» Fiction » Forever To Keep, Sapheria . [superbooks4u TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever To Keep, Sapheria . [superbooks4u TXT] 📗». Author Sapheria .

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Shoulders relaxed, head up. Breathe! Remember to breathe! Okay, good, keep breathing. Here she comes, keep your position! Arch your back, flex your toes more. There, good. Good job. Now stay this way.

"Raise your arm higher, Amethyst," Ms. Tamara said quietly. I pursed my lips and nodded, doing what she said. "Perfect." It all clicked together suddenly and I smiled brightly. This was the feeling we all worked towards. That moment when your body clicks the movements together and you finally realize that this is what you needed to do. She smiled back slightly and then dropped it, moving on to the next person. "Arch your back, straighten your toes, and keep your arms raised. Don't look down!" 

"Ow!" one of the new girls yelped as she fell to the ground, scraping her knee. Some of the older girls in my division started laughing and I scowled at them, walking over to the girl. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she gripped her ankle harder. 

"Is it broken, lovie?" I asked. 

"Out of my way. Let me see." Ms. Tamara moved up from behind me and looked down at her hand. The girl moved it away slowly and everyone started making a puke face once they noticed the small bone that was sticking out. "Go to the doctor." She signaled me to go with her and I nodded, following her instructions. The girl's arm went around my shoulders as I lifted her up like a baby and walked her down the hall. 

"Am I going to be kicked out?" she asked in a soft voice. 

I looked down at her and replied, "What's your name?" 


"Well, Amy, I don't know. It depends on how severe your injury is. If it can be fixed easily then you will be asked to stay off of it for a week or two but, considering the bone is sticking out, you will probably have to go home and reapply to the school next year." A small frown formed on her face and she nodded her head. "The Academy is strict on the people it allows in and since you were injured there is also the possibility you will not be able to join, even next year." 

We went into the Doctor's waiting room and I set her down in a chair, walking to the secretary and telling her what had happened. Afterwards I walked back to class. Although class was in session and I was supposed to be paying attention I just faintly payed attention, my mind wondering to The Academy and it's rules. Ballet was a tough dance to learn and I guess it made sense that they took those who were experts in the field but many careers were ruined here. They let people go left and right. Only ten people who attend can expect to have their career furthered through the school and sometimes not even then. 

"Amethyst! Where is your head? The class is already over, why are you still dancing?" Ms. Tamara's voice pierced through my train of thoughts and I looked around, noticing she was right. Immediately my hands flew to my sides and I lowered off of my tip toes. "Take off your shoes and get to hip hop class before you're late." I nodded and scurried off into the locker rooms, untying the ribbons of my slippers and taking them off. 

After changing into my sneakers I stepped out into the hall and started walking towards the hip hop room. The only problem was that Sabine and her crones were patiently waiting, their backs relaxing against the walls. "Oh hey, Twinkle Toes. Ready to go?" she asked in a sickingly sweet voice that I knew meant she was going to start trouble. 

"I don't think that's the best idea, Sabine. Perhaps some other time, yeah?" I said, moving away backwards so I was still facing them.

"You know, if I was your mother I would have changed that stupid Austraulian accent of yours. It sounds so annoying and please! Look at those freckles! How pathetic," Rebecca snapped at me. Sabine laughed and Tiana joined in. 

"I'm just going to go now," I replied and sprinted down the hall until I was in a locker room. After poking my head out and making sure Sabine, Rebecca, and Tiana were all gone I let out a sigh of relief and took my ballet clothing off, changing into sweats and a tank top with a bright blue flowing sweater on top. One shoulder of the sweater was draped downwards but I was too lazy to fix it, besides it added to the style. 

"Well, this is certainly different," a male's voice said. I jumped and turned around to Chris. A smile spread across my face as I ran to him, throwing my arms around his shoulders as his went around my waist. 

"What are you doing here? This is the girl's locker room!" 

"No, this is the boy's. Ha ha ha!" My cheeks started to flame and I started to stutter but he cut me off. "Don't worry about it, this is just between me and-"

"Hey, look! The Normie's in here." I turned to see Tyler, Sabine's boyfriend, standing in the doorway. I pushed away from Chris and grabbed my stuff, running out and into the girl's. I didn't stop running as I dropped my bag and clothes and opened the door to the hip hop room. The boys came out at the same time I stepped through and small worry flashed in my mind. What if they tell everyone? 

'Riiiiiing!' the bell sang as the clock hit 10:00. All of my worries left my mind as the teacher, Mr. Jerry, stepped in and started to instruct us. Hip hop and ballet are two seperate dances that are basically the exact opposite of each other. Ballet is about knowing the next step and making sure to hit it perfectly while hip hop is letting the music flow through your body and deciding what to do on instinct. 

"Amethyst, will you please stay after class?" Mr. Jerry said when the clock reached 12:00 and class was over.

"Well, it's lunch time and I am very hungry so if you could make it quick I would greatly appreciate it, yeah?" I replied.

He laughed quietly and nodded. "I noticed you were doing quite well today. Have you been practicing more?" 

"Yes. You told me to." 

"Yes, I know, it isn't a bad thing. I was just wondering what you thought about joining the Expert class. You seem ready for it now."

"You mean the class that Sabine is in?" I gulped once, already knowing the answer. He nodded, proving my suspicions correct. "No thanks. I get picked on enough for being the only Normie among these Perfects, yeah? Besides, I have a lot to learn."

"Amethyst, maybe you should think on the offer. You shouldn't let Sabine drag your dancing down. You would learn more in the Expert class then what you know now. Just, please, think about it?" He paused for a moment as I nodded. "You're free to go." I turned around and let go of the breath I had been holding in, walking down to the bathroom to make a quick stop. When I opened the door to one of the stalls the sight surprised me. Sabine was hunched over the toilet with her fingers down her throat, choking herself...


"S-Sabine, what are you doing?" I asked, making her jump and hit her head on the toilet paper dispenser. She looked at me and then the toilet where her puke was swirling around in the water. Her hand flew up and flushed it down as the other reached for her bag, but when she tried to slip by me I blocked the doorway. "What were you doing?" 

"Look, Normie, it's none of your business. Get out of my way," she snapped, trying to push me. I took a small gulp and moved aside, letting her go through. She stopped momentarily and turned back towards me. "If you tell anyone, I'll take the small amount of respect this school has for you and burn it to the ground." With that said, she left. Suddenly the stall beside me opened up and a girl around my age stepped through. 

"So you're Amethyst?" she asked in a shy, quiet voice. I nodded once, not wanting to speak since I wasn't sure my voice would stay strong after what Sabine had said. "I've heard a lot about you. Is it true that you're better at ballet then Rebecca and Tiana put together?" I froze. What? Is this what people said about me? 

"You must have the wrong Amethyst. I'm Amethyst Shickara, the Normie?" 

"Yes, I know. Everyone talks about how beautiful your ballet is. A lot of the Perfects around here are actually jealous of you," she replied in the same sweet tone. I looked her over, taking in her freckles, red as fire hair, and the actual twinkle in her eye. 

"I have to go. See you around?" I walked away without waiting for her answer. My head was spinning and I needed to calm down. I barely paid attention as my feet carried me towards the cafeteria. I felt as if I was a ghost, just wondering the halls among the living beautiful people. That's exactly what they were... Beautiful. The world had changed alot over the course of 2000 years. 

History class taught us about how people used to be born the way they were and weren't able to changed anything except for their boob size and get a face lift, things like that. Now-a-days people chose their children's personality, looks, and talents. We don't get a choice, our parents control our lives; just as we will control our children. I am a Normie, someone who didn't get changed at birth at all. When you're a Normie you're basically a human but there are still differences. Humans are extinct, they don't exist anymore. 

You see in the year 3031 science created it's first "Super Being". After that they continued and continued, trying to create more and more. Soon they did, but they started killing the Humans. Humans created too much violence, misery, and overall sadness in the world. The "Super Beings" realized this and killed them, every single one of them. They picked up on their science, though, and continued on with the research and soon it came to the way it is today. Sometimes I start to wonder if maybe there are still-

"Hey there!" I looked up to see the person who had interrupted my thoughts. 

"Oh, hey Chris. I saved you a seat," I replied, patting the seat next to me. He sat down and looked at me with a strange smile on his face. "What?" 

"Nothing, nothing. Just wondering why you seemed so intense just a few seconds ago." 

"I was just thinking, that's all. You know me and my brain, we always get ourselves into trouble. Besides, what happened to you today? I didn't notice you in Jazz class and Contemperary was boring without you as well."

"Well, I wasn't feeling that good earlier. I'm sorry. I'm sure you didn't

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