» Fiction » PERVERTED PATRIOT REVISITED, SHADELRA [most difficult books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «PERVERTED PATRIOT REVISITED, SHADELRA [most difficult books to read TXT] 📗». Author SHADELRA

Johnathan woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and fresh coffee in the morning air. "She's at it again," he thought as he jumped out of his bed. Today was the day that he had been waiting six years for. He was busting at the seams with excitement. He looked thru his bedroom window down at the cold, frigid street below. "I'm gonna have to make sure i bundle up," he thought. He took a hot shower then got out and lathered his face with shaving cream. He had to take off that five o'clock shadow. Jonathan looked in the mirror at the twenty-eight year old man looking back at him. He had bags under his eyes, he was going bald, and his teeth were stained yellow from years of smoking. He dropped his head in despair. Life had not been good to him. Everytime he looked in the mirror he was reminded of it. He forced himself to look up back at his image. "I can make up for all of my failures today," he said. Just the mere thought of things to come today made Jonathan sexually aroused. His spirits lifted, he finished shaving and got dressed. He turned on his favorite t.v morning program "TAKE AMERICA BACK" on Fax news. The host of the show was proclaiming how the current president administration was trying to make the country communist. "It's time to take back America! We can not let them make our great land of ours a haven for the communists and terrorists! Grab your guns! Hold them tight! If they want to come take our guns they will have to take it from our cold dead hands!" Jonathan became inspired and excited by the host's words. "Amen! God bless America!" he shouted. He looked at his picture of Ronald Reagan on his wall. Now there was a real American president. He wished that the country could go back to the days of presidents who were actually born in this country. Johnathan felt himself becoming emotional. "I won't let you down sir," he said as he saluted the picture. Suddenly he was interrupted from his idol worship. "Jonathan! Your breakfast is ready!" "Coming mother!" he replied. He turned off his television and ran downstairs. He went in the dining room to find a delicious spread on the table. Blueberry waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, grits, toast, and freshly squeezed orange juice. "Wow, mother you cooked enough food to feed an army!" jonathan exclaimed taking a seat. Lucina, jonathan's mother, was in her late fifties. She was a short woman with a slight hump to her back. She lost her husband thirteen years ago. Jonathan was only fifteen and he took his father's death extremely hard. Lucinda tried to raise her son the best she could under the circumstances. It pained her when he dropped out of high school. He became rebellious and struggled to keep a steady job. He became anti-social and awkward around women. He never left home and Lucinda was losing faith in her son. That was until he came home the other day excited about landing a job working for congressman Bailey, the congressman from their state of Ohio. Lucinda was surprised when he told her this. She had no idea how he had the qualifications for the job, but she was thankful so she did not question it. Lucinda gave her son a kiss. "I have to make sure my boy has some energy for his first day," she said. Jonathan dug into his breakfast. "So tell me about your job with the congressman," Lucinda asked taking a seat. "There's not much to tell," Jonathan replied in between bites. That seemed kind of odd to his mother. "Well what exactly is your job?" Jonathan was starting to get annoyed with his mother's line of questions. "I'M..i'm part of the security team." "Security? Oh i hope it's not dangerous.." Lucinda said with concern. "Damn it mother!" He pounded his fist on the table so hard the utensils bounced up in the air. Lucinda jumped from her son's outburst. "Can't it be enough that i have a job? You know i have been under alot of stress ever since this president got into office and started shipping American jobs overseas!" Lucinda just sat there quietly. She did not want to upset him even more. "This is the first steady job i have been hired for in a long time. Please just be happy about it." Lucinda reached out and caressed his hand. "Honey, i am happy for you. I thank god for it!" Her soft tone seemed to pacify Jonathan's agression. He wiped his mouth and cracked a smile. "Mother i have to get ready to go," he said looking at his watch. "Already? It's just a little after eight o'clock." "I have to be down at congressman Bailey's campaign center by nine." Jonathan hopped up but remembered something at the last minute. He ran up the stairs to his room. Two minutes later he came back down with a black carry bag. "An overnight bag?" His mother asked. "Yes, i just have some tools and paperwork in it," he replied putting on his coat. "Let's say a prayer before you leave." Jonathan was impatient but gave in to his mother's request. "Ok mother, make it quick." He grabbed her hand and they both bowed their heads. "Lord, please keep my son safe as he goes out into the world. Thank you for the blessings you have given upon him and may he be sucessful in his new endeavors amen." "Amen." Jonathan lifted his head and gave his mother a kiss. "I love you mother." "I love you too, if you see the congressman tell him hello for me," Lucinda requested. Jonathan opened the front door and look back at her. "Oh, i definitely will," he said with a peculiar grin as he went out the door. Lucinda proceeded to put all the leftover food up, clear the table, and wash the dishes. All the while she thought of her son, she was so proud of him. She was concerned though about his temper and some of his views on the state of the world. Her husband had the same narrow minded way of seeing things, but all in all he was a good man with a good heart. Jonathan had always looked up to his father. He had listened to every word he would say. In many ways it had concerned her that Jonathan followed his father's thinking but she also felt that her son had a good heart. Lucinda started to feel tired , so she stretched out on the recliner. She turned on the television to catch the twelve o'clock news. A game show was on so she decided to catch a quick cat nap. She was on the edge of a dream state when she heard a voice in her subconscious. "We pardon this interuption but we have breaking news," the voice said. "Congressman Edward Bailey has been shot and killed." Lucinda immediately snapped out of her drowsy stupor and opened her eyes. She sat up abruptly and reached for the remote to turn up the television. "Around eleven o'clock a gunman came up to the congressman and his staff and opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon" The news anchor reported. Lucinda put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my lord! Jonathan!" she screamed." Hold on, we are getting a photo of the gunman, we're goin to put it on screen now," said the reporter. When Lucinda saw the photo all if the breath in her body left her. She went limp and collapsed on to the floor. She felt herself passing out but she tried to reach out to the television screen before she passed out. As she faded to black, the last image she saw was the face of her son Jonathan on the t.v screen.


Publication Date: 01-14-2011

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