» Fiction » The Stars are Talking, Kitty [acx book reading txt] 📗

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Does any one care? Do they? We been fighting a war for almost five years. Does any one care? We raise the pups to become the fighters, they even teach the low ranking ones. Does it matter? Does it matter that we are breaking the Code of the Wolves,that our Sun and Moon made. Why do we fight, the pups would ask all the time. There is never an answer. Why do we let wolves die, just to fight? No one knows why. Why do we fight? Is it for land, food, or love? The pups die sometimes because of us, but do they care. Does it matter that every one is from a different pack? We have the same blood, we live in the same world, we fear the same things, and we eat the same thing. But the question to remains, WHY DO WE FIGHT!? Love ones dies and pups never get to meet there father nor mother. Why do we fight, why do we fight? Why can't we live in peace, hunting in each other land, and hunting together? Why? Why? WHY! WE all want the same for our pups, every leader wants to show the pack the way to the light, every wolf wants to join the stars and the Moon. Then why do we fight.

Is this the life that the Sun and the Moon wanted for us?! For Paw Pack and Claw Pack to steal pups from each other, for Elk Pack and Never Pack to kill each other? Do all the pack even Jay Pack have to live through this? How would we know, we don't even know why we fight. The full moon will come and the packs will meet for their meetings, and all the wolves are kind at the meeting. For there was where the Sun and Moon met, why can't it be every where?


The night woods, were only lite up by the little stars of our greatest fighters (wolves that protect the pack). There was not a sound, nothing was there. The frogs didn't croak, and the owls didn't hoot. Only the wind made a sound, in the tree tops. A white she-wolf walked out quietly out of a bunch of bushes, carrying a pup with her.

"The pack must not find out! Even if it means death to the pup.

" The she-wolf thought to her self, as she put the pup down.

"But it's fur matches the color of my mate." she said with an odd sound to it, "Be it is against the Code of Wolves for a Med. Wolf to have a pup like this." sighing at the fact, she picked the pup up and started to walk again. The pup's fur was a grayish color and it tried to find the way back to the milk. Did the pup know? That it had brothers and sisters that didn't died in the cold winter snow? Was it a message for the Sun and the Moon that this should not had happen, or the pups were deadly?

" I am a Med. Wolf from Jay Pack and I had a mate from-" the she-wolf tried to say before she got to a river., " I will throw you in that river. It is not strong enough to kill you, but before I throw you in, I want to name you. You are a male, I see. I think I'll name you... after the first Med. wolf, Black Night. Oh, how much you would love to meet you father-" the she-wolf said as she heard something.

A brown wolf appeared out of the bushes and another wolf that was a yellow color. The two wolves growled with evil eyes as they looked at the little helpless pup. The she-wolf put the pup down near the river and stared into the eyes All there was was the horrible growls that threaten the pup's life. The first one to speak was the brown wolf.

" Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Med. Wolves do not have pups from different packs Ro. What do you think Seeds?" The brown wolf said as he looked at the yellow wolf with a skinny, but fast body.

" I think she should be punished Alpha Red... after she tells us who is the lucky father of this pup." said Seeds as he showed his fangs to Ro.

"Your right Beta Seeds, you are very right. Ro should know that being a part of the pack Jay should never do this." Red said as he grew closer to Ro," Just tell us the name of the father and the pack he is from and we will spear you life."

" And what about the pup Red? Would you really kill a pup for this?" Ro said as she started to push Black Night closer to the flowing river.

" And we can kill a Med. Wolf for this, we have many more at the camp. Just for have a pup from a different pack, it is you or the pup. Tick tick tick tick, I don't have all night. TELL US WHO IS THE FATHER!"

" I will never tell you, not even if death was at my eyes. IF the humans point one of the sticks (gun) at me. I will never tell you!" Ro said as she pushed the pup into the river and Red attacked Ro, while Seeds went after the pup.

Red ripped Ro's ear off and scratched her eye, when Ro went for a bite into the leg. Red's fangs dug into Ro's belly as Ro bit into his ear, and scratching at his eye. Red put his paw on Ro's head as Seeds came back, sending a nod that the pup was now dead.

"YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM!" Ro yelled at Seeds as Red pushed harder on Ro's head.

" Tell me who the father is, I will kill you the worst way ever. Tell me or you will die too, and we kill every male that you knew!"

Ro's didn't move, nor did she talked to Red, all she knew was that her pup was still alive like the other ones that she had with all the other packs. She knew that it was a message from the Sun and the Moon that she was to have pup with every pack when they met, she never told any one and no one. Some she-wolves from other packs know of this too, and wants to stop the war just as bad as Ro. So they agreed, against the Code of Wolves that they would take care of the pups.

"A least I won't die as a jerk, Red. At least I know that I am one of the wolves that the Sun and Moon choose to end this. I meet many other males that doesn't even live in the forest, or isn't a part of a pack. And you want to know who is the father? We I guess you will never find out. You may think that I broke the Code of Wolves, but yet have we seen the dark times, only the Sun, Moon, and Stars can tell what will happen and how it would happen. He Ha. You think you will get something out of killing me? DO you really?"

Red nor Seeds answered the only answer there was was the wolves ripping the flesh of Ro as the blood quickly stained the white snow, making it a red color. Soon they started to rip out organs and they ripped out the heart the heart slowly stopped moving on the jaws of the two wolves.



Elk were grazing in a patch of green grass, spring had just came, and the elk want to have the new grass. Little did the elk know, was that they were being watched. The eyes would disappear when the elk looked that when. And the elk couldn't smell the watching thing, the wind was blowing toward the watching things. You could see movement in the bushes, but all the elk thought it was, was a bunny or so. Soon a wolf's tail pointed to an bull elk that had a huge cut on it's leg, making it harder to run. Two of the wolves walked around to the other side and two more waited on both sides of the elk herd. The tail of a sliver (a little grayish) she-wolf showed the sign to attack the elk. the two wolves on the sides drive the elk herd running and the elk that was cut on it's leg was falling behind. The two wolves got nearer and nearer, and the sliver she-wolf told the other two to go. The elk knew that they were there, and he didn't want to die by wolves. He turned and hit a brown male wolf and that male hit into a black male knocking them both over.

"Ugh- why do I have to do everything for myself!"the sliver she-wolf said to herself as she jumped onto the back of the elk, and getting a good bite on it's neck.

The elk was bucking and trying to get her off, but the other four wolves were either biting at his feet or hanging onto his

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