» Fiction » THE REQUEST, SHADELRA [summer reads .txt] 📗

Book online «THE REQUEST, SHADELRA [summer reads .txt] 📗». Author SHADELRA

The man in black impatiently waited in the boss's waiting area. He always kept a deck of cards with him. To kill the time he played a ancient game similiar to solitaire . The waiting area was completely empty except for him and the receptionist. "Excuse me my dear?" he asked. The receptionist didn't look up or respond to him. "Did you tell him i was here?" The receptionist still did not look up to acknowledge him. "He knows your here," she finally said. The man in black chuckled and curled his tongue over his jagged teeth. It was a glare in the room which prevented him from seeing the receptionist's face. All he could see was her silhouette and hear her angelic voice. She sounded so pure, so innocent, he would love to seduce her. "Could you dim the lights? Its's dangerously bright in here," he asked. Again he was met with silence. It was clear that the boss had instructed her not to interact with him. Good advice. The man in black looked around the waiting area. It was pretty basic and simple. Everything was white, no pictures, no plants, no furniture, just the desk the receptionist was sitting behind and the chair he was sitting on. Matter of fact the darkest thing in the room was his black suit. "Bland, just his style," the man in black mused. "He's ready for you," the receptionist announced. He put his cards in his pocket, straightened out his red tie, and stood up. As soon as he did, the waiting area became engulfed in a dense cloud like fog. "Here we go with the drama," he said out loud. When the fog lifted, he found himself in the office of the boss. Even though he had been his office countless times, he was always in awe when he was in there. The office was massive, the size of a football field, but at the same time it had a personal feel to it. Everything was pearl white just like in the waiting room, but there was also gold trim to compliment everything. The most amazing thing about the office is when you looked up there was no ceiling! Everything was open, you could see the sun, the moon, and stars. At the far end of the office was a huge throne. The man in black started to move toward the throne, but he did not move his feet. The floor was pulling him toward it! He had a smirk on his face as he shook his head. Before he knew it he was in front of the boss. "I like what you've done to the place since i was here last," the man in black sarcastically said. The boss did not respond. He sat on his throne still. The boss's whole being was illuminated, the man in black could not even see anything just a blinding light. "Why have you asked for this audience with me?" the boss asked. His voice echoed loud inside the man in black's head. "Have you checked on your children lately?" he replied. "You of all people should know i always do," the boss said. The man in black rubbed his chin and paced back and forth. "Then you know the have lost their way. They are arrogant, and selfish beyond measure." The boss remained silent upon hearing this. "You love them unconditionally, but do you receive that same love in return?" the man in black asked. "Not all of them have turned their back on me," the boss amswered. "But enough!" the man in black shouted, "The time has come! They need to be reminded, they need to be sent a stronger message!" "My children have the right to choose, my children have free will, and with that choice some choos eto go down your path." "More and more everyday!" the man in black exclaimed. He was so excited that saliva was dripping from his mouth. Again the boss became silent. "Allow me to sound the horns, it is time." The man in black said. The boss still was silent. The light around him pulsated like a star. Finally he broke his silence. "I will allow you to do this." Upon hearing this, the man in black jumped up and down and let out a menacing laugh. The boss abruptly interrupted his celebration. "Not on your behalf will i let this take place, but i know that my children will return to the path of righteousness, for my love and devotion toward them will never waver something you never will understand!" The boss's words seared the man in black's already burning soul. The floor started to move him away from the boss on his throne. He turned his back on the boss as the office starts to fade away. The man in black took one last look at the light behind him. "Why couldn't you had the love for me like you have for your children?" he asked in a whisper. Then everything faded to black. The man in black was back in the big city walking the streets. It was the dead of winter, but he felt as hot as the summertime. He stopped walking for a minute and inhaled all of the hate in the air. It gave him energy! The world was alive with evil and he could feel it, it was intoxicating! He started to continue his walk with a devilish smile on his face. He stopped in front of a store window with a flat screen television in it. On the television was the local newscast. The news anchorwoman was reporting on the outbreak of dead birds falling from the sky in thousands all over the world. The man in black saw his reflection in the mirror and laughed. "Good job Lucifer, " he said. Lucifer started to continue his walk as he whistled an ancient, eerie tune.


Publication Date: 01-15-2011

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