» Fiction » Hope, Hell, and Hate, Mouse Mosser [good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Hope, Hell, and Hate, Mouse Mosser [good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Mouse Mosser

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Chapter 1
I looked around at the creatures that made up the squad of assasins that I controled and thought that across the field in a similar building were our sworn enemies and among them their general and the only true love I have ever had. Calcipher an Ifreite or fire elemental and general of the Shadow squad. And I Anaxia a Bloodland Elf and general of the hit squad known only as shadows death are and always will be deeply in love with one another.
“Kid you alright?” the Centaur standing next to me asked.
“Yeah and what have I told you about calling me kid Aberon?”
“Sorry Boss”.
“Anyway” commented Ally a mage, my second in command, and best friend.
“Continue” I stated bluntly.
“We picked up a scout yesterday but before the squad got here he had killed them and escaped”.
“What was the scout?”
“A Maldrix” I shuddered as the name rolled off her tounge. The Maldrix were a hybrid race of monsters whose only joy in life was killing and destroying. A fully grown Maldrix stood at 8 to 8 ½ feet tall and had strength beyond measure. They were mostly of a man shape but they had rippling muscle and under the layer of impenitrable fur they had red skin.
“Who was in the squad?”
“Maximal, Anra, and Paran”
“Where is Paran the Maldrix should not have been able to touch him he had wards to protect from that?”
“His wards didnt work against the Amrax that came for backup”
“Has his fiance been told?”
“No ma'am we were not sure how she would react to us” murmered Bri from the far wall.
“Yeah he was your twin you are more family than we are” piped in Evon who was standing next to Bri. I looked up at the Angel standing across the table from me and then concluded that he was right and that his statement held truth. Yes I said Angel complete with wings and the glowing aspect. Next I looked at Bri his girlfriend and she shied away from my penetrating stare. Compared to the rest of the squad Bri has been with me for only a short time and is still kindof scared of me. She could match me in a fight if she tried it was partially due to the fact that her race was a lot like mine. She was a Forest Elf. They were as strong as my race but their skin was softer and their vision was less sharp along with all of the other sences. Evon steped infront of her and without looking away from his face I peircingly said
“Hello Father”. At that moment my father walked through the door behind me
“I just cant sneek up on you can I?”
“Not since my third birthday”.
“You are so much like your mother”.
“Thanks, Malachi what do you think I should do?”. The 6th and final member of the shadows death steped foreward from the corner where he had been crouching.
“Oddly I agree with Evon” said the fairie. I know what your thinking. A fairie? But this is not the 1 inch tall creature from the stories. They are as tall as a man with wings as long as their arms and they coat the tips of them with metal. They are fast and deadly and the most dangerous thing about them is that they are imensly beautiful but that is a thing with elves also so I am immune.
“Ok it is settled I will go and talk to Lizette”. As I walked out of the room I heard Bri whisper
“I thought she was going to kill me”
“No” whispered Evon “she was just thinking”.
I walked down the long hallway when I reached the door I was looking for I entered and found just what I thought I would the beautiful figure of Lizette suspended in mid-air eyes completely white. She was one of our seers and the only person who knew that I was in love with Calcipher. I waited a minute longer and she slowly started to decend to the floor when she landed I put my hand out and caught her.
“Hello Anaxia I know why your here and hes not dead”
“You have seen this for certain?!”
“Yes” she stated bluntly
“Where, How?”
“On the field where they were attacked they sent a Mel to look at the bodies”
“Of course, we look and feel dead to a Mel if we are unconcious, “Thank you you may have just saved his life” I turned to leave
“He says hi” this made me stop cold.
“You talked to him?”
“Yes he got inside my head”
“Thank you again”

I walked out and back to the room where my team was stationed. I burst through the door and said “assemble we are moving out”
“why” this came from Aberon
“Because Paran is still alive”
“How do you know?” Malachi steped foreward.
“Because Lizette saw it”
“how is that possible we would have known” Cried Evon as I walked out the door
“Not since you sent a Mel!!!!” I shouted back and I heard the realization as they scrambled out the door after me. I turned around when I reached the main door.
“Malachi and Evon fly low over head Bri you are my archer go up to the parapet and if you see anything that is not us or my brother... shoot it!!! Aberon you Ally and I are the fastest we will run to the site get Paran and run back You will carry Paran on your back.”
“Understood Ma'am” was the universal response and then I opened the door and pushed myself through. I ran as if death itself chased on my heels I heard an arrow fly over me and kill a wild dog that had been running towards me. I reached the site and found that my brother was in fact still alive. I picked him up and threw him on Aberon and thats when the squad jumped out from the bushes and I saw the trap that I had just fallen into. Leading the squad was Calcipher and behind him were the members of his team Cassy his second in command was a Demon complete with tail and horns next to her was Zachariah an Ogre with a scar across one of his red eyes behind Calcipher loomed Benog the Maldrix and overhead flew his 5th and 6th assasin, a Phoenix, Cade and flying next to him was a large man-like beast with four foot wings on either side of the spine but the most terrifying part of this creature was the teeth and the nails that grew out of the end of each hand. The Amrax, Sammi. The Phoenix droped to the ground and changed to his human state the team looked deadly. In an instant Evon and Malachi were on the ground with weapons drawn. The next thing I heard was Calciphers voice in my head 'Run Anaxia I did not knowit would be you I had no choice!!! Run Love Run'

He screamed. 'NO Play along I will not throw killing blows and neither will my team.'

I then pushed my thoughts to my team 'I just want to get away only injure them!!' 'Yes Ma'am'

I then charged at Calcipher my team right behind me I drew my Sarron, a blade about as long as my fore arm and jagged on a long chain and I saw Calcipher's eyes light up in recognition I swirled it around and landed it in the dirt where Calcipher had just been. So it began!

Chapter 2
I knew she was not going to kill me but Damn she sure looked like it! I drew on the energy in my core and shot a fire ball just past her head that either showed her that I was playing along or I was a really bad shot. She looked menacing as she stalked toward me her long black hair hit her lower back and her jade green eyes watched me intently she was only about 5 ½ feet tall but she was dangerous. At that moment Cassy sprung at her only to be clipped in the ankle by an arrow. Cassy fell and Anaxia sprung at me while I was distracted. She hit into me and we rolled down a hill. I got up and drew my sword she slashed at me with her Sarron and I blocked. Both weapons flew to the side she drew a hunting knife from her boot and I did the same we connected and then she ran to the side four yards and when I caught up she turned and threw a blow at my head and as she did so she said
“You should have told me sooner”
“Sorry” I growled as her blade found itself buried in my leg “I did not know it would be you”
“I came to get my brother the bait” this made me freeze.
Her siv, a short blade usually hidden in the hair, buried itself in my sholder and brought me back to attention. Benog had been caught by her brother and then Benog had nearly killed him with the help of Sammi. I felt ashamed and fell to the ground faking defeat she blew a short kiss my way then knocked me out cold. The last thing I remember is Anaxia running away and Cassy screaming my name then everything went black.
I woke up in my bed with bandages around my leg and shoulder. I sat up to see Cassy come in. It was no big secret that she had a thing for me everyone knew it. “Are you ok?” she asked timidly “Yeah” I fell back as a wave of pain radiated from my shoulder. “CALCIPHER” Cassy screamed. My vision went blurry and the pain increased and expanded to my leg. “Damn Elf coated her knife with nightshade.” Cassy said when the pain died down. “At least I am still alive” I smiled weakly at her. I knew that it was not nightshade but rather deaths breath if it had been nightshade I would be dead. Deaths breath has the same symptoms and hurts more but it is not lethal. Cassy sat down the tray that she had been carrying she then proceeded to tend to my wounds. I was not sure if I had hurt Anaxia but I hoped I had not. Cassy pushed me down on my pillows and stuck a knife handle in my mouth. She then peeled the bandage off my leg and I winced as the cold air hit my burning skin. “Bite down on that now” she said as she dripped acid onto my skin. I held back a scream as my skin pulled together. “Hold your breath tough guy the shoulder always hurts worse.” She was right because as she said that she dropped the acid on my shoulder and as she did a conciousness entered mine. 'Oh my god I am so sorry love hold on'

then my pain leviated and I knew that she was taking my pain away. I also knew that she felt the pain she was taking from me as her own. 'stop'

I said as the pain fell away completely. 'no I owe this to you'

She sounded strained and

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