» Fiction » Dark Wails, Misty Cogburn [big ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Wails, Misty Cogburn [big ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Misty Cogburn

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Honestly, I hate a lot of things in life…

Seemingly, most people had a lot of things they hated, but I had one thing in particular that I absolutely abhorred above all else.

The one thing, I honestly, hate the most about my profession: is the noise...

Here in the back alleyway, the roar of the ecstatic crowd was dulled through the layers of soundproofing cement walls forming the club's hideaway.

In its own way the multi layers of cemented walls worked.

Yet, it was like smothering a screaming woman with a pillow; every so often the echo of the club's guests would vibrate outside the club.

Like a stupid-brat playing with the volume controls, each time the iron-door of the club's back entrance opened, the fan's thunderous roars could be heard once again.

The irritating racket would pour out with an ear cringing force.

However despite the occasional interruption, it was the only place I could seek refuge or solstice… usually at least.

Not many people came out here so late at night.

Eyeing the drug deal happening down at the end of the dark alleyway, it was easy enough to conclude that this wasn't the safest area around these parts.

But what else could you expect from the slums?

Beneath the stairs of the club's back entrance was like a haven to me…

It was usually a nice place to relax between shows, but hearing the retardly girlishly laugh floating from above, I knew tonight's peace was all but ruined.

Tonight, I'm plagued by slutty whores…I thought with a long dramatic sigh.

The fans had probably watched as I left out through the back entrance and were looking for a little action.

Dumb bitches never understand that showing a little ass doesn't always get you out of trouble, especially in these parts…

I heard them long before I could see them.

At first it was the obnoxious whine of their grating voices, then the shine of their child-sized, over sequined, clothing.

Even before they came into my line of vision, I hated the damn tramps.

From beneath the towering overhang of the club's back entrance, I could see up their skirts from where I sat enjoying my last smoke break for the night.

The one with the large breasts, spilling over the tiny, low-cut, dress she wore wasn't wearing any underwear beneath her sparkling black-sequined gown.

God why are their so many sluts in my profession, I wondered.

These bitches were always the same, as fake as the lips painted on their faces.

They all wanted a piece of the pie, they enjoyed the thrill of being with someone like me for some type of sick reason.

He-he… giggle-giggle… OMG-…

Each one acted in the exact same, revolting, way.

… Dumb bitches…

They never had a clue, as if their looks alone was enough to get them though in life, they had no idea of the things out there…

It really makes a person jealous.

It's bad enough having to put up with their shit inside,I growled annoyed.

Now I have to listen to this shit here?!

They giggled and laughed as they searched for me up and down the alleyway; both letting out a disappointed mewl when they couldn't see me…

"Akuma is in the line-up for tonight, right?" Throbbing Cunt 1 asked doubtfully.

I could almost hear the sincere disappointment in her voice, She must think that I've left the club for good tonight, I guessed.

"Ah YEAH-!" Horny Bitch 2 said sarcastically, as the two whores giggled excitedly.

"He's so fucking hot!" the first skank purred with a euphoric shudder.

I could feel the tick in my brow begin to throb as the two mentally gang-banged me in their in their fucked up minds.

I sighed heavily once more, blowing a black lock of hair from my eyes.

GR-rrreat… I just had to run into a pair of MY fans…

"Oh My God, I know right?! His tattoos are so hot… I'd love to get my tongue on that one just below his belly-button," TC1 sighed dreamily.

Bitch it's called a navel… I thought as I rolled my eyes.

Really… these bitches are so stupid.

"Fuck yeah, the one with the horns? Maybe we can hook up with him tonight? Maybe if we both try together we can get his attention, it wouldn't be our first threesome," HB2 suggested with a low suggestive grin.

Dream on bitches…I thought as I blew a puff of smoke up at them.

I couldn't help but think how weird their legs looked as I stared up the two's skirts through the meshed gapes of the metal overhang.

Like some type of high-heel strapped, twisted, boney work of abstract art, their legs looked short, their thighs non-existent from my perch below them.

I leaned back against the metal stairs cutting into my back, trying to get more comfortable as I looked up at the two girls.

"Could you imagine a night with the Akuma?" TC1 cried out loudly.

"Oh My God, Yes-! Those muscles, that ass… I wonder how many tattoos he has?" HB2 squealed…, 42 I instinctively thought.

All without sleeves, I grinned broadly.

TC1 sighed dramatically as she shivered with complete bliss, "Could you imagine just being near Akuma?"

Dumb broad, I'm squatted down right below you smoking… looking up at those pink-lacy undergarments you're wearing.

I flinched when out of nowhere a deep voice rang out, "Who gives a shit about that little emo-bastard?!" over my head, a large, burly figured sped up the stairs angrily.

He took the steps two-three, all at once, ascending them with a shit-face grin and confident swagger as he approached the two girls.

The #1 Asshole, Rex, has finally arrived, my inner MC thought loudly.

… Rex… I shit you not… three guess as to what his stage name is…

HB2 giggled nervously, "Omg- it's REX-!" she cried doing that retarded jump-dance dumb bitches do when they get excited.

It's just so painfully obvious they don't know how retard they look when they do that… especially without underwear, I added with a second glance upwards.

She had grabbed onto TC1's arm, as if expecting her friend to do the same, but rather instead the tiny girl glared up at the 6'9 Dwayne Johnson.

The little blonde's body was rigid with anger, almost as if she'd been the one called a 'little emo-bastard' instead of me…

"Say what you want, but he beats you any day…" she puffed out heatedly.

From Throbbing Cunt 1 to My #1 Favorite Fan, I silently laughed, suddenly liking the pink-underwear girl a lot more...

Her bimbo of a friend hissed at her warningly, but M#1FF shrugged her off.

"We'll see about that…," Rex said dangerously as he bowed up to the 4'6 girl, bumping his huge chest against M#1FF as he looked down at her threateningly.

It had only been a slight tap with his chest, but it was more than enough to cause M#1FF to loose her footing… mostly because of those six inch heels the stupid girl wore, strapped to her legs.

The bastard laughed as M#1FF stumbled backwards from his chest bump.

I felt guilty just sitting there as the dumb little blonde stood up for me to Rex… but I wasn't about to start any shit.

He clearly enjoyed the look of fear that crossed the girl's face before he turned and smacked the other girl on her ass harshly.

It caused an audible crack, and I winced for the girl whose face never flinched.

I could tell it stung, especially since the dumb bitch wasn't wearing anything under that dress, but she took it like a professional whore, meowing in pleasure with fake air innocence and a practiced blush of embarrassment.

Rex left just as abruptly as he came; leaving the two girls in a heated rush for two very different reasons, though one was clearly less for wear.

"Omg … he's so scary," M#1FF murmured, rubbing the chill from her arms.

Again I felt guilty for letting the girl take the heat, no one else had noticed the slight girl's trembling knees except for me, I bet.

Yet, the other girl was completely unfazed.

"I know right?!"HB2 squealed excitedly, "Just imagine what he's like in bed!"

There was an awkward silence as M#1FF met her friend's excited face with a deadpanned expression I couldn't help but share...

Some hoes just never learn… I thought ruefully as the two left.

Though I felt there may be some hope for M#1FF… possible… maybe

They were off to take their seats, and judging by the eager roar of the echoing crowd the show was about to start,I better get everything ready before I'm on…

With that thought in mind I snubbed out my last cigarette and took off down the back alleyway whistling an annoying tune that I knew that drug-dealer hated.

Tonight was Friday and the daycare would only keep Ari until 7:00PM.

It was two blocks from the club, but never-the-less it made me nervous walking these streets with Ari… recently the local gangs had been on the move.

To a local it was obvious the streets were in a state of unrest.

To an outsider, empty streets in the slums would seem normal, but for its residents it always meant trouble was coming… something big was about to happen.

I only hope it doesn't involve me or Ari…I thought dangerously, seriously hoping that I hadn't just jinxed myself.

The thought left a lingering unease deep in my gut, and I knew something was going to happen tonight…

I felt an impulse to hurry and so I let my feet lead the way.

Quickening my steps I rushed to the preschool only to find it already closed and Ari sitting on the outer step of the building crying frightfully.

She looked up as she heard my approach, and all of a sudden the four-year-old's face lit up like a light bulb and I braced myself for impact.

Like a cannon ball the brat launched onto my chest, sobbing, her face streaming with tears, snot, and a purple mixture I'd rather not attempt to guess...

I checked my watch and saw it was 7:04, those stupid bitches had left Ari here because I was four fucking minute late?

I felt the need to set those cunts on fire, but instead I took a deep breath.

I tried to dull my anger, knowing it would only frighten Ari more, so I petted the brat on her head hoping it would calm down the tear-stricken kid.

As always it worked like a charm… she didn't asked me where I was or why I was late, she knew no matter what I'd come for her, and so I didn't offer any excuses…

Still it was such a pain having her cry wordlessly…

About half-way home Ari's sobs quieted as the little brat's fell asleep in my arms like some type of spoiled dog.

I ruffled her tiny head, ruining her spry pigtails, feeling disgusting as I felt tears and snot seep in through my shirt.

Tonight was going to be a long night…I sighed roughly.

At the thought, there was a loud crack in the air as a gun went off.

Even before the bullet hit me, even before I'd found Ari on that step, I had known something was wrong… my every instinct warned me, but I didn't listen.

Life's a bitch sometimes, I thought as pain exploded in my thigh.

The two fuckers shot at me like a fucking dog on the side of the road as they drove by in their little bitch car, only cruising to help their poor aim.

No doubt the two were just some local punk-ass teenagers… but it felt like there was more to it than that my instincts swore.

I didn't even have time to think, as I heard the first bang and felt the bullet rip into my thigh; I had crumbled protectively over Ari's sleeping form even as more bullets rained down on us...

Yet, just as quickly as it had happened, tires squealed, as the shooters sped off in another direction.

It's amazing the thoughts that come to mind as you're getting shot and have bullets whizzing through the air all around you.

For some reason I couldn't help but think of that pink lacy pair of underwear I had seen just a while before I got shot…

I could tell I'd been hit more than once, I

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