» Fiction » Safe and sound, Dakota Miller [best classic novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Safe and sound, Dakota Miller [best classic novels TXT] 📗». Author Dakota Miller

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The house had a smell that was a mixture of honey and freash grass after a rain storm. The windows were opened and the white linnings flowed into the air outside. Georgia sat on the grass wearing a white shirt and a pair of ripped knee jeans. Her blonde hair was pulled back to allow her face to bask in the sun's rays. She sat, with her back against an old oak tree, engrossed in another mystery novel by Shelton Fuler. Every since her sixteenth birthday, she couldn't put the books he wrote down. Year after year, she'd buy the most she could afford, and finish her collection three times over by the summer. Around the age of seven, she became a book addicts, after she read a series of unaffortunate events. She related to the characters more than she related to her own family. Slowly shifting on her ankles, she twisted a strand of her hair behind her ear and leaned forward, completely oblivious to the male walking up to her. She stiflied a giggle, as she flipped the last two pages of the book.


"Another mystry Georgy?" Said a familar low toned voice.


Georgia jumped and looked up, the sun blinding her and making her vision glow before adjusting and giving way to Alex. His black hair was sleeked back and he wore a blue shirts and a pair of loose black shorts with sapendors hanging by the sides.


" Oh ... yeah" She paused and looked down at her book reading the last line and shutting the book for the last time that year. She turned her body to him as he sat next to her, the rain still falling from the tree's branches.


" What was it this time?" He asked, eyeing the cover, suspiciously.


" Murder thy kindred, Shelton Fuler" She said automaticaly, as if she had been rehearsing the conversation. She eyed her older brother shyly and looked out in the distance.


" Your into this stuff? Murder gore, lust and shit right?" He said raising an eyebrow and spoke with alluring hatred for the genre.


" No I like the..Irony. Yeah thats an execellent word for it." She nodded to herself confirming her descion and stared into his deep confused brown eyes. Like two pools of milk chocolate, she wanted to drown herself into them. She noticed almost everything about him since she had moved in when them when she was little. She sighed and breathed deeply, noticing for the first time, he had been wearing a new scent. Seemed more... relaxing. She laughed silently and felt the air shift from calm to nervous. She shook her head and looked away.


"So do you.... do you miss them?" He asked nervously and leaned on his elbows.


Instantly knowing who he meant she starred at the sky and felt, tear well into her own blue eyes. " So so" Was all she could manage without having the crack in her voice being heard.


"I ...I shouldv'e kept the question to my self." He said and uneasily stood.


The pain never got easier since that day. She shook her head and stood up , cluthing her book in her hands and looked around. " Its gettiing late.." She said trying to cover the pain she felt, the misplaced feeling of unwantedness. She walked past him, but only a few steps before he looped his thump between the soft spot on her arm, the on between her elbow.


"Hey....." He said, starring into her eyes, which enlarged like two large pools of shummering water with black soles as their pupils. He leaned closer, his breathe warm against her pale cheeks. He whispered softly non chulantly and smiled. She laughed and genualy this time. She felt her cheeks warms as she held her stomach as if it were the funniest thing in the world.


" See? I make you happy." He said and shrugged as he continued his stride back to the large white house with red window panels. She followed behind, the oak tree blewing softly in the wind.


The beginning of their secret, started with that one day in the garden, but never ended.... not yet atleast..



The smell of fresh due-drops waffeted into her room as Georgia laid on her bed. Her hair had been cut shorter than it was that day, and now it was a dirtier blonde. She laid starring at her phone, flipping the covering up and down, waiting for his text. ~Alex... are you there?~ She texted quietly, her silent heartbeats filling the empty room that had been painted the color of summer. She groaned as she rolled over, her body aching from the tennis game she had played against Lineth's High. Georgia sighed deeply and laid her face into the pillow.
She felt her phone buzz and she looked up to see he texted back.


~ Come here..~ Alex


She sighed and shoved her phone under her pillow as she stood up and trugged along to his room down the hall. Silent footsteps pounder the wooden floors, as she wore her night clothes. She knocked on his door softly, and he opened it. His hair wet and his chest bare, a pair of jeans, covering his lower half.


"See your happy?" She said as she felt her cheeks rose in tempature. His body gave off the faint hint of watermelon and sunkist soda. She walked passed him and sat on his bed, crossing her legs. Wearing her blue pj bottoms and a blue matching shirt. She left her hair, down, water drop lets coating her pants leg.


"I am..but lonely." He admitted shyly and moved to sit down next to her. She roted as she played with her gloden locket and sighed sleepily.


She felt his stare on her locket as she twisted it around her thin fingers. She looked up and smiled softly." Like what you see?" She said teasingly.


He smirked and leaned closer, closing the gap between them. " Id love to see alot more." He said lustfully and starred into her eyes as she blushed. She felt his hand cover hers as he pressed his chest against hers. Their breathes mixed in and came out in slow shallow breathes and then a faster pant. He tilted his head and clsed his eyes slowly, and Georgia knew what was happening. Something she wanted for a long time. Just as his lips were about to brush hers, the bell in the living room chimmed bringing them back to earth. Feeling uneasy, and now not sure about anything, she stood and ran out, running into her room and closing the door. Her heart boomed into her chest, giving her a headache, as she slide her back against the door. The scene replayed in her head as she realized, how much she wanted him. But it's wrong, she told herself and climbed into bed and groaned into her pillow.


~ Breakfast~


They ate in silence, as Miss. Juney, Georgia's aunt, made them more pancakes and bacon than eithier of them cared to eat.


"So how did you sleep Georgy?" She asked with a familar humm to her voice, as if everything she said was a song.


" Fine thank you Miss." She responded


"Its fine to call me mom you know?"Her aunt said, and placed another plate at the table, as her uncle walked into the room.


" I know... but...." Georgy stayed quiet and starred into her pancakes. Her uncle taking his normal seat at the table and yawned.


"Morning moopy." He teased, and Georgy smiled softly.


"Charles, don't tease a lady." Reprehanded her husband as she giggled.


Alex starred from across the table, which made Georgy shift unhappily. She felt a chill go up her spin as she stood and quickly put her dishes in the sink.


"Uh..Im going for a walk before school. I'm meeting..Ally at the park so we can walk together." She lied easily and smiled convinced her aunt believed her.


"Ok. Becareful love. " She said as she kissed Georgy's cheek. She grabbed her bag and books and pulled on her black contour boots. Alex watched her as she left the house.


~An hour later~


Georgy walked until she found an unusally quiet spot to which she could read and relax. She sat on the bench and puled out her new favorite book" Catnip for killers". She pulled her hair into a messy ponytail, and crossed her legs settling down. Flipping to a familar page, she sighed contently and smiled. Her head filled with silent words, letting her escape into a world were she could descover the msytry. Where she could control her path. She reached into her bag and looked for her phone to read the time, when she realized she left it under her bed.


Back at home Alex unhappily texted and called Georgia. He was convinced she was angry. As he walked by the door, he tried again but found that he could hear a afint buzz coming from within her room. He pushed open the door and easily found her phone.


"So thats why she isn't responded." He said with a mumble. He flipped open her phone and went through it, to delete all his messages, when something caught his eye. A number had been dialed and reseved over a hundred times. He laughed silently. Georgy has a friend. He sat on her bed and went through the messages named Ally.


~ Babe why you so sad. You act like the world is dying." ~ Ally


~ Might as well be, my brother doesn't understand eithier.~ G.


~I've been meaning to ask you like that way?~ Ally


~More than a bro? No I have you remember.~ G.


~Aww your the best girl in the world.~ Ally


~ Your the best boy who owns this girl's heart~ G.


~Meet me in the park in an hour. I want to see that face again.~ Ally


~Kay love.Bts~ G.






Alex shut the phone, anger rising in his throat. She lied to all of us! And whats more....she has a boyfriend...Alex covered his face with his hands and felt his heart breaking. How could he fall for his own's wrong


~At the park~


Frantic and angry, she closed her book and laid her back against the bench chair and closed her eyes. A familar scent came into range, as "Ally" walked closer. She smiled and sat up watching him. His brown hair was flared back and spiked in the front. He wore a black shirt, an army pull top and a pair of jeans that tucked into his shoes. Georgy wore a red dress, grey stolkings, and her black boots that shinned in the light.


"Baby." He called out and slid next to her, hugging her loosly. She smiled and kissed his cheek.


"I just texted you.." He continued and looked worried. She shook her head and smiled." Im sorry, left my phone under my pillow..." She said and he nodded.


Alex walked the path she took, knowing his sister. Spotting them he knelled into the grass and watched with envy.


"So I was wondering .. where you wanted to go for the first date." He said looking down, and side way glancing at her.


"Mmm.... How about something simple... Like lunch?" She said crossing

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