» Fiction » Revenge of the Bullied, Dayon DeShields [affordable ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Revenge of the Bullied, Dayon DeShields [affordable ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Dayon DeShields

I hate this, I hate that, I hate yesterday, I hate today, I hate tomorrow, I hate him , I hate her, I hate everything. That’s how I feel, and it’s not because of me why I feel like this. It’s because of those stupid idiots that always intimidate me. They make my life so terrible and I just wish that I could do something about it, I told my dad, my principle , my best friend, Charlie, which is the size of the six of the bullies that continuously bother me in one, I’ve mostly told everyone that really cares about me and nothing much has happened. I just don’t know what to do, and I can’t take this crap anymore, it’s literally tearing me apart. Only if I was able to do something about it but to bad I can’t. I just hope that Rumley and his three stupid clerks don’t trouble me AGAIN tomorrow.
Ok, so today is another day at school, and it doesn’t seem like no trouble is around. I guess this is going to be a moderate day, but only moderate because a school day is never perfect, but I hope I’m not saying this too early. As I walk into the math section of Jenny-May High School, I see Rumley. Rumley comes to me and shouts, “Hey there Elliot, where you’re going to? Math?”
I stud there for two minutes shaking and hoping he didn’t hit me or take my lunch money from me until I mumbled in fear to him and replied, “ Yes, y-y-yea I am… w-what do you want-t…”
Rumley said “Oh, just wondering, when you have this period tomorrow?”
... (In Elliot’s Head) “I’m surprised he is acting so nice to me today but I still have a little paranoia about this but I should tell him anyway I guess him finally trying to be my friend”. “Um, I get here forth period tomorrow”.
Rumley replied “Ok, I might just come check on you”.
I surprisingly said “OK, see you then!”

I’m really surprised that he done that, but I hope I just don’t catch him slipping.
Once I got home I told my dad what had happened today at school, and he was very mad to know that bad company like Rumley was trying to become my friend even though he was happy to know that he might not trouble me anymore.

The next morning, my dad comes into my room and shouts, “HEY ELLIOT! GET UP BOY! YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR YOUR BUS! ”. As he shouted and shouted I finally woke up and got myself ready to at least have my first in a long time good day at school. I got ready for school got my breakfast which was my dad’s toast that I stole and headed towards the bus stop. The bus arrived quickly, and as I started to brace myself for a boring bus ride I see my dad start to run towards the bus saying “ELLIOT YOU LITTLE THIEF! IM GONNA GET YOU BACK YOU BRAT!” but I knew he was going to forget about it by the end of the day.
One third of the day has gone pass and its fourth period. As I wait there for Rumley to come I see one of his clerks, Jeff, start to approach me. He then came to me and then I saw another one of Rumley’s clerks start to come towards me and this one had the same name as I did but it was just spelled different. Then after Jeff and Alleot were standing next to me I saw Rumley and the third clerk, Princeton, start to come to me. Once they arrived, I eavesdropped on what Princeton had whispered to Alleot and Jeff. Princeton whispered “This guy is really a dummy! He actually fell into Rumley’s trap! This guy is an A**whole! Even I wouldn’t believe what Rumley said to him!” Once I heard that, a blast of fear shot through my body, and as Rumley was about to grab me, I started to run. I ran and ran towards the cafeteria, and then Jeff caught up to me and caught me. Jeff then dragged me toward Rumley and his two other clerks then they started to beat me up! Rumley kick me in the face about three times busting my lip wide open, and Jeff and Alleot was just punching me in the stomach and slapping me into walls, and Princeton was just standing and laughing at me saying, “ Wow this guys is a wimp! Ha-ha, that would never be me! I would beat up anyone!” after I while they stopped beating me and left and as they left, I promised to myself that I won’t trust anyone but my family and Charlie ever again.

I went to the bathroom so I can clean the blood off my lips, and see if I had any serious bruises. I only had one bad bruise which was on my forehead from Rumley kicking me in the face. I go to the office and I lie to the receptionist, “May I please go home, I feel very sick! My head is really hurting me and I have to throw up.” She said that it was very important that I go home now. So I called my dad on his on his job and told him that I’m going home because I’m very ill, and he said that it was ok that I do. I then hung up the phone and started my way towards home.
As I was walking home, these people where staring at me. Probably wondering why I’m leaving school so early and why Am I walking as if I was hurt or seriously ill. I tried to ignore them but it was too much people doing it to try to do so. When I finally got home I went sleep for a while then I finally woke up after a good recovery rest. When I got up it was nothing to do and I was extremely bored so I decided to go up in the attic and see if I could find some really cool stuff to discover or play with.
Once I got in the attic, I decided to look for my old toys that I used to play with, and they were all the way in the top shelf, so I then went to go get the stool from the other side of the attic. Once I got it I started to walk back towards the shelf then BAAM! , I found myself on the floor. I had tripped over my grandfather chest. I had never known what was in there, so I then changed my mind about getting my old toys and I opened my grandfather chest. Once I open it I saw old newspaper articles about a mysterious person who saved crime using mind control and fire. As I looked more through the chest, I saw a note and it had my name on it. I decided to read it and it said, “To my dearest Grandchild Elliot, I never told your parents this but I used to be the mysterious man that used to save crime and had those marvelous powers. I was a secretive hero, and there is a special thing that gave me these powers. If you look more through this chest you will see that you find a very small but beautiful stone, and I want that stone to be yours. Love Grandfather Jacob.” Once I read that, my hands started to move through the chest automatically, until I found the stone. When I found it, it was bathed in dust. I then went to the bathroom and washed it off. After it was a cleaned up, the stone was the prettiest ting I had seen. I was shaped like a flame and had a pink gleaming light being produced by it. As I held it longer, I felt my body start to shake and light up. I got a serious headache and my body got really hot. I then let go of the powerful stone and took it back upstairs, then I went to my room and went back to sleep.
When I woke up two hours from then, I decided to go over Charlie’s house to see if my powers worked. While I was walking there, I clapped my hands together while walking and when I done that fire started to come from my hands. I panicked, but knowing I had powers now, I stopped. When I arrived at Charlie’s house I tried to see if my mind control powers worked so I tried to summon Charlie to slap himself in the face, and he done just that! I was extremely surprised! Charlie said, “WHAT THE HEACK HAPPENED!, WHY DID I SLAP MYSELF!?”
I lied, “I don’t know.”
Since I discovered that both of my precious powers work, I thought of some things I could do to help myself with Rumley and his Clerks. I had an idea that I can make a huge Inferno in Grace Park and use my mind control powers to lead Rumley and his clerks into the fire. So I woke up 1 o’clock at night to start my job. First using my Fire powers I summoned the blazing inferno in Grace park but I made sure that the fire was invisible by taking the color from it. I Then started to lead Rumley and his clerks to the fire by taking control of their brains and making them walk into it. After they there all out their house end about a half way at the entrance my color changing ability had stopped end the fire became visible. Rumley and his clerks were still walking towards the fire and they walked until they got in it. After a while the Fireman and police and ambulance came to find four dead and Grace Park destroyed.
The police never knew who done this to them until I turned myself in for murder, and they said I had to spend the rest of my life in jail. I just never knew that my power would be for evil, but this is what happens when a sick innocent teen gets tired of getting bullied.


Publication Date: 05-26-2011

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