» Fiction » The Proffer, L. Colina [thriller books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Proffer, L. Colina [thriller books to read .txt] 📗». Author L. Colina

The Proffer

New Chapter 1

I was awakened from a deep sleep by a light tap on my arm. As I opened my eyes, I saw my mother's smiling face, as she sat beside me on the bed. I sat up and looked around, noticing it was dark outside. I must have fallen asleep while unpacking my suitcase. Who wouldn't get tired of sitting all day, I wondered, after riding in a plane and then a train?

Devastated by my father's recent death, my mother and I felt we had no choice but to move to another place. We could not bear to stay where there were so many memories, which would just prolong the agony, so we had decided to move on. We knew it would not be easy.

Caressing my arm, Mom said, “Dinner is ready sweetie, I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

“Thanks, Mom, I need to freshen up first,” I said lazily, trying to wake up.

“Make it fast while the food is still hot, okay?"”

I just nodded as an answer, and then she stood up and closed the door. I was supposed to have taken a shower after we had arrived, but my eyes had become heavy with tiredness as I unpacked, and the bed was so soft that my tired body ached to feel its softness. And then all went black!

The next day, I took a quick, five minute shower and pulled on a loose tee-shirt and pajamas, since it was already dark – I'd be sleeping again in a few hours. I decided to take a walk the next day to familiarize myself with the place, but the woods at the back of our house caught my attention. Being a nature lover, I strolled over to the woods and sank inside the forest, drawn by the tall trees, wild flowers and ornamental plants.

It was becoming so dark in the woods that I could barely see the sky above, but it didn’t bother me. I felt a kind of relief in being there, inhaling and exhaling fresh air into my lungs. Just then, I heard the sound of waves and, out of curiosity, walked to where I thought the sound was coming from.

As I flipped back the thick leaves of unknown plants, a breathtaking scenario lay before me. Below where I stood was fine white sand, almost like a powder. I could hear the tweets of flocks of birds as they soared into the blue, yellow and orange colored sky, that reflected the captivating shades of the golden sun, as it was ready to set, and the peaceful sea. I looked at the tall trees behind me and the flowers that traced up to the cliff – the atmosphere cheering me, assuring me that everything was going to be all right.

Being there seemed to ease the pain I felt at that moment. Fortunately, I was standing at the lower part of a cliff, so it was not difficult to walk down and touch the fine, white sand. I stayed there for a while, enjoying my moments with nature, and decided to leave after twilight.

I got a little lost on my way home, but since I had a good memory, was able to return before my mother freaked out, thinking I was missing. She knew I was devastated by my father's death, and had some ridiculous notion that I might try to commit suicide. I would never do such a thing! I decided to spend every day visiting what I called my "Hidden Paradise," a place where I could find consolation without being judged for talking out loud to "no-one."

I felt lucky for discovering such a hidden place deep in the forest, where I felt someone was watching over me. Or perhaps that was just my imagination
* * *

New Chapter 2

The night was fine and twinkling stars were scattered in the midnight sky. As I gazed at the bright silver crescent moon that served as my light, a cold wind blew my long curly hair. I felt a chill as the breeze swept over my delicate flesh, enough for me to realize that I was only wearing a silky white, long flowing halter-neck dress. I couldn't remember ever having worn a dress as soft and as elegant as this one, and it suited me perfectly – as if it were tailor made for showing off my sexiness. I'd never worn, or been able to afford, a dress like that.

I found myself walking along the vast shoreline, breathing in the sweet salty smell of the seawater that flooded my nostrils and felt the powdery sand between my bare toes. I looked around and saw a metallic blue butterfly that glowed as it flew over the wild flowers. It seemed to shine in the reflection of the moon, and then settled on the chest of a man who was standing in the middle of the wild flowers.

He seemed to be looking in my direction, but I was not certain since I could not see his face. He appeared to be around six feet tall, and was topless…his masculine, beautiful body a burnished bronze, with a chiseled chest, well-defined broad, lean shoulders and abs, and arms that were not too big or bulky -- just perfect! He looked like a Levi's model in his hipster, blue-black jeans. His hair was short and layered, with a slight taper on the sides and back.

He walked slowly towards me and, at his first step, the butterfly flew away and vanished into the woods.

“Who are you?” I asked, but received no response. He continued to walk towards me.
Although I felt an urge to run, I didn't sense any danger. Something inside me said, "Stay!" As he approached, only two meters away, I still could not see his face, but did notice a tattoo in the center of his chest, in the same place the butterfly had landed just moments before. It appeared to be a nail with the wings of a butterfly.

The wind blew again and the salty sweet smell of the sea turned into a smooth masculine scent that soothed and went deep into my senses like a spell, relaxing every nerve of my body. It felt so good that I didn’t notice I had closed my eyes as I savored his sweetness. The supple touch of his cold hands caressing my cheeks made me open my eyes, but before I could react and had the chance to see his face, I felt his velvety soft lips brush gently against mine, while his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I was stunned for a moment, but my hands had a mind of their own, and they tenderly embraced his neck. (He was bare-chested, so could not have been wearing a collar). Without thinking, I responded to his kisses, which became deeper, sweeter and more passionate. I clung tightly to his neck for support, as if I was going to fall at any moment. My knees weakened and I could not hold my own weight any longer. He placed his arms around my waist, and pulled me tightly against his body. I thought I would lose my mind from the sensations that engulfed my whole being from this unbelievably handsome stranger.

* * *

The ear-splitting sound of my alarm clock made me realize I had been dreaming. I reached over to my bedside table and shut it off. I touched my lips, feeling as if the dream were real…I could still feel his soft lips against mine and smell his manly scent.

“Hmm…I wonder what he looks like. It would have been perfect to have seen his face. It was so odd kissing a stranger, without even seeing him. Still, the feeling was great. It was my best kiss ever!" I smiled at thought.

“Aaleyah, are you awake?” I heard Mum call, as she knocked at my bedroom door, cutting off my daydreaming. Looking at the clock, I could see it was already 6:30 in the morning. I don’t want to get up yet; I wanted to continue fantasizing about my dream man. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to get up…school was more important.

As I walked to school, my thoughts were still preoccupied with the man in my dream, so I didn’t notice a fast-moving car that had lost control coming my way. Before it hit me, two strong arms pulled me away and we both fell down. I heard the loud screech of tires before the car rolled twice, leaving it with shattered glass and twisted metal. In shock, I wanted to scream, but was unable to speak.

“Are you all right?” asked a deep worried voice. Trembling, I looked up at my savior, and the concerned look in his deep black eyes, paired with thick lashes and brows, made my heart jump. They seemed to see my whole being, down to my inner soul. He wrapped his body around me, protectively, and I felt secure.

“Are you all right?” he asked again when I hadn't responded to his first question but was just staring blankly at him. I felt tears running down my cheeks, but before I could answer, medical staff had arrived, helped me to stand and were about to place me in the ambulance. Another ambulance had already left, taking away the driver of the shattered car.

I realized I would have died if this man had not helped me. As I was about to enter the ambulance, I turned to ask my "savior" to have a medical check-up, too, but he had gone. I looked around, but there was no trace of him. Where had he gone?

I had no injuries and was physically in good shape; however, I just could not get over the fact that I could have died and joined my father in Heaven, had not my "savior" rescued me. I hadn't thanked him yet, but in my heart there was a hope of seeing him again.


Publication Date: 05-10-2012

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