» Fiction » Breaking All My Vows, Lauren N. [10 best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Breaking All My Vows, Lauren N. [10 best novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Lauren N.

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Chapter 1

The sword, the one that had pierced me, was suddenly drawn out of my bloody body. I gasped, blood flew out, covering the ground with red. The boy thrusted the sword into me again, this time with more power. I staggered backwards, only to realize I was a few feet away from a cliff. My shaking hands attempted to pull out the sword, only causing myself more pain. The boy then unsheathed a little dagger and held it next to my still beatting heart.

"Any last words?" he smelt of beer, "Well, then, goodbye princess!" He jammed the dagger into my chest.

"Wait-!" I managed to say, but by then my feet had slipped off the edge and I fell into unconciousness.

"Hey, is she up yet?" a voice called.

"Shh!" another voice demanded.

"But I-!"

"Shh!" the voice whispered angerly.

I slowly blinked my eyes open to a bright and smiling face.

"Rawanda! She's up!" the little boy yelled.

"Bamako, shut up! I'm coming!" an older looking girl screamed back. She stood over me and mumbled, "Yeah, she's awake."

"Hi princess-lady!" the boy named Bamako said smiling, he offered me his small hand. He helped me up, bringing me into a sitting position.

"What happened?" I said, my voice broke and I held my hand to my throat.

The boy gave me a sad look and said, "I think it'd be better if Rawanda told you what happened, ok?"

The boy called for her and she soon arrived, joining me on the grass. "Your stomach and chest were badly injured, I'm surprised you're still alive. You fell of a cliff about 3 miles from here just when me and Bamako were hunting, luckly Bamako saw you and caught you. We didn't think you had made it when we brought you to the camp. You were full of blood, but we washed all of it out, so your dress is clean."

She paused, "But, one of your ankles where twisted so we wrapped it up, so it might hurt when you stand up."

I looked up at Rawanda and gave her a weak smile, she looked at me and squeezed my hand. Then she stood up and walked away, leaving me and Bamako alone.

"Well, lets go!" Bamako helped me to my feet. My chest stung and my stomach burned, my foot, one the other hand, hurt like hell. He lead me into a clearing and helped me sit on a rock.

"So! Princess-lady, what's your name? I can't call you princess-lady forever!" he smiled.

"Elleriance," I said, "Ellery for short."

"I see! Princess Ellery! How do you like this forest you're in? It's out of the comfort of your palace though, ain't it?" Bamako was talking at a very fast speed, I could barley understand him.

I was so confused, all of his words seemed to blend together. Bamako noticed my quietness and offered to get some water, he probably thought my throat was dry. I stood up, balancing myself by holding the rock and some trees.

Chapter 2

I took a breath and looked at my options; 1) Run, or try to run, as fast as I can to a nearby village. 2) Live with these stange people and never go home again. 3) Kill myself on the spot with whatever comes to mind. I quickly reconsittered my plans and simply decided to wait for Bamako.

Birds started chirping to each other and I started to sing with them, I figured me singing wouldn't hurt anyone. I mean, my voice isn't that


"My, my, what do we have here?" came a voice. It had startled me so much I actually lost my grip on the trees and fell into a patch of grass.

"Oh dear! My lovely maiden, are you alright?" the voice called coming closer to me.

I looked up and saw a very handsome man, just a little over my age. His eyes were the color of amber, but had a warm and soft glow to them. His hair was a light shade of brown, then he smiled at me.

"What a lovely voice you have, my fair maiden." he said as he helped me to my feet, "Dear me! Where are my manners? My name is Prince Kain of Okinawa, and who might you be?"

I answered as nicely as I could with my rasping voice, "Hello my good sir. My name is Princess Elleriance but you may call me Ellery."

Prince Kain laughed, "What a beautiful name! Well then, my mystical princess, would you fancy going on a stroll with me?"

I knew I needed to decline his offer, but he was just so dang cute. I felt like I had to say yes.
"Prince," I said, "Would you mind waiting here for a moment? I have to go do something, it won't take long."

He nodded and I hobbled my way back to Bamako who was holding a bowl of water.

"I was wonderin' when you'd come back!" Bamako grinned.

"Bamako, I'm going to leave, but I'd like to thank you for everything you have done for me," I told him, giving him a quick hug, "You didn't let me die, and I can never thank you and Rawanda enough for that. So thank you, and goodbye."

Bamako gave a sad smile and disappered into the forest. I hobbled my way back to Kain, "I'm back, I didn't take too long, did I?"

Prince Kain laughed and held out his arm and I linked mine in his. I ended up leaning against his shoulder for support, he looked over at me with a confused look on his face.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Well, I twisted my ankle not to long ago.." I muttered.

"Oh, I see." he said, the next thing I knew I was being carried bridal style through the forest.

It felt awkward at first, being carried by someone I had just met, but I soon became relaxed.

I sang to him, it was as if singing and talking were the same thing, "Thank you for carrying me, but aren't I heavy?"

Prince Kain chuckled and sang back, "Not quite my fair maiden, I have carried a heavy load before."

I sat craddled in his arms, shocked on how beautiful his voice sounded.

"What a lovely voice you have my prince." I told him.

"Ah," he said, "But not as lovely as yours, Princess Ellery."

I blushed and grinned up at him, his hair sparkling in the sun, "Where are we going? We're coming pretty close to the edge of the forest now."

"I'm going to take you to my palace doctor so he can see what he can do about your foot." he answered.

I let of a sigh of relief, my foot could be fixed! I clung to his arms as we started to come out of the forest. The sun luminated us, causing my vision to falter. All I saw for a moment was Kain, his amber eyes, feel the warmth of his body, hear the sound of his breath. When my vision returned I saw someone I never wanted to see again. I wanted to scream, but I held it in.

Standing by a horse-drawn carruge was him. The one who almost killed me, was now standing infront of me.

He grinned, "Oh, hello again, Elleriance."

Chapter 3

Prince Kain looked down at me, "Princess, you know him?"

"Ah, yes," the boy said, "I met her at her kingdom's fair." He pulled me out of Kain's arms and wrapped his around my shoulders.

"And," he said, "We're lovers."

My eyes widened in fear abd I struggled out of his grasp and tripped on my dress.

Kain helped me up,"Princess is this true?"

I shook my head,"No, my prince, he must be mistaken." My voice sounded shaky.

The boy glared at me, but turned and started taking care of the carrige horses. I crawled into Kain's embrace, hearing my own heart beat frightened me even more. I wanted to scream, I wanted Kain to pick me up again and pretend this never happened. Instead Kain opened the carrige door and helped me get inside, then he got inside and sat next to me, squeezing my hand. He probably could see how scared I was, he kept giving me worried glances. The carrige lurched forward, Kain's palace here I come!

"Prince Kain, who was that boy?" I asked quietly.

"That was the stage coach, Aden, he works for my family and is incharge of the horses." He looked over at me again and scanned my face. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you wont't have to see him again." he murmered, stroking my hair.

I moved myself into his arms, I couldn't hold my tears any longer. Kain wrapped his arms around me,"Shh, shh, it's okay." Tears streamed down my face, I sobbed while Kain tryed to comfort me. I decided that now was not the time to tell him what Aden had done to me.

I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Kain, he brushed away a tear from my cheek. I stared into his eyes for a moment, the very slowly, I tilted my chin up. His lips met mine, and we kissed. Kain pulled back and gave me a smile, and I smiled back. It was like all of my fears had melted away. Kain resumed stroking my hair while I intertwined my hand in his, Kain leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I blushed, I soon fell asleep in his lap. My eyes still felt puffy and my foot was

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