I don't talk. "Oh come on that’s not true. You are talking to me right now with the look you just gave me." Mici said stepping back. I shooed her away again. I can feel the warm sensation getting hotter and hotter with each passing minute. "No I'm not leaving. I just got here." Mici said crossing her arms over her chest. No one has ever seen me transform and I plan on keeping it that way. I turned around to Mici and pushed her away. There is not much time left before its to late. The heat is almost unbearable I know that if I don't get Mici away NOW it will be to late. I shoved her away and ran deeper into the woods. I had to stop. It was happening I was transforming. The heat turned to pain. The pain turned into numbness, and the numbness turned into blackness. When I awoke it was to find myself with clawed hands and feet. The more I looked at myself the more I noticed a change. I crawled over to the little pond that was nearby and looked down at my reflection. What I saw startled me. The reflection was a wolf head that had two blue eyes that stared at me with it's teeth bared. I jumped back with a yelp of surprise. All the transformations in the past where small. I got claws, sharp teeth, and maybe a long snout but that was it. This... this was more... much more. "Wh-wh-who yelped?" Mici asked walking out into the clearing. She looked at me and screamed. "WHAT IS THAT!?" She asked pointing at something. I turned around looking for what she was pointing at. "No! You!" She said pointing at me. I held a paw up to me in confusion. "Yes you!" She screeched. "Wait! You understand me?" She asked trying to calm herself. I nodded. "Oh." She said more calmly. The moonlight fell on me making it easier to see me. Mici paled and looked as if she was going to faint. "Huhng huhng huhng." I laughed at her. "Not Funny" I cut her off, "AROOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!" She shivered. Howling made me want to run and hide but the more I stood there the harder it got to control what I was thinking. I shook me head and walked under the trees. "WAIT!" Mici yelled after me. I didn't wait I ran. I ran much faster then I thought possible. I ran deeper and deeper into the woods. The more I ran the more free I felt. The feelings of guilt and sadness over my parents death dulled. The feelings were still there just now they were tolerable.

Suddenly there was something in front of me. I stopped a little to late. "Arrrp!" the thing yelped. I held up my paws as if to say sorry. "Watch where you are going!" I looked around in confusion. "I said that." The thing in front of me waved it's limb in front of me. I realized that it was a werewolf! I looked at it in confusion. "Talk with your mind!" It said in frustration. I shook my head. "Why not?" It asked. I shrugged. It sighed and waved me to follow it. Following it I wondered where we were going. I have never been here before. "So how did you get turned?" It asked. I just stared at it. It sighed. "Fine don't talk. Hmmm well. My name is Ream and I got this curse from birth." Ream said waving his (I think it is a him) arms around trying to explain. "I don't talk. I'm not deaf." I thought."Oh really you don't talk do you?" He asked. I jumped in surprise. "What!?" I thought. "I can hear your mind when you think as if you are talking." Ream said. "Oh." I thought. We came to a mountain. "Oh I didn't know that there was a mountain here." I thought with surprise. "Yes there is. We have to get up there." He said pointing up to the top of it. "Ok." I thought. We started to climb. The climb was much easier then I thought it would be and we made it to the top faster then I thought we would. Once at the top I gasped. There were at least 20 other werewolves all walking around or talking. I closed off my mind so no one would be able to hear me. "Welcome." Came a voice out of nowhere. I stopped myself from looking around when a werewolf came walking over to us. "Nice going Ream." The other werewolf said to Ream. "Uh. Thank you. Umm I will leave you two now." Ream said looking at the other werewolf. The other werewolf just nodded its head. I'm sure that this one is male. "So. How did you and Ream meet?" He asked me. I just looked at him. He reminded me of the teachers. Always expecting me to talk and give them what they want like a slave. "He will soon learn that I don't talk." I thought. He just smiled. Then directly into my mind he said, "Nice defenses but they can't keep me out. I am the leader here. So you don't talk do you?" My eyes grew big and my mouth dropped open. "You should know that you look quite funny like that." He said with amusement in his wolf eyes. My mouth closed with a click. "How did you get turned? By birth or by bite? Normally if it is by birth then you would be around the same colors as the others... but you aren't. So which is it?" He asked. "I was neither bitten nor birthed with this curse." I thought to him. "You have to have one of the two." He said. "I don't have either." I thought back at him forcefully. "You must have one!" He exclaimed in clear dismay. "Well I..." Suddenly everything grew black.

"Marie! Come here quickly!" Mother yelled. "Coming!" I said as I raced out of the house to stand by her side. "Good good." She said clearly distracted. "Come now. We must get to the woods." Mom said as she ran. I tried to keep up with her but it was hard. "What about dad? Where is he?" I asked. "Now sweety. Your father is just taking a different route. We will see him soon. Come on we have to hurry!" She explained. Just as we got to a meadow I heard noise. "What is that?" I asked mother. "Shhhh! They will hear us!" She said looking around with fright. The noise got closer and just before what ever was making it came out of the trees, mother said, "Now Marie don't believe anything you are about to see. Ok? I want you to run as far away from here as you can. Ok?" Mother asked me with frightening clam. "Y-yes mother." I stuttered. "Good now when I tell you to run." She said looking at the trees. Next thing I knew men and dogs came running out of the trees. Followed by wolfmen and wolves. I froze in fear. There was a moments pause when everything was tense. Then mother gave a ferocious roar and she turned into one of the awful wolfmen. "Mother!" I screamed when I saw her turn into the thing. The men and dogs, wolves and wolfmen charged! "RUN!" The command sounded in my head. I ran. I ran as far and fast as my feet could

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