» Fiction » Maximum Ride, Leah [best english books to read TXT] 📗

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The Dream

Fang watched as the flock faced their new attackers. He didn't know who they where or why they where attacking. He knew on thing though; Max didn't order an up and away. Why?
He watched as Nudge pulled a roundhouse kick to a head, then turn to cup him on the ears. Gazzy was using his...skill (I personally wouldn't call it a skill) to ward off his enemies. Iggy was fighting to the best of his abilities (which is surprising good for a blind mutant bird kid.) He punched kicked and used moves he'd never seen before. Little Angel was using the advantage of being a mind reader.
Fang searched the crowd until he saw Max herself. Fire danced in her golden eyes as she fought, but there was something missing. He searched her eyes deeper and saw fear. Max wasn't afraid of anything, or so he thought.
Fang looked back at the flock. They seemed to be fighting fine, until two hooded figures grabbed Angel while she had her back turned. She escaped, but several more showed up to capture her again. Why wasn't she influencing the attackers to let her free. Then he understood. She need to look into it's eyes, but couldn't because her own were covered.
Nudge saw what had happened and yelled to Gazzy and Iggy. Before any of them could react they were pinned. Gazzy continued to fight and use his skill as an attempt to escape, but more attackers came out of nowhere. They tied up the flock and left them there to rot. Where was Max in all this?
A swarm of black figures caught his eye. They were surrounding her, and she noticed. She spread her wings and took to the sky. Fear and desperation clouded her vision as she realized that even there she wasn't safe. The only option was to fight, and that's just what she did. She was weak, bruised and bloody from from the fight. One of the attackers had scratched her left arm, leaving a deep gash.
She aimed low and swooped down to kick the thing in the face. She flew low, fighting in the air and on the ground. The attackers began to form a dome around her. She rocked out of the dome and came back for more. She kicked and punched until she was kicked downward by someone above. More attackers?! Three sets of hands reached out for her and grabbed her, momentarily pinning her. For a moment Fang couldn't see her.
He heard the unmistakable crack of bones and a cry of pure rage. An attacker flew about fifteen feet back due to a hard Max kick. She raced forward, a single tear flowed down her cheek. They had broken her right wing, taking away the only advantage she had.
Something shinny caught Fang's attention. One of the attackers had a gun, and Max was completely surrounded. The hooded figure lifted the gun and aimed at Max's back in-between the wings.
"Max!"Fang shouted, but no words were spoken. "Max!" He repeated, but all remained silent. He began to run toward her, but never moved. He took one final look at the flock, still tied up, struggling to help their leader.
The piercing sound of a gun firing froze Fang to the spot. Everything looked as if it were happening in slow motion. Max had been shot, her silent scream filled the air as she fell in front of her attackers. "MAX! NO!"

Death Decision

"Fang wake up!" Kate said, shaking him violently. He bolted upright, completely aware of his surroundings.
"What happened?" Maya asked, " You looked terrified, and at one point you disappeared all together."
Sweat trickled down the back of his neck. There were no words to describe the what had happened, and as soon as he found the strength to speak he said two words, "Bad dream."
"That must have been one heck of a dream." Ratchet said, crossing his arms.
"I'll be in the bathroom." Fang mumbled, rolling out of bed. He slouched over to the little hotel bathroom and sink and splashed water on his face.
What if Max really was going to die? If he showed up for no reason Max would kill him. He had to do something.
"The dream was about her wasn't it?" Fang had been in such deep thought he hadn't heard Maya come in.
"Yes." His voice was no more than a whisper.
"What was it about?" Maya watched him closely wondering if he would answer.
"The flock was captured and Max was...she was killed." He chocked on the words and turned to face Maya. "She was killed in front of me."
Maya didn't know what to do or say. She had never seen Fang like this. "It was just a dream." She soothed.
"But what if it wasn't just a dream? Or what if this dream becomes a reality?" Fang clung to the sink for support. He had to do something, but what?
"Fang, if I know Max, she will be alright." She sounded confident, but uncertain, like she expected him to jump out a window right then and there.
"Hey," Ratchet said slowly, "are you coming to eat?"
"Fang?" Maya turned to Fang slowly, in a way Max used to. God, he needed help.
"No, I'll pass."
"We will be in the lobby if you need us." She said and turned to leave.
Fang sat on the edge of the tub. He needed to think. Why wasn't Dylan fighting with Max? Could she have told him to get lost? The thought brought a smile to his face, that was quickly ripped clean due to reality. How was he going to warn Max about her future?
He'd call Nudge. she would listen to him; she had to. He gave it more consideration and decided to go through with this plan. What's the worst that could happen? Max finding out and beating him to death. Not before he explains. This was the only choice.
He got up and walked to the hotel phone, hoping and praying Nudge would pick up.
"Nudge, listen to me, I need you go into your room and lock the door. Be sure you are away from Max." Fang once again wondered if this was a good idea, or if the dream really was true.
"Okay, hold on." there was a brief silence, then Nudge was back.
"Fang! What's up? I've missed you so much!"
"Everything is fine. Look, last night I had a dream about you guys."
"Really? What was it about? It must have been bad because then you wouldn't be calling me. Right?"
"Yes, it was bad. I saw you, Gazzy, Iggy and Angel-"
"Wait! Angel was in your dream? Was she okay?"
Fang had completely forgotten about Angel until now. "As far as I could tell, she was fine." He tried to remember her face. She seemed a little scarred, but other than that, she seemed fine.
"Good, then maybe she's alive!"
"Nudge, listen to me! In my dream you faced new attackers and got captured. Max..."
There was a moments silence.
"Fang, what happened to Max? What else did you see?"
"Max...fell in front of me."
"What do you mean?" the question hung in the air as Fang struggled to find the words to describe the nightmare.
"I mean she took her last breath." Fang forced the words out, trying to forget the dream.
"You mean she died?!" Nudges voice grew loud.
"Oh right, sorry. So what do you think?"
"I don't think this was just a dream. I can't go up there because if I do Max will literally kill me, but what happens if I don't?"
Nudge was silent for a while, pondering his problem. When she finally spoke, he could tell she was choosing her words carefully.
"Didn't you tell Dylan to watch over Max?"
"Yes, but in my vision he wasn't there."
"Hmm. If you come back, you have to come back carefully. If Max finds out-"
"If Max finds out what?" it was Max herself. Her voice was faint, but he could tell

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