Aurora, Faith Gunter [best value ebook reader TXT] 📗

- Author: Faith Gunter
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Chapter 1
It was very dark.I felt a fire. It was every were. I felt as though I was sent to my own personal hell. I screamed out for some one, any one to put out the fire. No one came. I screamed for what seemed to be hours at a time. I found no use, no help,and no one there to save me from this eternal flame.
The fire eventually started to die down, but out of no where it exploded in my heart. Then every thing went flat. Totaly and utterly silent.
I arose to find my self in a small dungeon. I did not know what has become of me. I never knew. My whole life I lived in darkness. The one day the one memory I can remember is when I met him. He was beautiful. His blond golden hair flowed from his ponytail ever so slightly.His skin was pale almost white.His skin was as hard as ice;the exact way it felt.His eyes were blood red. I thought it was just his natural eye color. I was wrong.
He spoke of me. How I looked. Delicious. I couldot tell of what he ment. But he spok to another man of equal beauty. He said his name was James. The last words he spoke before he bit me. I did not know why but the bite burned just like the fire. The man of who's name I never found out saved me. He took me to the dark room I am now in and lied me down on a mat. He said he would be right back but I neversaw him again. I would have loved to thank this beautiful man for saving me. He knocked the one called James from on top of me. I will be forever thankful.Little did I know forever is what I had.
I arose from the mat and I looked around to find a way out. I found a small flight of stairs just a few feet from me. I walked up the stairs then stopped . For there was a door with a lock just two steps away from me. I picked up the lock that was attached to the door and twisted it around. I did not no how powerful I now was. For it broke between my two fingers.
I stared at my hands. They looked the same as always just paler and as cold and hard as ice. I opened the door were a lovely room awaited me. It smelled of flowers and inscents. I smell that was foreign to me. In the midst of my curious ness I noticed that i had a small burn in my throat almost a thirs if you will. I walked through the small kitchen right off th side of the room to find more steps. These with a wood design to them. I went up the steps and found two doors. One to my left and one to mmy right. I decided to go into the room on the left although the door was closed it had a fine pink lace around the edges of the door. When I opened the door I found that this was a room that belonged to a little girl. There was a small closet at the end of the room. I walked over to it and oped the door being carful not to brake the small fragile handle.
Inside of this closet I found clothes of the same size I was wearing. I found a very eligant yet modern dress. It had a blue fabric all around except for were there was a small white lace.I took the dress out of the closet and put it on leaving my old clothes behind on the bed. I grabbed what seemed to be shoes of a fancier origin. Instead of imediatly goint bac down the steps I opened the window. I then smelled the sweetest thing I must have been longing for. For the burn in my throat blazed into a full blown fire.
I then noticed a group of outlaws who seemed to be up to no good. I then jumped from the window landing on the tallest of the mens back. He was suprised to see me. ut terrified to see my blood red eyes and in one quick movement I drained him and his three friends of every drop of blood in there bodies.
I walked away satisfied but feeling horrible at the same time. Then it happned my first so called vision. It was of a family of who I didnt know. But I hardly knew anybody. They were runnin through a forest Chasing after a pack of wild bears. They swiftly and quckly drained the blood from the bears just as I had done with the owtlaws.
They called one another by their first names. Carlilse his wife Esme, Emmet his wife Rosalie,and Edward. The where not related but they pretended to be. I then in a matter of minutes knew evry thing about them. They looked of what I did and the man James. I now knew what I had become; what they called a vampire. I was shocked stunned alomost. I was now what myths and legends called dangerous and evil.
As I walked down a dusty old road I saw a little boy on the other side of the road.He was with his mother.He had big brown eyes and deep golden locks of hair.And at that moment my second vision of my life came to me. I saw of the one named Jasper Whitlock. He would be in he town resturant a few miles from where I stand now and thats where I would meet him. He would be the love of my life. And only fate could bring us together.It Would be a day of dark skies and a very heavy rain.
I started in a brisk walk burning no sweat or energy. I changed that pace to a run then a full out sprint and made it to the rusturant in a matter of minutes.When i first entered the resuraunt it was dim out side the clouds covering the sky. I walked up to the bar and took a stool.
" What can I do you for little lady?"He said in a husky voice.
" Um.... How about a weather update?"I replied in my now high pitched voice.
"OK little lady any thing for a pretty girl like you.Well we suspect a storm is coming in abut five days to a week. Maybeye even sooner."
"Thankyou very much kind sir."
"Your very welcome. Can I get you any thing?"
" No thankyou."
" Alright but tell me if you need anything."
" I will thankyou."
I waited for days losing count after eight. And finally it came. The biggest storm of the season. It was about noon when he finally walked through those double doors.Jasper Whitlock the man in my visions. He walked straight back to were I was sittng.
"What took you so long?"
""Well my apoligies mam."
We started talking and I told him of what I have seen in my visions. Itold him how I saw him here. I also told him of the Cullens family up north in Washington.I told him of they're odd life style and how grand it seemed to be. He agreed to go with me. From that moment on he and I knew we were ment to be.
When we reached the Cullens house in the small town of Forks. I waltz right up to the door not tired from my run there. And spoke to them as if I had known them my whole life. I intreduced myself as did Jasper. I told them my original name of Mary Alice. Then I told them they can just call me Alice for short. I Sat there with the Cullens for about an hour talking about they're life style.Also about Jasper and I posibly joining the family. I got to choose a room. I chose the room with the best room. Which happened to be my new brother Edward's room.
Edward got home from hunting with Emmet and found all of his things in the garage. I had to make room for my things. The next day after Jasper and I were setteled; they entire Culles family Jasper and I included. Sat down and talked about our permenant settlement there. They agreed to it and found Edward a new room.
I was now happy after the days of fire and the weeks of waiting. I finally felt as if I belonged . Here with my new adopted Cullen family. And me and my new husband. We will now forever be Jasper and Mary Alice Cullen.A week before our wedding Jasper and I spent time apart preparing our selves mentally. We didn't know each other for long. All we knew was that we were completely and unconditionaly in love with each other.
So Emmett, Carlilse, and Edward were taking Jasper on a Mens 'retreat'. Really they just rented a cottage up in northern Canada. Carlilse said that they were havinga mountain lion problem and they should go and help out. I didn't mind because Esme, Rosalie and I were throwing us our own little party. We were having a spa day at home. Well that's the story we told the guys. None of us were ones to lie ,but if they knew that we had put or money together to get our own personal spa built in Idaho; they would never let us leave the house.
Even though we were vampires, they still didn't want us doing any thing they considered 'risky'. THe love of their existances should not do any thing dangerous. Which is why we had it built in an Idaho forest so they wouldn't be able to find us.
After the boys left for their trip we started to pack up or clothes and hair pins.
" Alice. Have you seen my silver, topaz inncrested hair pin?" Rosalie called from she and Emmett's room.
" No," I called from the bathroom. Suddenly I had a vision of her finding the comb under the couch of their room."Wait, Rose I found it."All of a sudden she was standing next to me with an excidetly questioning expression on her face.
" Were is it?"
" It's under you're bed. Emmett thoght it would be funny to hide it from you. He was going to make you find it when ever he was going to ask you on a date. He forgot all about it when Jasper bet him in an arm
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