» Fiction » Love forever, Jewel Lindemann [best inspirational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Love forever, Jewel Lindemann [best inspirational books .TXT] 📗». Author Jewel Lindemann

As I sat in this house all alone, I realized that it would be impossible for me to find love. Why? I’m a ghost. I have been for three years now. And one thing I learned is that, ghosts can’t fall in love. I was in love, before I died. Oh how she was beautiful. Her hair was long and black. Her eyes were blue, as blue as the sea. And her smile, oh it was so perfectly white. Her personality was as beautiful as her. She would put her own life at risk to help a friend. But I haven’t seen her since I died. I’ve been waiting here, hoping that she will come. But she hasn’t and never will. Oh how I wish to be alive again, so I can love her. But that wish is impossible.

I hear a truck out front. I look out the window. Someone’s moving in! I continue looking out the window. I see her. A man goes up to her and kisses her. I see that the man is holding a baby. This cannot be happening! She was supposed to love me and only me! Why would she betray me! She must pay.

It is night time. Her and her, I hate myself for saying the word, husband are in bed. I open the door and make sure it squeaks. They both jump about a foot up.
“You’re alive?”
“A ghost?”
“Yes and I will haunt you forever now.”
“Why? I thought you loved me?”
”I did! But you betrayed me by loving another man!”
“Jesse. I don’t love this man as much as I loved you! I miss you so much. The only reason I married was because everyone wanted me to. If it had been up to me, I would have never married.”
Finally, my soul is at peace. I kiss my love and walk into the light


Publication Date: 08-11-2011

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