» Fiction » The Crazy Summer Night, Declan Rapp [fb2 epub reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Crazy Summer Night, Declan Rapp [fb2 epub reader .txt] 📗». Author Declan Rapp

Chapter 1

“Oh finally” said George Torler, “It’s the first night of the summer. He and his friend Chris Johnson were spending there first summer night together in forest behind Chris’s house. Right now they were cooking hotdogs for their dinner. “The hotdogs look ready.” said Chris. George came over and looked at them. “Yeah,”he said, “they are.” As they sat down to eat George heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. “I’m going to check out what that was.” he said to Chris. He walked over to the bushes. Suddenly a huge fox jumped on top of him. He heard Chris scream and then he blacked out.

Chapter 2

When he woke up he wasn’t in a forest anymore he was in a plain. He sat up and was met by a great pain. He looked down at his chest where he thought the pain was coming from. There was a giant scratch!!! His shirt and pants were in rags. He lay back down and looked around him. He was in a campsite very like the one he shared with Chris. Chris!!!!!!!!! George almost sat straight up but he remembered the scratch. He moved his head around frantically looking for Chris. There was no sign of him. He fell back asleep soon after that.

Chapter 3

When he woke up again it was morning. He heard someone moving around the campsite. George cracked one eye open. There was a tall lean man with dark green eyes, black hair, and a pale face, warming himself by the fire. Suddenly the man turned around. George quickly closed his eye…….. but not quickly enough. The stranger saw his eyes move and said “Hey kid there’s nothing to be afraid of.” When George opened his eyes the man continued “Now give me some basic information about you like the name, country, and year.” “My name is George Torler, I live in America, and the year is 2010. Now you give me some answers.” said George. “O.K.” said the stranger “I’ll start with my name. It is John Soful and this is the country of America.” John looked down at George’s scratch. Before George could ask John said “I don’t know where that scratch came from but it looks bad.” And he started dressing the wound. He used tied up bits of grass to staunch the blood, and some kind of mixture to seal it. “What did you just put on my chest.” said George. “A mixture of sacara root and bear blood.” said John. “You should start feeling better any second now.” Almost as soon as John said that George felt a lot better. He almost thought he could sit up, but he remembered that John only said it would make him feel better. “So” said George “what is a sacara root?” “A sacara root is like a cross between an onion and a beet. It works as a healer because when onions mix with beets they form a sticky concoction. That is what holds the wound together.” said John. “And what does the bear blood do?” said George. “The bear blood gives the wound vitamins and minerals to help it heal.” said John. “So that’s why I feel like a million dollars.” said George. “What are dollars?” said John “Wait” said George, “You don’t know what dollars are? I thought you said this was the year 2010.” “Ohhh,” said John “I thought you said 210 B.C. The year 2010 won’t be for another 1,800 years. ” Just then George did something not a lot of kids his age had done. He fainted dead on the spot
Chapter 4

As he woke up he felt water trickling down his throat. He opened his eyes and saw John standing over him. “Good you’re awake,” he said “Now you can help clean the dishes.” George obediently got up and walked over to the water pail. He remembered the giant scratch and put a hand to his chest, expecting to feel a great pain…… it did not come. “You’ll be all healed by now.” said John. “I was out that long.” said George. “No,” said John “It was the bear blood that healed it. Anyway why did you faint?” “It’s because you said the year was 210
B.C.” said George. “What’s wrong with it.” said John “Well what if I told you I came from the future.” said George. “I would say you were crazy.” said John. “Well I’ am and before you say anything I have proof.” said George as he took his watch off his arm. He had noticed it last night as he fainted. “This is a watch.” said George “It tells time. See how that sticks moves around the clock. That is a second hand. It shows how many seconds pass. A second is like snapping your fingers.” He snapped his fingers to emphasize it. “See how it takes very little time to do it. That’s why the second hand moves around so fast.
“O.K” said John “I believe you. So what else is there in the future?” “Well,” said George, “There’s a lot of killing but the FBI takes care of that.” “What’s the FBI?” said John. “The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It tracks down killers and throws them in jail.” “Wouldn’t it be FBOI because of the of.” said John “No,” said George “In the future we leave out words to make things sound better. Now here is a question for you. Why did you say this was America? The country of America was not founded until the 1700’s.” “I thought you said the continent of America. This is South America.” said John
“That explains the plains.” said George. “Now tell me more about the future?” said John. “Sorry, “said George “but I can’t tell you anything else or I risk ruining the future.” “O.K,” said John “but can you at least tell me what the best food in the future is?” “Well,” said George “I think that would be pizza. Pizza is bread with sauce and melted cheese on top.” “So,” said John “can you make a pizza?” “I can if I have all the ingredients.” said George. “Well,” said John “I have dough to make bread, and lots of cheese. I don’t know what you make your sauce out of though.” “We make it out of tomatoes.” said George.
“I have tomatoes.” said John holding up a wicker basket full of tomatoes. “O.K,”said George “you start crushing those and lets make ourselves a pizza.” And for the next 2 hours George and John made pizza.
When the pizza was finally done baking and cooling it was around 5 P.M. George cut the pizza into 15 slices. He gave 2 to himself and 1 to John. He took a bite chewed for a couple seconds and then swallowed all while watching John tries his. “This tastes O.K.” said John.
After dinner George was laying down on the ground trying to go to sleep. He couldn’t because he kept thinking about his life before this. He was the most popular kid in school, he had a great mom and dad, a not so great sister, and a know it all brother. He missed his life. Then he went to sleep

Chapter 5

When he woke up the next morning he saw John packing all the things up. “What are you doing?” George asked “Oh I forgot to tell you its bear season and were going hunting.” said John. “With what?” said George “Spears.” said John? “O.K.” said George as he started to help pack.
15 minutes later they set off to the north. Soon plain melted away and turned into a forest. “This is the Northwood,”said John“lots of bears live here.” They walked a little bit farther and then John stopped. “I hear a bear coming.” he whispered. He took out a spear and gave it to George. George took
It and it felt heavy. John hid behind a tree. George tried to follow him but just the bear jumped out of the trees and lashed out at him. He fell and hit the ground hard. Just before he hit the ground he heard a scream. He did not know if it was his or John’s. Then all he saw was blackness.


George woke up with Chris standing over him. He had a giant scratch on his chest. It looked like the one John had healed. John!!!!!! Memories flooded back into his mind. Was it his scream he heard before he blacked out or was it John’s? Was John O.K. “George? George? George is you O.K.?” Chris said. “Yeah I ‘am O.K. What happened?” said George. “Well,” said Chris, “You went over to those bushes over there and a fox landed on your chest. I screamed and that must have scared it away because it jumped back into the bushes. I came over to see how bad the scratch was and heard you mumbling about a bear and some guy named John. Who is he?” “No one.” said George. “Well then let’s get that cut cleaned up.” said Chris. George wasn’t listening. He was to busy thinking about John. He looked down at his arm to see what time it was. His watch wasn’t there! “This proves John wasn’t a dream.” George thought. He would never forget this first summer night.


Publication Date: 06-25-2010

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