» Fiction » The Nightmare of Zenn, Jake Adams & Logan Urech [sight word readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Nightmare of Zenn, Jake Adams & Logan Urech [sight word readers .TXT] 📗». Author Jake Adams & Logan Urech

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Prologue and Chapter 1

“So you got it, right?”
The rain had just stopped, but a few drops where still lingering off of the trees. The car head light was focused on the two men. One was shaky, while the other big and bold.
The weaker of the two shifted uncomfortably while he waited for the other man to answer.
“What’s that word?” The strong man replied with a deep French accent.
The other man thought for a moment, and then said, “Vender.”
The bold man cleared his throat and looked around. Seeing that they were deep in the Amazon, the man calmed down and opened his coat, revealing one simple pill. The pill, in the light, was green with the finest glow around the edges.
The scrawny man gazed at it, hungrily. He reached out for it, but the big man moved it up higher. “No, you have no idea what another dose will do.” He then went over to the back of his car, popped it open, and pulled out a big briefcase. He then put the pill in it, and locked it with a four digit combination.
The other man frowned, and fell to the ground.
The bigger man bent down to see what was wrong. He went to his car, but his cell phone was dead. “Get up man; I can’t let another one die on me. Boss will send me to the slums!” He shook and shook, but it was no use: The guy was dead.
A twitch came from the dead man’s hand. And thanking his blessings, the big man shook the guy on the floor one more time.
There was a snarl as the dead man jumped up, lashing at the big man’s face. Climbing up the big man’s arm, the dead man bit down on his neck, and the large man screamed.
But there was only the dark forest to hear him.

Chapter 1: Wake Up Call
Nightmares wrenched me out of my sleep. Cold sweat leaked down my face and I whipped it with the back of my hands.
My sight was blurry. But not long did my vision strengthen, and I looked about the room. Dark, ghastly shadows danced on the walls in my room. I tried to get up when a sting exerted in my arm. An IV? I pulled it out and started to get up. Stumbling, and falling a few times, I found a way to get to my window, and open the drapes.
I squinted as the sun’s rays attacked my coal colored eyes. It took me a few minutes, but soon my eyes adjusted, and I looked outside.
I saw no-one. But it might just be because its morning.
I made my way downstairs. It was hard. I fell over a few times, and when I got close to the bathroom, I throw up in it. Banging on my mom’s door, and hearing no answer, I opened it to find it empty.
That was strange, really strange.
I went down to the bathroom again, and put on some clothes I found: jeans, sneakers, and a Detroit Lion’s tang-top.
Walking down, I still didn’t see my mom. Things where getting freaky.
I had an idea: I would go outside, talk to one of my neighbors, and find where my mom went. Then she could explain what was happening.
Taking all of my dirty, sweat drenched clothes to the hamper, I made my way through the front door.
Little did I know what was waiting for me.

Outside...was nothing. Nothing but cars broken and smoky. I looked down the street. Only to see more debris and cars.
Where was everyone?
Walking next store to my best frined Tanny's house, something crunched under my feet.
Bones: Human bones. A full body skeletion that was burned to a crisp.
"What the hell?" i said aloud. Shocked.
I ran. Making over to Tanny's house. "Tan!" I yelled, banging on the door. "Tan! You there? Tan!"
When no-one answered, I stepped back, and kicked the door in. Allowing myself into the home, i saw that not a single person came to see what was going on. I searched every room,but no-one revealed themselves. I was about to check the kitchen, when a slam came from inside.
Heart pounding, I slowly inched my way over to the door. Something threw glasses and dishes across the floor. Feet scuttled.
Knowing that i had to see who it was (but didn't want to), I wipped sweat off of my brow, and slowly, ever so slowly...opened the kitchen door. Taking a step in, I walked in the room. Something sprang at me, like a cat pouncing on a mouse. It all happened to quickly, that my mind took a while to register what was going on. The thing landed on top of me, and punched me in the nose, once, twice, and it stopped. I then herd metal slidding, then something cold touch my neck.
A knife.

Capter 2: The pack

Chapter 2: The pack
"Who are you!" A voice growled. I tried to look directly at him, but the knife held my head in its positon fast.
Praying to god this guy didn't twitch his wrist, I answered his questtion. "My name is Carter Pike. I live across the street."
There was a second as I waited for the guy to kill me, when the knife was moved away, and the guy halled me up gentaly.
He was a few years older then me. Maybe ninteen. He had sort brown hair that had tigh cirls. For clothes, he had some type of army get up. Sheathing his knife on his shoulder, he held out a hand. "Chuck Eine." He said.
I grabbed his hand.
He tilted his head. "Sorry about the beating. I just wanted to make sure that you wern't a zombie or anything."
"A what?" I asked.
He looked at me like an ideot. "A Zombie? You don't know what im talking about?"
I nodded my head.
He shook his hands, and rubbed them on his clothes. "The zombies came about five days ago. Rampaged through the city and killed thousands of men,women, and children," He spat into the kitchen sink. "Only they didn't stay dead."
Five days? How could it habe been that long? How could I have missed this? i shook my head, getting in the question mood. "So everyones...dead?"
Chuck shook his head violently. "Some are alive. They got the call to evacuate north. But some of us stayed. To try and kill and take over the city once more."
I looked out the window. "Then where are they? Where are the zombies?"
Chuck waved his hand away. "All the zombies have moved away from here. To down town."
"Why?" I questioned.
Chuck smiled. "Because that is our plan. Make all the zxombies go to the center of town, where we will explode the city hall that will wipe clean any flesh eaters from miles around. And after that, we will put up a highly electrical fence and turn this place into our own haven."
"Wow," I said with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah," He walked over to the sink, and got a drink by cupping his hands and slurping water up. Fast and quick like he needed it to breath. "Are you going to come with us? Join our pack?"
I thought about that, only I had no idea what was really going on. This was madness. So I just shook my head. "No, i'm going to leave the town then."
Chuck laughed. "Its not just this city!"
"What?" I remarked.
Swallowing, chuck said with a little fear graveled in his voice, "Its the whole U.S. Just yesterday we got a message from a pack in San Fran."
This was shocking. Over welming.
"I got to go," I backed up disaly. "Before i throw up." Before the guy could say more, I ran from the house. Down the street, and to the side of a house. But in front of me was someone croching down, someone who was doing something. "Hay?" I walked up to the person, but when they stood up, it was a man, covered with blood all over his face. Skin decaying in patches all over the body. It let out a hiss, and charged. More then a little slowly.
I ran.
Quickly I made my way down through the houses. I turned around constantly, but the man was still coming. I was about to turn when the houses stopped and I was faced with a privacy fence. I started for the right, but another man, more decaying then the first approched from that side. Then more, on the right. Three to be exact.
I was trapped.

Chapter 3 : Taylor Veronica

I had nowhere to go.
The men-or zombies rather-came closer, and closer.
I yelled, but I knew that there was no rescuse. I picked up a trash can lid that i found of the ground. Swinging it around as if to ward them off.
But they didn't even flinch.
Baring rotting teeth they came closer, almost touching me. i leaned against the wall. Prepared to be eaten alive...
Thats when I herd a gun shot, and the zombie in front of me dropped. A bullet hole in its head.
Behind it, I saw a girl standing there. Gun raised. She had shinning blonde hair, and wore the same combat close as Chuck. A smile eched on her face as she shot the other ones. All but one fell because she ran out of bullets. the remaining one continued to try and get me, but the next thing I knew a knife was thrown in the air to me, and I picked it up, stabbing the menacing thing hard it the neck.

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