» Fiction » Happy Place., Briana Collins [popular romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Happy Place., Briana Collins [popular romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Briana Collins

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1. Only the Beginning.

It’s pouring rain outside in Grand Rapids. Though I hate this sound, It’s very nice… If I don’t have to be in it. I’m looking outside my cramped bedroom window. I can hear the wind whistling , The dead trees swishing, and the birds chirping frantically to each other. Its starting to thunder now. I don’t like it. It’s like a bunch of people moving chairs above my head. At least, they are not that loud.
I’m very glad of the choice of our family vacation this year. For the past fourteen years of my life, we’ve gone everywhere that would annoy the hell out of me. Up North, Alaska, Antarctica, Oregon, Washington, New York,. These places were very nice places. We got to go to the Root Beer Falls, Seen the Northern Lights, Even the White House…But the climate was horrible! Finally, I suggested a nice, warm, sunny place. They said yes!!! So we were going.
I saw my mom and dad packing the suitcases into the truck. We are driving there…It’s a mystery where we’re going.. Only my Parents know. I don’t know how I feel about that yet. My little brother, Jamie is playing in the rain. Eww.
* * *
After a few moments, my mom waves. It is 7:54 a.m and time to go. A shot of a powerful emotion went through my body. It was a anxious, excited feeling. I ran down the stairs, feeling crushing sadness at the moaned creak on the seventh step. I stopped at the end of the wooden staircase, remembering when Epoh had tripped down the steep stairs, busted his head, and went into a concussion. He was 4 then. He had brain damage… and died tragically when he was only 7, Days before his birthday. My Parents still haven’t gotten over it. - 5 years ago - I don’t think we ever will…. It’s just not something that’s easily forgotten…I shuddered. I Looked into the living room and kitchen for last time until next month, By the time we got back, it would be April. I would miss Michigan maybe just a little… The light intruded from the crack in the door, discovering the dust in the soft air. I walked out the door, and onto the soaked gravel.
There was a light crunching sound coming from the connection of my boots and the minute rocks on the ground. I go into the car, my brother is talking to me… I don’t listen. It’s not the important thing right now. I close my eyes. Slowly the car starts crawling out of the driveway. Once we’re on the freeway, I quickly fall asleep. I wake up drowsily for a few seconds, staring at the clock… I’ve been asleep for like 10 minutes. Ughh, 22 more hours.
* * *
I look at my phone, Its only 9:37 a.m. Oh well, I go back to sleep.
* * *
I wake again at 11:12 a.m. We’re stopping at McDonalds, Yum.. Fries and Burgers. I ask where we are. “Just got into Ohio bout‘ an hour ago, Nevaeh. We stopped so your brother could use the restroom right quick…we didn’t want to wake you up.” My mom said. She turned back around, giving me a burger and fries. Ahh, The salty smell. So appetizing. I took a fry. As I bit into the fried potato there was a delicate “crunch” My taste buds got excited at the delicious taste. The fries were scorching hot ; right out of the grease! It burned my throat as I swallowed. I quickly ate a few more. As I reached to take my burger, a green, slippery pickle slid out of the end. It landed on the black leather seat. I hurried to pick it up. “Dad, give me a napkin.” He handed me one, and I slipped the round pickle into the middle, and folded it up. I took a bite of the wide, thin burger. The bun was crisp, the burger juicy, the ketchup sweet, mustard spicy, and the pickles salty. All together making paradise! I quickly finished it.
My brother was playing on his Nintendo D-S. As I listen, I notice that the rain is lighter now. I take out my favorite book, “Breaking Dawn” It’s the fourth book out of the Twilight Saga. It has a chess game on the front. Very bland and blunt, but beautiful at the same time ……


Woah, How could a vampire and a human have sex? I Think About that for a while, Slowly drifting back into unconscious….

2. Through the States.

When I woke up, I was wide awake. We were on the freeway. I slightly had to use the bathroom.. But I could wait. - … 1 hour … 2 hours … - “Mommmm, Pull over all ready! You already passed 2 rest stops!”
“ Okayyy, hun. I said I would, I will. On the next stop…”
“Fine. Chill out.”
My mom grunted, and Jamie snickered. I pushed him, and his face got red, and he pushed me back. I laughed, Making him even madder. “ That was so weak.” “Shut up!” I laughed again, and Dad told us sternly to stop… I smiled, and said, “suree.”

As I got out my purse, we turned into a rest stop. I got out and went to the bathroom, and in a stall. *** When I got out of the stall, There was a short, curvy girl standing in the mirror… Putting on lip-gloss. She had a short skirt on, and cow boots… We must be in Kentucky. She looked like a slut. I Laughed inside my head. Then went to stand next to her. I grabbed my lip-gloss , The Cool Mint kind from Victoria Secret I got for this trip. It’s my favorite, and I was running out. I spread it across my naturally plump, sweet pink lips. Letting the Coolness make my lips feel cold. I smiled, loving it when that happens. I redid my naturally curly, light brown - Like sand- pony tail then looked at the girl. She was staring at me. I stared a her momentarily with my honey, hazel eyes. Put a smug smile on my lips and walked out with my famous diva walk. - everybody loved it at my high school. - Haha, Wished they could do it , I should say. -
When I got back to the car, my mom cut off the radio, and turned around smiling at us. I got kind of worried that this was where we were gonna’ stay for a month… That would suck. I wanted a beach, ocean, hot guys.. Not farms, rivers, and country guys…. But then my mom said “Any guesses yet?” I put on a relieved smile, then guessed what I had been hoping.
“Texasss!” My Brother said in a booming voice, I stared at him blankly for a second then looked back at Mom.
“Uhh…Idk…Maybe South Carolina..” I said warily.
My mom‘s smile turned sad, shaking her head slowly. She turned around with a grimace on her face. Ahh, Man. I shouldn’t have said anything. Jamie stared at me stubbornly and I glared back.
I fought at myself for thinking of Epoh…But I couldn’t help think of it… I loved and still do love that kid to death. I turn toward the window, and a silent tear escapes my tear duct and travels down my cheek… I taste the salty water on my tongue, and I swallow loudly. His identical hazel eyes just like me and my mom. My dad’s darker skin, and my mom’s sandy hair color, with my dad’s curls. And the big dazzling smile… from his own brilliant face. I smile through my betraying tears. His laugh was, a piercing, high pitched sound. I cant believe it used to annoy me…I would do anything to hear that laugh and voice saying sis’ with his round lips, and hugging me with his small arms, and chubby, dimpled hands.
His second word was sis’. I remember when he said it, and my mouth dropped open with a surprised expression on my face. I had been so happy, … and smug. My smile turned sad.
Those few days before he had died in South Carolina, after we moved there for his speaking coach ,and his recovery treatment had been hectic. His grave is at home,

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