» Fiction » Secrets of the Heart, B to the S [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets of the Heart, B to the S [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗». Author B to the S

I still remember the day I met him. It was right after Thanksgiving in 2002. I just moved into the neighborhood, and was really shy. I was walking to the bus stop when I saw two kids walking side by side down a street coming toward me, and I toward them. There was a boy and a girl. The girl, looked about my age, with freckles and an auburn colored hair. The boy, appeared a few years older with vibrant blonde hair. We met in the middle, the girl said “Hey, I am Jessica and I am a second grader. This is my brother Jordan.” Her voice was thick with the Gullah accent that people who lived in downtown Charleston tended to get.
“Hey,” I replied, my voice thick with hillbilly North Carolina accent. “My name is Greyson, and I’m a second grader two.”
“I am a fifth grader,” said the most amazing voice I had ever heard, belonging to this boy Jordan. I finally had the courage to look him in the eye, and oh boy, I can still remember getting lost in those gorgeous brown eyes. They appeared hazel in the outskirts and got darker the closer to the pupil you got. “If you want, you can sit with me,” he finished.
As he said this, I noticed the bus coming.
“Oh great,” said Jessica. “The big twinkie is here!”
I laughed. Now that I thought about it, buses do look like twinkies.
“Come on,” says Jordan.
I hesitate, and he seems to notice.
He looks at me and then grabs my hand. I can’t help but notice how perfect my hand fits into his. He is the first boy to ever hold my hand, beside my brother.
“I know your scared cause it is your first day,” he says. “But I’ll be here for you.”
I snapped out my day dream, when someone says “All rise for Judge Stephen Mathis.”
I quickly stand, brushing off my black skirt.
The judge walks in, and then immediately I hear two guards coming. Bringing in the man I love. The man that I have loved since I was in second grade. The man that has broke my heart over and over again. The man I crave like a drug. The man that has ruined me for all other men. And the man, who I have to testify against.

Chapter One- The Party
As soon as he walks in I notice two things. Someone had completely shaved his head. There is no trace of that beautiful golden blonde hair left on his head, which I loved to run my fingers through. The second, is how awful he looks. His face is flushed, looking as if he has not slept in weeks. He hasn’t, I thought to myself. He comes out the opposite side from which I am sitting, and immediately starts looking around. When his eyes meet with mine, they light up and he winks at me. He then goes and sits in the front of the court room, on the left side, with me three rows behind him.
“I have looked over your records Mr. Robbins, and have took in account you have been in similar situations before, maybe not so serious, but you have been charge and proven guilty of drug distribution, possession, and theft,” says Judge Mathis. He then takes a pause and gives Jordan a look filled with so much disgust. I know that feeling. I am feeling it right now. “Due to the severity of these charges, I am denying you bail. Court dismissed.”
Judge Mathis quickly gathers his things and stands to leave. The same two guards who brought Jordan in, then yank him up. Jordan quickly looks back to me, and mouths, “I Love you.”
Three Weeks Ago
“God, Jessica! Your brother sometimes just makes me angry.” I yelled.
“Then why are you with him! He gives you this crap every weekend. Then on Monday he promises to stop, and then starts back up by Wednesday.” She replied.
We were on our way to Russell’s. He is this guy that Jordan is friends with, who is a complete and utter douche. He was having another one of his famous parties, in is oh so famous shack behind his house. At this party there would be sex, alcohol, and tons and tons of drugs. Just where Jordan wanted to be. He promised me 4 months ago he would stop. We both did, but he wasn’t keeping his promise to me like I have him.
“I am going to let him know, that this is his last fucking chance. I don’t care if I have to drag him out by his hair. I am not losing the man I love like this. Not to a bunch of shit face drug addicts.” I spat out of anger.
I decide to park at McDonalds, across the street and walk across to Russell’s house. We go around back and here No Hands playing. Great. I push my way through people pretty much dry humping each other, gross, go get a room, to the back of the shack where the couches are. I spot him immediately. And look what he has in his hands. A freaking bong.
“Jordan! What the heck are you doing??”
“Babe! It’s about time you got here. I was getting mighty lonely, if you know what I mean,” he says flirty, wiggling his eyes at me. If he wasn’t messed up right now, I would so take him up on that offer, but I am to mad right now.
“Jordan! Snap out of it! Look what you are doing! This is the same shit that is destroying your life, our lives! What happened to never doing it again, uh? I don’t care if it makes you feel good. You can’t control yourself under this stuff. You are not the same person.”
Just then, I hear screams coming from outside. I look and everyone is rushing out. Jordan gets up and storms out. Jessica comes running to me, with tears down her face.
“Jessica, what the hell is going on?” I ask.
“Its.. Its… Patrick. He isn’t breathing.” She says.
Oh no. Jessica continues, “Amanda is calling the police.”
Jordan comes back in, looking flustered.
“Jordan, what was Patrick doing here?”
“I… I… brought him.” He says. I notice a tear coming out of the corner of his eye. I have only seen him cry one other time.
“Oh, Jordan, seriously.”
“That’s not it Grey…” he starts.
“Then what is it?”
“He.. took.. a lot.. of oxy cotton.. that… I gave to him..” he says.
Oh shit.
Back in the court room
“Miss Lewis,” I hear someone say as I get up to leave.
I look back to see Officer Goodman and Officer Randals. The two main officers on this case. They have been keeping tabs on Jordan since his first criminal charge five years ago. I know these men quite well.
“Hello Officers, Having a great day are we?”
“Miss Lewis, we need you to come down to the station with us. We want to ask you some more questions before you have to stand up in court,” says Randal.
I hesitate.
“It is just a few, nothing to worry about,” says Goodman. He is as nice as his name sounds.
“Sure, is it okay if I let my ride know what is going on?”
“That is fine, but we will wait with you,” says Randal. He can be a real hard ass sometimes.
We then proceed to walk outside, and I see my mom’s blue jeep.
“Hey mom, I gotta go down to the station for a bit.” I say to her.
She makes eye contact with me, and I notice the wrinkles around her eyes. There are tons due to her worrying about me.
“Sure sweetheart, they will bring you home though, I got to go to the dinner.” She replies. Yeah, she works two jobs to keep the roof over my head and to make sure I don’t have to want anything. She is an amazing mother.
“yeah, if not I will call Jessica.”
“Oh, kay, Love you. Be Good.”
I smile, she has been saying that to me for years. Even when I was a pain in the ass. I am glad I cleaned up when I did. I couldn’t stand worrying her anymore. I was slowly killing her.

“Bye Mom. Love you.” She then starts to pull away and I turn to look at the officers.
“Alright boys, let us go get this over with.”


Publication Date: 03-13-2012

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