» Fiction » The banished girl, Unknown07 [best selling autobiographies .txt] 📗

Book online «The banished girl, Unknown07 [best selling autobiographies .txt] 📗». Author Unknown07

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I never thought my life would turn out the way it did I never wanted to be on my own I wanted to stay with my family and eventually have my own but since I was banished from my village I was not allowed to talk to anyone or talked to my family. I had a cousin that would see out of the village to talk to me and tell me how everything was doing and how my parents were still upset that I was banished. I always wonder why did I get banished it wasn’t my fault she died it was her father’s but why would any one takes a fifteen years old word. I still get flash backs from that night, I was sitting outside while I was looking into the window of my best friend’s house I saw her and another shadow and when I turn away I heard her scream when I looked up I did not see her but I did see her father. The next day I heard a knocking on my door it was the sheriff saying I was being arrested for the death Sierna Wilson. The next day I heard the sheriff yelled aria get up its time for court. I was walking with the sheriff to the courthouse he was telling me that he felt sorry for me and he didn’t think I did it but Sierna parents both saw me outside their house after the murderer so I was the only suspect. Before I went into the courthouse the sheriff said that he will never forget me and that he had one thing to tell me but before he could tell me one of the officers for the court came and got me. I dream about that moment when Sheriff Jonathan says I need to tell you something. I wish one day I will be allowed back into our village and ask him what he wanted to tell me. But as of right now I will never know.
One day my cousin Kira came to visit me and I asked her if she will tell the sheriff if he would go to the creek tomorrow and she said she would. The next day I waited for six hours ithen I fell asleep then I felt some one touching me saying Aria wake up. I jumped up and it was Jonathan I jumped into his arms and started crying yelling “I didn’t do it I loved her she was my best friend I would never do that to her.” But then we started talking and he kept saying I always wanted to tell you this and finally he told me that he loved me and he would never marry another. We stayed together that whole night talking about how we would be together one day and I would be allowed to be in the village again. I told him that I couldn’t stay out in the little cabin anymore by myself I needed someone. Then he said I can’t see you anymore I can’t until were done figuring out what happened. I said if you loved me you would try to see me every day and never give up on me. I ran he ran after me I never turned back. After that I was never the same I never meet Kira anymore I kept receiving letters from Jonathan and Kira and one Jonathan letters said I love you and I know Kira loves you but the looks of it you’re not coming back and I have to move on and Kira and I are going to get married I love you I told you I would never forget you but I want you to be happy for me and Kira I love you and I always will. Love Jonathan.

I sent a letter to Sierna’s father saying that I wanted to meet him at my cabin tonight before sun down. Sierna’s father arrived when he showed up the first thing he told was that his wife had committed suicide and he was alone because his daughter and wife were gone. Then he said I know you didn’t kill my daughter I did I had to she threaten that she would tell my wife I had cheated on her and I couldn’t let that happen so the only choice was to kill her. I yelled Aaron why would you let them banished me I was good to your family and I’m not allowed into the village. He said you’re wrong if you marry you are allowed back into the village and I told him that the guy I loved was marrying my cousin and he said if you promise to marry me I will make sure you are allowed to be in the village forever I agreed. The next day I arrived at the village my cousin Kira ran up to me and said I’m so glad your back I missed you, I said you’re nothing to me I never want you to talk to me or my parents or brother I have never seen a cousin who backstab another cousin. She cried and said I’m sorry I know you loved him they said you were never going to come back and he was lonely. I told her did you know that he said that he loved me and always will did you oh yeah you didn’t you didn’t care about me or my feelings, I believe it’s time for me to go.
Jonathan ran up to me and said I didn’t think you would come back I missed you. I told him I didn’t miss you and now that I’m back I should have never loved you. You betrayed me and I will never forgive you. Your dead to me and so is Kira I never want you in my life if you loved me you should of told me I was allowed by into the village if I married but no you and Kira were planning to break my heart and guess what it worked. Goodbye Jonathan I hope you and Kira are happy.

Aaron tells me that he loves me and always will and some odd reason I believe him so I tell him that I will never love another again. He says even if I don’t love him he still loves me. Aaron and I officially got married the whole town was there even Kira and Jonathan. I never once thought of the bad things Jonathan and Kira did until one day Kira came to our house and asked me if I would ever forgive her I told her no I never will you destroyed me you made my life hell you knew I loved Jonathan you knew I wanted to be with him but your had to ruin it you didn’t want me to be happy but you know I’m the happiest person alive I have Aaron and even though I know he killed my best friend at least I have a life and I get to see my family. Kira left I thought to myself I’m not happy my life is miserable here Aaron hits me puts me down but its either stay married to Aaron and get to see my parents and brother or stay in that cabin by myself and never see anyone and only get letters but letters aren’t the same they aren’t real and that’s what I need.

Aaron was the boss of our village and if he died I would become boss I always thought about killing him I will never kill anyone in my life I couldn’t even bare killing anyone even if was a guy that hit me and broke me down.
One day I decided to go for a walk and I saw Jonathan and he came and asked me if I would walk to the cabin I lived in when I was alone I said yes and we did not say one word until we got to the cabin. The first words that came out of his mouth were I still love you and he took my hand and pulled me closer and kissed me we stayed the night together. The next morning I told him that he had broke my heart and he could never fix it. We both went our separate ways.
Two months later I found out I was pregnant and I told Aaron it was his but the truth was that it was Jonathans and I told Jonathan I was with a baby and it was his and told him that Aaron is going to be the father and Jonathan cannot see the child or speak to him. Jonathan said that he wanted to be in the child’s life but he couldn’t because he was married to Kira and I was married to Aaron and if anyone found out hell would break lose in the village.
That day I went to visit Sierna’s tomb and I asked her why did this happen to you it should have been me you never deserved that you were a bright girl and you were my best friend and I never wanted to be this way I wanted us to grow up and be better than everyone in this valley.
Month three I was getting morning sickness. I never stayed at home I would go for walks into the forest and look at the flowers and how they were beautiful. One day I decided to go to the cabin and saw all the beautiful flowers that have grown since I left and it made me want to go back and raise the baby here. While I was walking back to the village I thought to myself, why can’t I just be happy and be with the one I love?
Month four I decided that I should go visit my brother everyday and see how his family was doing I would play with his kids take them on walks and tell them the game their dad and I use to play when we were little.
Month five I kept visiting my parents every evening to have a family dinner and we would talk about the old times and when I was little I told them I wanted to marry the sheriff. I told them,”My wish didn’t come true instead the sheriff broke my heart and left me alone.” My father said,” he still loves you and he always will.” I heard some knock at the door I opened it and of course it had to be Jonathan and Kira. They both said hello. Neither my father nor I replied to them. My mother said,”Kira, Jonathan why don’t you join us for dinner.” Yes, they did decide to have dinner with us I never spoke one word to them. Kira asked me,” Aria when are you due?” I Said “why would you care when the baby is due you will not be a part of the baby’s life and you’re not part of my family life you’re lucky my mother still talks to.” Kira cried,” I’m sorry it’s not like I meant to ruin your life we never thought you would come back.” I screamed,” You never even tried to help me get back and now I live with a guy that hits me and beats me while you two live happily together.” Jonathan asked if he could talk to me outside and I told him I had nothing to say to him and Kira and he should leave now.
Month six I thought to myself Sierna’s birthday is coming up and I promised on our

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