» Fiction » Blackbird, Nikkie Youngblood [top reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Blackbird, Nikkie Youngblood [top reads .TXT] 📗». Author Nikkie Youngblood

Chapter 1-The Black City

How can you see the outside world when there's a big wall in the way?


The city is sarounded by walls and has been for as long as i can remember. The wall was over a hundred feet tall, the color of insideion rock. The only ones that can see over that wall are the guards, and you have to be trusted and from the iner city to do that job. My sister Hannah And i have lived here our whole lives and i wish and drem to see over the wall...

  "I have decided to take a chance and do it" i say to my little sister Hannah. "No! your ganna get cought Raven!" She whispered harshly to me. "Not if i am carefull, you know that i will always come back to you" I grin as I say it way too over confident. "No, you will get cought this time. i just know it Raven please dont go. I have a really bad fealing about this." She says slitly raising her voice so i can here all of what she has to say. "Hannah" i say sweetly. "You know i have to do it, i have a feeling to" i smile to her. "that something different will happen today...something good" looking to the sky i hear her sy. Glancing to her i smile again,"I'll see you later Hannah." And Start towards the wall.

okay raven, you can do this. you have to do this. "of course i can do this." i say aloud. spotting a guard i slip behind the corner so i can stay out of sight. peeking aroung the corner "the coast is clear." coming out i spot the stairs. "This is it, no going back now." I grin and start to sprint up the stairs. Guard! to late im spotted. I keep sprinting though i know it's hopeless that ill get cought. "I have to see what's out there!" i breath knowingly i will see it this time. Almost there. Just a little closer. "Stop her!!" the guard shouted to the men closest to me.

"No!!!" i scream as larg hands rap around my arms. "I have to see it!!" Im shoutig at them struggling to get free for just one glance at whats over that wall. the guards hand slips and im at the top. gazing over the clear feild of beauty.  In aaww i just stair at it, until the guard is upon me. "What do you think you're doning here?" he askes although i know om not sapposed to say anything i cant help myelf. "Is it not obvious as to what im doing chubs?" i say rudly to him. i guess he took the the wrong way. Slap! he slaps me in the face, hard too. "Well, that hurt!" i whisper to the fat guard. "hhmm, do they let just any fat man do this job? or just you?" the remark was out of my mouth before i could stop it. but you have to admit that one was good. grinning he goes to slap me again. "Stop that john." someone says from behind him.

Saprised he spins aroung. "Oh, it's just you kid." he says turning his attention back to me. "Your going to be going to the capital young lady. And you know what happens to people who try to look over the wall" hes smiling now. spitting on him "You discust me. and everything you people do!" I shout at the at guard. "Get your hands off me, or else" Threatening him putting every ounce of venom in my words as is needed to deal with the guards around here. " the hands behing me loosen almost emediatly shaking in what was true fear. "Or else what little girl?" he asked tounting me. "What will you do" Here goes nothing. taking the oppertonity of the loose hand i spin around kicking the gaurd behind me in the gut while pushing him backwards so he falls down the stairs. Spinning back to the fat guard, grining a dangerous smile i look him in the eyes. "Aaww, are you afraid of little ol' me?" walking to his shaking form he backs right into the gaurd that told him to stop. i stop too. squienting at the younger gaurd, "who are oyu?" curiosity getting the best of me the gaurds ar on me agian and im back in there hand, tight grips on my arm the fat gaurd back infront of me.

"Take her to the cells." my eyes widen instanly, Hannah was right, i think i will listen next time. i smile and gaze at the sky. "what is your name?" back in reality the young gaurd askes me. looking at him i relize he must be at least my age or a year older. "Raven" i whisper. He looks saprised "Ill take her to the cells." my head snaps up meating his gaze. "Ill take her" he says again. and takes my arm as he begins to lead me down the stairs. i glance at him, getting a better look at his face now. He has blackish brown hair that falls just above his eyes in a cute swishy way, and his eyes... Their the color of the ocean, ocean blue and they are gourges!

Before he can notice me looking at him i hurry and glance away. "Where are we really going?" I ask staring ahead. "I can't tell you that" he says blankly. "Ill see where we go if you don't tell me it wont matter" i say cooly before i can shut my trap. we suddenly stops pulling me to him hurting my arm. "Ow!" 

"Oh, sorry" the grip loosens ever so slightly. "You are right you would see.." a pause. "But you wont be awake to see." he looks at me, his blue eyes as cold as ice. "What?" i ask then relize before its to late he hit me, hard too. "Mines Jake" He says ever so softly before I fall into darkness.

Chapter 2-The Ravens

I wake to find myself in a dark empty room. "Well, this can't be good." mumbling as i feel around.

   "She's awake. Come in here!" A girl yells, from her voice she sounds close to my age. I stand to move to the voice, "Were do you think you're going?" Jake says. He must have just got here. He sounds out of breath, why? "Did you run here? And where am I anyway?" I am not mad, I'm just a lot curiouse.


Publication Date: 11-14-2014

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To our family and friends who never stopped giving us great ideas.

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