When the wolves come knocking, Becca [reader novel txt] 📗

- Author: Becca
Book online «When the wolves come knocking, Becca [reader novel txt] 📗». Author Becca
"Dont answer the door for anyone you dont know!" my mom called out once more as she walked out the door. "Yeah, I know" I grumbled back. "Love you" she said quickly. "Yeah, same" I said rolling my eyes. My mom had to make it such a big deal when she left. My mom cosed the door behind her, and soon I herd the car drive away. I sighed in relief. "Come on out Ryan" I called out. Ryan poked his head out from my room. "Shes gone?" he asked. I smiled, "Yup". He smirked back, and sat on the couch, right next to me. "Cher, I thought she was ganna leave earlier. I was in there for what seemed like ages" He said putting his arm around me. "You just cant wait for anything" I said, kissing him lightly. He looked at him smiling. "But you do have some intresting stuff in there".
I pulled back a little "What? Dont be looking through my stuff" I mock slapped him arm. I really hope he didnt go through my stuff.... " Im getting people" I said getting up and grabbing my phone. I called Everyone, Abbie, mary, suzie, mike, angela, liz, jhon, and racheal. They all said they could come. Half an hour later, the music was up, and everyone was there. Racheal came up to me. "Hey, this is sweet! But look what Jhon brought" she said. I looked over at Jhon, he had brought beer. "Damnit" I said, walking over to him.
"Hey, no booze, get out, or get it out" I said gesturing to the can in his hand. I really hated that sruff, and the last thing I needed was him drunk at my house. "Aw come on Cher, its not ganna hurt no one" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "But it will, now get out. I dont want no drunks at my house." I said shrugging his hand off, and pushing him tword the door. "I ain't drunk, now let go of me" he said pushing me. He was so drunk. "Yeah you are, now get out of my frickin house" I said pushing him some more. He swong back and slapped me across the face, I stumbled back and fell. I swore and kicked his legs out form under him. He fell with a loud thud.
He swore, and swong out at me again, but Ryan caught his fist before it got to me. "Jhon, you better get out now before I rip you f***ing head off." he said shoving him out the door. Mary went out the door after him, she probly was making sure he didnt get him by a car or somthing. "You okay?" Ryan said holding his had out to me. I took it and get to my feet. "Ya, im just perfect" I grumbled rubbing my cheek" he kissed my cheek lightly. "Better now?" he whispered. "Much" I smiled.
The party lasted about 7 hours, starting at 5, ending at about 12 am. Everyone left, but Ryan stayed a little behind everyone else. "Take care of yourself" he whispered, pulling me closer. Butterflys fluttered in my stomach at the closeness. I looed up at him and our lips met. it was a soft kiss at firest, but then it turned passionate. I pulled away "Moms ganna be here soon" I whispered, out of breath. He nodded and kissed me once more, lightly. "Bye" he said walking away. "C ya" I said, closing the door. I smiled and fell back on the couch. My dog, Poncho jumped up on me. I hadnt seem him during the party, Im suprised he wasnt sompped on. "whear were you?" I aske petting him.
Suddenly Poncho jumpped off the couch, and started barking at the door. "Shut up Pon, its probly just mom" I said sitting up. He kept barking, and the door flew open. It wasn't my mom.
Two men, both very large, burst in the door. They both looked around, and smirked when they saw me. Poncho growled and bit one of them on the leg. The guy shook Poncho off and picked him up. "You like dogs?" he asked looking at me. I nodded my head franticly, not wanting him to hurt poncho. "Then you'll like where your going" he said, snapping ponchos neck.
I sat there, mouth open. When I found my voice, I screamed as loud as I could. I dashed off the couch and twords the back door, trying not to look at ponchos little lifeless body. Before I could reach the door, an arm wrapped around my waist, and yanked me back. I kicked and hit him with everything I had. He chuckled and wrapped him other arm around my arms. I was lifed off the ground as he stood up stright. The other guy, who had brown curly hair waled up right in front of me, and grabbed my chin. He looked my over for a short second, then nodded, smirking "You'll do Okay" he said, placing a rag over my nose and mouth. Of course, you probly already know what it is. cloraform. My eyes fought to stay open, but failed, and my wiggling stopped.
My eyes fluttered open. When I could see, I still couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. It smelled of dirt, and stone. I stood wobbly, and noticed that my ancle had a chain on it, connected to the wall. I tryed harder to see, but still couldnt see anything. I listened harder. I could quite whispers, but I couldnt tell what they were saying. I slid down the wall and closed my eyes. Trembles rocked through me as I wrapped my arms around my knees. I herd a lourder whisper, it sounded like "shes awake". I shrunk back more agenst the wall, trying to fade into it. Soft footsteps came closer, then stopped in front of me. Rough hands gripped my arms and pulled me up. I kept my eyes closed, and clenched my teeth. I was slammed into the wall behind me. "Open your eyes" someone hissed into my ear.
I slowly opened my eyes, light was dim, but I could slightly see. There was 3 guys, and 1 girl. She looked at me with pitty. Finally I looked at the person in front of me. He had brown curly hair, and his eyes deadly. I shrunk back more. He smirked at my fright and looked at the girl, he said somthing in a diffrent language that I couldnt understand, and pushed me over to her. "Im Ambly, whats your name?" she whisperd, quickly leading me away. I didnt answer her, only trying to keep her pace. She had short brown hair, and was just about as tall as the guys. She shook her head and mumbled somthing.
Then I noticed the chain was gone. "Where did the..." I trained off as she answerd before I was finished. "He unlocked it when you were on the floor" she said. But I didn't feel anythign... "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "To see the others," she said noncholantly. I didn't continue my interrigation. I had three questions that stuck in my head, why was I here, what others, and where the hell am I?
I noticed that we were underground too. There really wasnt any prof to that but, you could tell. It was cold, damp, and I havn't seen any windows. Great. Then I noticed that I wasn't getting out of here any time soon. And what would happen in that time, started to scare me. My imagenation got the best of me. I started thinking, and my thoughts terrified my more. I started shanking uncontrolably, and I tripped over a pipe that was running across the hall. I let out a small scream as I fell forward. But before my face met the floor, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked at my savior, he was tall, big build, and dark brown floppy hair. Looked like he was about 18. I shrunk back from him, rembering the others. He looked coursily at Ambly, who nodded, then he looked back to me. I flinched back as his dark green eyes met my dark blue. "Um, Demitri this is...." she trailed off looking at me uncertainly. "My names Charolette" I said quickly.
She nodded, "Demtri, we were going to meet the others....but that could wait" she said looking at him uncertainly. I could see a small simle on his lips. "That would be great" he said, then started walking, pulling me along. My arm was starting to loose circulation from his grip, and I let out a quite whimper. He glanced at me, then at his hand, and loosened his grip. "Forgot..." he mumbled and continued walking. We soon came to stairs that led upwards. His feet worked up the stairs quickly and gracefuly. I couldn't keep up after proubly 15 minuints of climbing up stairs, and tripped. I didnt fall forward as expected, I fell backwards. My heart stopped as I fell, but out of no where, I turnned around, and put my hands in front of me. That didnt help that much, but I didn't break my neck. When my hands connected, the shock was shot up my arms, and I started to tumble downt he stairs.
I didn't get far, Aliki grabbed my arm and stopped my fall. Just as before, he saved my from almost killing myself. Not that I almost killed my self last time I fell. He pulled my up and looked at me. Concern was on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked. I reached my up touched the side of my head, I pulled it back and blood was on my fingers. "Damnit" I whispered. Demitri brushed my hair back and looked at the cut. I flinched back from him. He sighed frustratedly "Stop doing that" he said. I looked down at my feet, and his hand fell away. "Come on, you got to get that fixed" He said grabbing my wrist, and continued up the stairs, slower this time. There was only a little way to go, and soon we were on flat ground. Im my mind I gave a sigh of relief, I hated being in a closed in space, even if it was just stairs. Demitri opened a white door, that aperently led into what looked like a small hospital. "Aliki" he called out, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room quickly, cots were in one cornner, then all the rest of the hospital stuff everywhere else. There was a windown, which showed it was night. I pushed the thought of escape from my mind, it was too dark. A man, looked to be about mid 20's, with dark brown hair.
"What can I do for you Mr. Arlago?" he asked, aperently only seeing Demeri. "Charolette fell downt the stairs" he said, gesturing twords me. Aliki's eyes widened brifly when he saw me. "Where?" he asked walking twords up. Demitri brushed back my hair to show where. Again I flinched back at being touched. Aliki saw and sighed. "Hold on" he said and went into another room. Demetri sighed and leaned back aginst the wall, letting go of my wrist. I took a step away from him, but didn;t go further, not wanting him to think I was trying to do somthing. Aliki came back, and gestured for me to sit. I reluctently sat down. He pulled a chair up in front of me, and sat down.
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