» Fiction » Insanity's Disturbance, Tori DeGrace [best book club books for discussion .txt] 📗

Book online «Insanity's Disturbance, Tori DeGrace [best book club books for discussion .txt] 📗». Author Tori DeGrace


Have you ever loathed someone so much, you sat and gazed at
them, imagining that you were hanging them , shooting them, or even
slitting there throat ? Well I have, I hate all our teachers at my school,
and it's not like they are a big fan of me, they have been trying to get ri-
de of me for like ever, begging to get me into another school. All my teac-
hers flinch when they hear the name ...
"Maria Olin? Your wanted at the office." Smiled Mr. Swank,
I could not tell if he said that because he was happy to get me out of his
class or because he was happy it was the first time I was called to the offi-
ce, but My guess is he just wanted me out. I looked up from the PDR test.
I had just finished, and seen Mr.Swank holding a note, with the numbers
4357 on it. Thats always normal right? Numbers written on the back of a
note from the principle, Its like it was code or something.
I had shivers run down my back, as I looked at the PDR test,
with almost every answer right, I got up and grabbed my binder an acqu-
aintance wrote on. The binder was red, and had his name "Kostia" and
the words "Kostia Rox my Sox" on the side. I laughed at the binder reme-
mbering the day he took my stuff and wrote on everything. He was short
and had Light brown hair, I never really cared much for, but he was cute.
I walked up the pathway up to Mr. Swank, and gave him the test, he loo-
ked at me and smiled. He thinks I am a freak I bet. Mr.Swank turned to the
"Okay class this may sound weird but, I have to hand out con-
doms," Mr.Swank said, everyone stopped and started cheering, as I stood
behind Mr.Swank I just froze, "Okay everyone takes one and pass it on,
Except you Maria," He said passing a girl in the front row a basket fill-
ed with silver rapped condoms, and then he turned to me, "Maria no offe-
nse, but you will probably never have sex, so why would you need condo-
ms?" Mr.Swank said. All I could do was just stare at him and turn around.
I had opened the yellow door leading into the blue painted hall way, I walked
out and turned toward the office. The door slammed quickly behind me and
I heard Mr.Swank clap his hands and yell,
"Shes gone!"
"What the fuck?" I thought. I felt a tug on the back of my hair, as
I turned around it was Leda, she had been my closest friend, since ... the accid-
ent. Her bright blue eyes reminded me of the accident most of all, but Leda's
blonde hair made her look younger then she was.
"How's it going Maria?" She said looping our arms together, but
before I could even say a word she talked right away, "That so cool! But any-
way did you here about our school and what there doing?"
"Not really Leda, and no offense, I don't really care."
"Whoa Whoa Whoa Maria, what got your panties in a twist?"
Leda said shaking her head in disgust. Leda Stuck up her noise, and simply
looked the other way,
"Well I must go to class, I will talk to you later Maria." Leda turned around
and walked the other way, as I just stood outside the classroom door. Right
next to me was the girls bathroom, and I new it wouldn't matter if I was just
a little late, so I turned and went in. Taking little steps, I tripped over my own
feet, falling to the wall where the mirror was.
I looked at myself, and shook my head. I feel horrible I thought. My black hair
feel over my green eyes, I pushed my hair away from my eyes, and stood up straight.
"Time to face my fears." I said looking myself in the eye, then whipped
myself around so I couldn't see the mirror.
I wonder why I was called to the office? Why would they want me?
I thought walking slowly to the glass box in front of me, which on the inside
was the principals office. I walked by a class filled with seventh graders, some
just stared at me like I'm a demon, and some just looked away. I feel like I have
no friends and it's all because of Joan.
Joan was a good friend, but she wanted to leave us, and so she did,
I miss her a lot though, and I think about her all the time and the time we spent
I walked into the office and had our ugly and monster sounding vice
Principle stare at me, He had short short gray hair, and he had a tie that said,
" I am the vice principal" on it. What a nut.
"Welcome Miss, would you like to go in?" Mr. Zarchi said rubbing his hand
down his tie, I always hated his last name, It reminded me of Meir Zarchi, who
was in "I Spit on your Grave aka Day of the Woman" Which was a freaky ass
movie, but it is a banned movie, so I had only seen it once, and it had scared me
for life.
"Yep, Peace Mr." I said walking by him to get to Mrs.Rozen's office.
The first thing that stood out on Mrs.Rozen was her Red curly hair, and her dark
brown beady eyes. She sat in a blue fuzzy chair, and was on a computer playing
"Mrs.Rozen?" I said looking down at my 'Etnies' shoes, then looking back
up, and already she was out of her chair walking over to me. I had a bad feeling of what
she wanted to talk about, I suddenly felt sick.
"Well isn't it miss ...." she moved her body as if she had a shiver, that she
just wanted to get away from, "Miss Olin, welcome, come sit?" she grabbed a chair
and pulled it closer to her desk, and sat back down in her chair. "Shut the door, darling.
" she insisted, I turned my head and looked at the see through door. I slowly shut it,
and sat down in the metal chair that had felt like laying on a bed of needles, I was scared
to move. " Well, I'm glade we have this time to talk," she smiled at me and I never returned
one, I just looked away. "Okay, Never mind." she mumbled " Well how was your day so
far?" Mrs.Rozen asked.
"This is not what you called me up for, just get to the point." I bellowed.
She looked at me as if I was scared. But I new it was because she didn't want to make
me more upset as I already was.
"Ok, you want me to jump to the point, I will. Ms.Olin, your fat." She said
"Excuse me? Listen, I'm way skinnier then most of the people in my class."
"Yes and your way prettier but my point is, your losing a lot of weight, and
your losing it to quickly." she lowered her voice, she stood up and picked up her coffee
mug that said "Best Mommy in The World" and trust me, if I didn't know she had a kid,
I would have butchered her ass right about now.
"There doing a project at a mental house, and they asked our school to par-take
in it, and our school said yes, We are meant to send two students, and we want you as one."
She finished, closing her eyes and taking a long drink of coffee, and I wished every second
that she would burn herself on it.
" So why me?" I said looking down at my hand, it was in a fist, and I just
thought what would happen if I took a whack at her.
"Because we believe that you have Bulimia Nervosa." she said, "You lost a lot of weight,
like I just said."
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Bulimia nar nar ... whatever it is I don't have it."
I said standing up getting ready to slug her.
"Listen to yourself Maria, don't worry, we already contacted your
parents, and they believe you have Bulimia Nervosa as well, they agreed to
let you go." She said putting her hand on me.
"Get your fucking hands off me." I said pushing her away.
"Oh what is this now? Are you a germaphobe to?" Mrs.Rozen smiled
"What the fuck, No!" I yelled
"Ya no what? I'm done being nice to you Maria, get out of my office, and
I will see you tomorrow with all your stuff ready to go to the mental hospital" She laughed
"Your fucked" I said getting up and walking out the door.
Right out side her office was a Picture of Joan, and it was probably only there
because her mom was the Phys Ed teacher at our school, Mrs.Baruchel was pretty much
an older looking Joan with bad hair.
As I walked out into the hall I looked straight a head, My locker was only a
little bit of a jog away, right outside Mr.Swank's class, and right below my locker was Joans.
It was gray and indented, from her punching it over and over again. I walk toward her locker.
It had been so close yet so far away, and I still remembered her locker combo, 33-15-37. I felt
like crying.
I ran over and fell at her locker, I started fumbling with her lock. I put in 33,
thinking of what could possibly be in her locker. I scrambled for her never number, 15.
"Maria!" Yelled Mr. Zarchi, I just looked up at his dark and disgusting looking eyes.
"I just wanted to ..."
"I don't care! get to class or get out of my school!" He interrupted me.
So I did the first thing that came to my mind, I ran out of the school, and I never looked back
until the next morning.


Publication Date: 04-01-2011

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