» Fiction » BRIBED, elizabethsurrette [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «BRIBED, elizabethsurrette [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗». Author elizabethsurrette


Hi. My name is Hope Pratt. This is my screwed first date,and yes I can make a run for a daytime soap opera.

I was five years old when I met Matt Simmons. He was ten years of age,working with his uncle in my grandmother's garden.
Our families have been friends for at least two generations,like most small town country folks.At that time he was living with his grandparents,his mom and dad were in the middle of a bitter divorce. We knew of each other,but we didn't realy know each other on a social level. I however harbored a crush on him until he left six years latter. I didn't know where he had gone,he just left suddenly.My eleven-year-old heart was broken. My years passed without event.
It was about a month after my sixteenth birthday. My older sister,Elain,was engaged to a boy named Clay. The phone rang and
I picked it up and said "Hello," "Hi,is Elain there?" I handed the phone to her,I noted that it didn't sound like Clay. I asked her who it was,she became defensive,which made me suspicious. We were taught that it was wrong to cheat even if the relationship was falling apart. This unknown guy kept calling almost every day. After two weeks he made a date with her. I overheard her talking to Clay,"No,I don't feel good.I'll call you tomorrow afternoon." there was a pause,"Thank you.Love you,bye." I was appaled,she was supposed to marry him in four months,and she was betraying him already. That evening she we were getting ready,she had set me up on a blind date with mystery guy's brother. We were both in the living room when a red truck pulled up the driveway. Elain was having a panic attack when a second truck pulled in behind it,it was Clay's green pickup. She went from panic attack to a full out coniption when she realized that they were talking,they knew each other. She quickly ran out the door to get Clay into the house. I don't know what she told him but he came in without question. She was standing in the driveway for what seemed to be a long time having a heated conversation with this mystery guy. Elain rushed back into the house,grabbing me by the arm. She drug me to the kitchen,her face was in full panic mode. Her words came out fast. "Look,his brother bowed out,you are going out with him instead." Obviously,I was not going to let her pass me off like a favor. I gave her the dirtiest look I could manage. "I'll do all your chores for a month and I got twenty bucks here."she shoved the money into my hand. "Six months."I bargained. "Deal!" Shoot,I should have said a year. I walked back to the living room,I just knew this was going to be a long night. I saw that mystery guy had come in and was sitting by my father. "May I take your daughter,Hope out tonight,we are going to see a movie and probably dinner too?" He was very polite,and I realized he looked too familiar to me,he was Matt Simmons. I was in shock,my crush on him was still intact. He looked at me for a second and turned his attention to Elain and Clay. "Would you like to make it a double if Elain,you feel up to it?" His casual tone mad her uncomfortable,but she had dug herself a pit and she wanted to make sure Matt didn't spill any beans. We took Elain's car,It was the only vehicle between the four of us that would seat more than three people. It was a long drive to the theater,in awkward silence for her and me as well. I was so excited to see him again. We got to the theater and chose our movie,once we were settled in our seats the guys left to get some popcorn and soda. Elain was almost hysterical the whole time they were gone. They came back and we still had a while before the movie started. I didn't try to mask my delight when I saked him, "When did you get back? Where have you been and what have you been up to?" he smiled at me. "My parents sent me to a bording school. When I graduated I went strait to work on a boat just off the coast. I've only been back about five weeks. I thought I found a girl to stay home for but that didn't work out." he threw a short glance at Elain,she saw it. "Mabe,I found someone after all." he put his arm around my shoulders,anger and jealousy flashed across her face at us. Even if he was just teaseing her,I had always had a thing for him and I enjoyed our close contact. During the movie he held my hand and wispered in my ear,she figited the whole time. As we walked to the diner Matt held my hand,held the door for me,she glared. Clay didn't pay us any attention,I guess he was glad to be out,he was also good at ignoring Elain's sudden moodiness. After we got home,Clay went strait to his truck,gave Elain a wave and said "Call you later." and drove off. Matt walked me to the door,gave me a small kiss and asked if I minded if he called me. Of course I told him he could. She didn't talk to me or look at me for the rest of the night. The next day,instesd of calling,both Matt and Clay came to the house,in the same truck. Elain was nervous again. They asked my father,Elain,and I to speak privately on th porch. They told my father what she had been up to,needless to say it was a fight and a bad one at that. Matt and I dated for three years before we married,we had to wait till I was of age. We are still together and happy today,with two kids,four dogs,and a morgage.


Publication Date: 09-12-2009

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