» Fiction » Trapped Sight, [Amour0vue] [smart ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Trapped Sight, [Amour0vue] [smart ebook reader txt] 📗». Author [Amour0vue]

My dream, was of walking through the deep snow covered forest, bundled tight while already feeling my toes go numb from the artificial cold. Honestly, I thought the loud crash was just a fake tree breaking, but it wasn't until a loud girl's scream that my dream disintegrated from thought.
Lazily, I sat up rubbing my tired eyes awake. With another scream my brain finally reacted, jumping out of the warmth of my bed, I dashed to my sister's room. Empty. “Samantha?” I glanced around, wincing at a gurgling sob sound from downstairs. What kind of movie are they watching now?

Sighing, I began walking back to my room barely noticing the tight grasp over my mouth, pulling me back into Samantha's room. Instinctively, of course, I fought until the hiss for silence was rushed by my ear.
“Shut up and stop.” Samantha's voice was normal but still, there was a distinct difference from her usual conceited, confidence. Irritated, I nodded sternly which in return was responded with the grasp over my mouth vanishing into the darkness.
“If you grab me like that again, I swear I'll bi--”
“What part of shut up didn't you get, bird brain?!” Her whisper was fierce and almost straining as if something was tearing her up inside to stay quiet. Glaring in the darkness didn't help one bit, so I sat there, in her room, scratching the back of my head until she spoke again. “Someone's in the house.” I couldn't help but laugh softly at that, but as my eyes adjusted in the darkness, it seemed like she was shooting daggers through her gaze at me.
“Samantha, If another one of your ex's got in the house dad's gonna be pissed.”
“It's not my ex!” She quickly covered her mouth, closing her eyes tightly as if straining to hear anything besides the heater kicking on. Calmer, she explained. “I don't know what's in the house, but whatever it is – mom's scream woke me up. I ran downstairs and only caught a glimpse of a dark liquid surrounding her and that... thing.” That was the first time I ever heard my strong older sister hesitate. This is ridiculous.

“Sure sure, Okay.” I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes. I could feel sleep looming over me, waiting for the perfect chance to reclaim me. Her tight grasp on both my shoulders and shaking me like a mad woman brushed that dark cloud away.
“I'm not kidding! Kam, something is in the house and killed mom!” A loud grunt shut her up, that grunt was followed by something collapsing on the wood floors downstairs. What kind of prank are they playing? This is so childish.

The slow steps on the stairs made my sister shudder. I sighed, standing up and grabbing the softball bat in the corner of her room from when she was in high school.
“This is stupid. Stay here.” I commanded while stepping out of her room and taking a few steps toward the stairs with the bat over my right shoulder, my gaze was on the floor boards when the prank stopped at the top of the stairs, I saw the shadow before I looked up to meet the illuminated eyes of something. “W-what – ” My feet shifted as I felt it's gaze locking mine, they shifted once more as my body, no longer listening to my command, sprinted back into my sisters room. “ – the fuck!!” I slammed the door behind me and leaned hard against it. My eyes already accustom to the dark, could not for the life of them find her. Samantha, where are you?

Then I heard a scurry in her closet. Safe. More slow steps reached my ears, and again, the control of my body vanished as I slid over the polished wood under Samantha's bed. The pounding in my skull wouldn't allow any hearing or thinking to be done, except one question: What was that? A slow steady creak of the door let in the small amount of light from the hallway, but right now, that light felt more like a search beam, wanting to claim us for that.. thing, to find. Steps, in a slow rhythm filled the empty air, as it entered, blocking all hope of escaping. My breathing was quick, as was my heart beat, it wouldn't surprise me if the entire world could hear it. Another few steps allowed me to see two long bent up feet in front of my sanctuary, before they lurched in front of the closet. Samantha.

Slowly, I eased myself out from under the bed, reaching for the bat I dropped, the cold metal was more of a relief then anything, slowly pulling myself off the floor boards I rose into a stand, the large disfigured creature staring at the closet door longingly. Tightening my grip on the bat, I jumped on the bed just as it turned to face me. “Get away from Samantha!” I screamed as the bat met what I think was it's skull, though, it was still until sweeping it's arm around at me as though I was merely a fly. With the adrenaline rushing through my veins to my brain, I blacked out. I don't know how long it was until I realized it's crumbled body on the ground next to me, and the iron taste in my mouth, along with the heat flowing freely from the back of my head and from other unaccounted wounds. But the bitter smell and dark substance flowing away from the mess, made me relax, allowing me to breath out a comforting thought. It's over.


Text: [Amour0ue]
Images: Google
Editing: A Friend
Publication Date: 02-09-2013

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