» Fiction » Tony, zzmbrashear [adult books to read .TXT] 📗

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By: zzmbrashear


The once was a dinosaur named Tony. He is around 17 feet tall. He only eats grass type plants. Tony is the brother of one boy and one girl. Tony is the middle child.
Tony was never like his brother and his sister. Tony was really good in school and got picked on a lot. He is the 2nd smallest in his family. His sister Lulu is only 12 feet tall but she is very young. Tony’s mother, father, brother and sister are all blue dinosaurs. Tony feels left out because he looks different from everybody else. Tony’s brother Rick gives him a hard time because Tony is smart and he is not. The next day a school there was a new dinosaur in school.
“Hello class.” Mr. Rocky, Tony’s teacher, said. “We have a new student today. Her name is Rosie.” Tony thought Rosie was very scaly and he loved how they shined in the light. “Please treat her nicely.” Mr. Rocky finished. At the end of the day Tony went up to Rosie and just when he was about to say something Jack came up to him.
“Rosie is this pea brain bugging you?” Jack said shoving Tony.
“Come on Jack, leave me alone! I was just going to say hi.” Tony said looking at Rosie.
“Jack is it?” Rosie said, “Take your pea brain and get lost.” Jack shoved Tony to the ground and walked away. Rosie helped Tony up.
“Are you okay?” Rosie said as she grabbed Tony’s hand and pull him to his feet. Tony was in a daze with her beauty. She had bright green scales and a long beautiful tail. “Hello? You there?” Rosie said waving her hand in front of his face.
“Oh sorry. Yes, I’m fine. I’m kind of use to it.” Tony finally said.
“Why do you let them push you around?” Rosie asked but Tony didn’t answer. When Tony was walking home alone Jack approached him with his ‘friends’.
“You don’t have your little girlfriend to back you up this time.” Jack said while pushing Tony until he fell backwards.
“Come on Jack. Leave me alone. I didn’t do anything.” Tony said. Jack punched him in gut and Tony screamed. Jack jumped on him, covered his mouth and started punching him again. Tony was biting Jacks hand. Tonys Mom came over and pulled Jacks ear.
“Jackson Ray Moore! Get you butt to your Mamas and I will meet you there soon.” Tonys Mother said said pulling his ear and not letting go. She went to go and help Tony but he pulled away. His face was all red and filled with blood. “Tony honey, come here.” Tony ran to his Mom and hugged her.
“Mommy, I want to go home.”
“Of course darling.” The next day Tony didn’t go to school. He stayed home in his room. His Mother brought him his favorite leaf but he didn’t touch it. Lulu even asked if he wanted to come to her Dino Ball tournament to cheer her on but again he said no. When school was out and he was home alone the door bell rang. It was Rosie.


“Hi Tony. I came to see if you were okay.” she said.
“How many people at school know?” Tony asked. He was tempted to shut the door because his cuts have not healed and he didn’t want her to see him like thid because he liked Rosie and was afraid if she saw him like this she wouldn’t like him anymore.
“Everybody knows.” She continued. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah sure.” He said walking to the couch. “I’m thinking of going to my sisters Dino Ball Tournament... Would you like to come with me.”
“Yeah! That sounds like fun.” She said. When we got there Lulu was winning by 8 Dino points. “So Tony have you ever met your real parents?” Rosie asked. Tony was shocked. He didn’t know what she was talking about.
“What are you talking about?” Tony asked.
“Well my parents are not my real parents either. They found me abandoned on..” Tony cut her off.
“Those are my real parents!” Tony screamed louder than was intentional.
“Tony calm down. Your making a scene. Look at your scales. They are purple. Look at your families they are green.” Tony looked at his and then his sisters and she was right. Tony knew that they were different.
“There is an explanation for it.”
“Really what?” Rosie asked.
“I don’ know but we are family. Real family.” Tony ran out and went home. When his mother and father arrived he talked to them about it.
“Mom, Dad can I talk to you for a second?” Tony said taking a seat at the kitchen table. His parents said okay and took a seat too. “I am different.”
“Of course you are.” His father said smiling.
“No! Thats not what I mean. I mean look at me. My scales are different. I’m smaller than everybody. I’m different.” Tony said looking at the table.
His mother reached for his hand but he pulled away.
“Honey, I think its time to tell him.” Tonys Father said to his Mother.
“But what if he is not ready.” She replied. Tony looked up.
“Tell me what?” Tony asked.
“Tony, their is no easy way to say this. You are not ours.” His Father said. Tonys smile turned to a frown and he put his head down.
“We found you. You real Mother and Father left you. We don’t know why but they did. We couldn’t leave you there to die.” His Mother said.
“All this time. I have been living a lie. I have been getting tortured by people and I just accepted that I will never fit in but I do. Just not here.” Tony said while leaving the table and not looking back. Later that night Tony left on a quest to find his real parents. He didn’t tell his fake Mother or Father. He just left. He took a Dino Sack and put some leaves and Dino-rade to drink. Tony hitch hiked all the way to Purpleopolis. He figured that if in Greenville there is green dinosaurs then in Purpleopolis there will be purple dinosaurs just like him. When Tony arrived there he went to the Tourist Building. In the tourist book he saw that the whole town eats leaves only, just like him. He also found out that their are only purple Dino’s, just like him.


Tony went to the Mayor of the town to see what he should do.
“Hello. I’m hear to speak to the Mayor, please.” Tony said very politely to the Dinosaur at the desk.
“Just one moment please.” She replied. “He is right through those doors.” Tony said okay and went through the doors.
“How may I help you, young man.” The Mayor said as Tony walked through the door.
“I’m looking for my parents.” Tony said.
“Okay. Where do you live.” He asked.
“No, you don’t understand. I have never met my parents. I was adopted so to speak. I have come all the way form Greenville.” Tony explained.
“Oh. Why do you think that your parents are here?” The Mayor asked.
“Where I come from people are tall and green and I’m not that. I belong here.”
“Well son, I cant promise you we can find them. I mean we can look for the parents in the past but that is as much as I can do. I’m sorry.”
“Thats all I need. Just look for parents in the past who have abandoned their child.” Tony said. Later that day the Mayor and Tony found a family who had abandoned their child because it was the runt of the litter and they did not believe it would survive. Tony was very happy. He wanted to meet them right away. The Mayor informed him that that family has two girls and two boys already but Tony needed to see where he belongs. Tony went to there house and was standing on their door step for about an hour before he knocked. When he did a Women opened the door. Tony knew it was his mother because their scales looked exactly alike.


“He.. he.. hello ma'am.” Tony said. “I am your son.”
“What?” she looked very confused.
“You abandoned me as a baby Dino but a different family found me. They raised me but I didn’t fit in. We looked different and... I came to find were I belong.” Tony said but she didn’t say anything. She stood there speechless. But then she said something.
“Tony?” She said. Then I ran to go hug her. She kept repeating his name over and over again.
“Mamma I missed you so much.” He said not letting go of her.
“It was such a hard choice to leave you.” She said stroking his scales. Then they went into her house and sat down to talk about it.
“If it was so hard why did you do it?” Tony asked.
“Our pack was moving and you just hatched. You three siblings came out rather quickly but you didn’t. We waited two days for you after they hatched and you didn’t so we had no choice but to leave you behind.” His real Father said. Tony didn’t say anything.
“We didn’t want to but we couldn’t get any further behind. How far did you come to find us?” His real Mother asked.
“I grew up in Greenville. My other parents found me and I grew up there with a brother and a sister.” Tony said still not looking them in their eyes.
“I’m happy that you grew up right and with a good life.” His Mother said. Tony stood up.
“You think I was happy? I was miserable! I was so different. Dinosaurs weren’t sure if they should be scared of me or laugh. I had purple scales when everybody else had green. I’m short when everybody was tall. I came home everyday crying because I got beat up. I was not happy and I did not grow up well!” Tony said. He was embarrassed at his out break but he knew they needed to hear it.
“We had no idea.” His Father said but Tony didn’t look at him or say anything.
“If we knew then..” His Mother tried saying but Tony cut her off.
“You would what? Come and save me. Yeah I can imagine that. Hi I’m Tonys real parents and he is not happy here so we are going to take him but thanks for raising him for us. Yeah like that would go over well. I’m sorry that I’m yelling but you just don’t understand.” Tony said.
“Help us understand then.” His Mother said.
“Okay. I grew up never really knowing who I was. I alway thought that I just didn’t belong and that is how it would always be. I didn’t even know I really didn’t belong until a few weeks ago and as soon as I did I came to find you.” Tony said taking a seat back at the table.
“So your parents don’t know your here?” They asked.
“No. They don’t understand. No one does.” He said.
“How do you think they feel. Not knowing where you are or if you are okay?” His Mother asked.
“I don’t know but if they really cared about me then they would have told me sooner that I don’t belong so I wouldn’t feel so bad.” He said.
“But do you think it would have made a difference.” His Father asked.
“No but

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