» Fiction » Secrets, Destiny Marie [classic books for 11 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets, Destiny Marie [classic books for 11 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Destiny Marie

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Prologue: Hiding

Lexx woke up to a loud crash. The front door had been slammed shut. Lexx could see the kitchen light pouring in through her cracked open bedroom door. She knew her mother was home when she heard a sound like shattering glass. Lexx got up to see if her mother was okay.

“Mommy,” she spoke quietly peering into the kitchen.

            Her mother hadn’t heard her. Lexx watched as her mother got a new glass from the cupboard, sat down at the kitchen table, and poured a maroon colored liquid into the glass.

“It’s big people juice,” Her mother had always told her. It was her favorite drink, and she drank it all the time.

“Mommy,” she said again, only louder this time.

Her mother looked over at her.

“What are you doing up?” She snapped.

When Lexx didn’t answer her, her mother stood up abruptly. Lexx was afraid. She knew when her mother got angry her or her big sister got hit. Her big sister usually did when she was around, but tonight she wasn’t. She was out with her friends for the last time before they moved. Tonight, Lexx was alone.

“Well?” Her mother asked.

“I-I-I heard a loud noise so I-I came to see if you were okay,” Lexx replied just above a whisper.

“Speak up,” Her mother all but shouted.

“I- I woke up when you came inside. I heard a-a loud noise so I came to see if y-you were o-okay.”

“Quick your stuttering. You sound retarded.”

“Daddy says people shouldn’t say retarded because it’s not nice.”

Lexx knew the second the words left her mouth that she was in trouble. Her mother hated it when Lexx’s father was mentioned, and she hated it when a child corrected her.

“Who do you think you are? You can’t speak to me like that.” The more she spoke, the louder she got. “I am and adult. You are a child. You will not speak to me like that. Do you understand me?”



Her mother slapped her across the face leaving a big red hand print on the side of Lexx’s face. Lexx backed up until her back hit the wall.

“I am an adult. You will respect me!” The more she spoke, the close she got. The closer she got, the angrier she looked.

Her mother raised her hand high above her head. Lexx closed her eyes and shielded her face with her arms as her mother swung to hit her again. Lexx was waiting for it, but it never came. Her big sister, Sky, had shoved her mother back. Her mother fell to the ground knocking a chair and her bottle juice over in the process.

“Run, Lexx,” Sky whispered to her.

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me just get out of here.”

Lexx ran and hid in an empty cupboard under the TV. From her hiding spot she could see and hear everything.

“Who do you think you are?!” Her mother shouted at Sky.

“I am your daughter. I am trying to protect my little sister from the horrible likes of you. She is six. She is afraid of you. No one should ever be afraid of their mother. No one should ever have to hide in their own home—” Sky was cut off when her mother had hit her.

“Don’t you ever speak to me like that! I am an adult—”

“We know!” Now it was Sky’s turn to cut her off. “That’s all we hear. We get it. You’re an adult. We are kids. We shouldn’t speak to you like that. You shouldn’t hit us the way you do, but you do it anywa—”


Their mother shoved Sky back into the wall Lexx was backed against just moments ago. Sky’s eyes were shut tight and she held her stomach where their mother had pushed her.


Lexx came out of her hiding place, and ran to her sister’s side.

“Lexx, get out here.”

“I’m not leaving you.”


Lexx was scared. Sky had never yelled at her before. She ran back to her hiding spot and began to cry. The tears ran down her cheeks like a water fall as she watched her mother and sister fighting. Sky had stood up straighter, no longer leaning on the wall, and she held her hands at her sides ready for anything her mom threw at her. She didn’t look scared at all, until their mother picked up a knife.

            Sky turned and ran for Lexx’s room. Her room was the only one with a lock on it. Their mother followed closely behind Sky.  Sky was just about to make it to safety when their mother grabbed the collar of Sky’s shirt and yanked her back. Sky fell flat on her butt. Their mother approached her, and Sky scooted back more and more until her back was pressed flat up against a wall. Their mother smiled an evil smiled and brought the knife up next to her ear. Just as she was about to stab Sky, the front door was knocked down. A bunch of people came running in, crowding their small apartment.

“Freeze! Drop the weapon!” Lexx heard a man yell.

Two people wrestled their mom away from Sky and onto the ground, while another took the knife. A girl with firey red hair kneeled down next Sky.

“Are you alright?” She asked.

“I’m fine,” Sky told her.

Lexx watched as people wrestle their mother outside and into a white car with flashing red and blue lights. The girl with Sky began to take her outside.

 “Where’s my sister?” Sky asked. She sounded worried.

“Sister? There’s someone else in the house?”

“Yes. My little sister. Where is she?” Sky sounded scared.

“Lexx crawled out of her hiding spot and ran to her sister. Lexx hugged her tight around the waist and began to cry. Sky pried her off and kneeled down so she could look into her eyes.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m okay.”

Sky breathed out a long breath, and picked up her sister. She carried her outside and sat down with her on the side walk. Together they answered the questions the people asked, and waited for their dad to come get them.


Sky crouched down behind the big oak tree, trying to catch her breath. She stopped when she heard a stick snap. She sat trying not to make a sound. Trying to listen for the source and the cause of the noise. Then she heard it. There on the other side of the tree he stoped. Sky slowly crouch down lower causing a few leaves to crunch under her feet. He probably heard it because he started to make his way towards Sky. Strangely, he started smelling the air. Can he smell fear?, Sky thought. No that isn’t it. It can’t be it. She wasn't afraid of him when they came face to face earlier today, and she most certainly was not afraid of him now. All she want to do was scream, actually.

She want to scream so badly, she could actually hear the scream in her head, but it wasn't her screaming. It sounded like the person screaming was letting every negative emotion out all at once. This scream sounded painful. When she heard this scream, however, she saw a girl. She saw her screaming, only she wasn’t actually screaming. She was smiling. Sky then saw a tear silently roll down the girl's face. Then She realized she was the only one who could hear her scream, and see that tear. I can see every negative emotion she feels, while they remain hidden from those around her. To everyone else, she is happy. Sky knew, however, the girl was only pretending. Sky knew they had no idea how much she was actually hurting. She also knew she would get the chance to let all of that pain out, in the dead of night, while everyone else was asleep. Until then those feelings would remain hidden. Sky felt her pain.

He made her know what it’s like to feel the pain that girl feels every single day. Sky felt every negative emotion she has ever felt trying to escape. The only difference between her and the girl in her head was Sky didn’t have friends and family to hide it from anymore. He took them away from her. He made her watch as he killed them. As he ripped them apart, limb from limb. As he took the ones she loved most, and made them disappear from the world as if they were nothing. Sky was anything but afraid. If anything, she was more angry than afraid. She was so angry she actually felt a tear slip from her eye and slide down her cheek. No, She thought. Not here. Not Now. She was certain of one thing though: he must die. She wasn't exactly sure how to kill him though. No one really did.

There were others who have tried before her, but none of them ever lived to tell their story. Some have tried shooting him to death. Others have tried burning him alive. Few have tried ripping him limb from limb, just like he did to their loved ones. Each time they alll thought they killed him, but they just made him stronger than he was before. And each time he hunted and killed them; their deaths being more gruesome than those of their loved ones. Now he was finally going to pay. He messed with the wrong girl. 

Suddenly finding her courage, Sky stood up. She took one step out from behind the tree, and came face to face with him for the second time that day. He looked just as she remembered him. He wore dark blue jeans, a white shirt, with a black crucifix on the front of it, under the leather jacket his brother had given him almost a year ago. He was 5’4” and skinny, he had pale skin, wavy dark brown almost black hair, that looked almost like he had just woken up, and about an inch from the base of his neck, was a thick red line with a span of, roughly, three and a half inches across.

Sky couldn’t help but look into his eyes, those golden brown eyes with just a hint of green around the iris, and remember a time before that red line was there. When the two of them were almost inseparable. He was her brother and best friend all in one. At one point she even loved him. Now, stand here with him, she couldn’t help but feel the anger annulled by sorrow and guilt.

“Natey,” Sky whispered so quietly she didn’t think he’d heard her.

She hadn’t realized she was crying until he reached out to wipe a tear from her face. And she let him. She wanted to bury her face into his chest the way she always did when she was upset. She wanted him to wrap his arms around her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

“Sky, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Nate asked her with a smirk playing across his face.

She took a step back so she was just out of his reach.

“Scared now, are we?”

“No,” Sky stated firmly. Although, inside she was shaking with fear.

          He was dead. There’s no way he should be standing here right now,

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