» Fiction » Four friends and a full moon, Tabitha Stout [pdf e book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Four friends and a full moon, Tabitha Stout [pdf e book reader txt] 📗». Author Tabitha Stout

Hey guys come over here Amanda said from the corner of the liquor store. She is so drunk because today is her 21st birthday and she wanted too celebrate it with some liquor. Do you three want too go down this alley way with me?? Asked Amanda with a stumble and a slur of words. Amanda’s 18 year old brother said no but before he could turn around and notice his sister and her friends Tallinn and Amy were all headed down the dark alley. So Kyle just ran after them even though he had the strangest feeling. After a few minutes of walking in the dark alley they all noticed there was a really bad smell coming from somewhere in the alley. As they wondered what it was they ran so fast out of the alley to get away from the smell because it was so bad. When they got back out in to the street there was something different but they could not figure out what it was. Finally Kyle turned around and there were a group of people standing in the street. Kyle started heading towards them because he thought they could know what the bad smell in the alley way is. When Kyle was about 3 feet away from them he suddenly started too feel very dizzy like he was put under a spell. The people had too be making him feel like this because before they showed up he was feeling just fine. Kyle fell within three seconds hard on the ground. They were all laughing by the time Kyle tried too stand up and he could not because he felt so week. Amanda was scared but she was like what did you do too my brother you rude and nasty people?? I would shut up if I were you said a man from the group of people we don’t play around!! We will kill you without having too use our hands and there will be no evidence it was us. Are you sure you want too get all caught up in trying too play games with us cause we are not ordinary people?? Amanda knew the only thing too do was shut up and agree to do what they wanted her too do or they could possibly kill her, her two friends, or her brother. Kyle was still trying too stand up. Amanda finally tried helping him, but that was the wrong thing too do cause now she was picked up by her neck and thrown on the ground. She did not know that the people were so strong they could pick her up. By the time she hit the ground she felt so weak she knew she now could not get up yet. Amy reached in her pocket and grabbed out her cell phone, she texted her mom too tell her too call the cops that she and her friends were in great danger. A few minutes later her mother replied and Amy forgot too turn the volume on vibrate so one of the women in the group heard her phone go off and she was so mad. She started heading towards Amy too grab the phone and Amy refused. Oh now you want too play games little girl?? Said the woman. Amy was not scared so she was like yeah I would LOVE to play games with you. I can’t stand people trying too take my things when they don’t pay for it. The woman grabbed Amy by her arm and Amy jerked her arm back. The woman did not like that at all, so she tried to hit Amy. Luckily Amy moved out of the way just in time or the woman would have hit her in the stomach. Amy tried hitting the woman and hit her on the right side of her face. But it did not faze the woman at all. Amy was scared half too death that she could not move. Tallinn just stood there because he was not ready too die and he did not feel like being nearly knocked out.


Publication Date: 05-18-2012

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this to my friends , because they inspire me to write creative things and this is one of my creative stories.

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