» Fiction » The Magic Unfolds, Vanessa Alcaraz [online e book reading .TXT] 📗

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The Magic Unfolds

The Magic unfolds
Sixteen years ago in twenty-forty five, on a cold crisp night, six leaders of the Salem Clan were murdered. A new leader stepped to the throne her name was Agatha Whyte. Agatha believed that only magic should belong to all magic families. Before she became the leader, the Salem Clan were magic beings, strong leaders that everybody looked up to, they all believed in equality that whom’ ever bares the gift of magic are part of their all magical society. An in there Clan there was a very powerful witch and warlock, a vampire who had control over her blood thirst, a werewolf who can change into his wolf form any time he liked, but on the full moon he would be powerful and stronger than anything or anyone. Then twin males, who not only seek their inner eye, but also had the ability to see, speak, hear and feel aura’s of all good or evil. Agatha took her throne as being the rightful leader as she was to step up if anything happens the six leaders. The night the six leaders were murdered no one knew that not their spirits, but their powers would be past on to six babies born that same night, same hour, and that very minute. And what these babies have in common was that they were born to mucklings, people with no magic within them. When the new leader Agatha took the throne she finalized a rule that you are not allowed to bring back the dead, and not allowed to steal magic from their magical community. Agatha believed that if a mucklings born with powers stole them from someone who had been from a magical family. Agatha never knew that one murder of six magical leaders can lead to six babies breaking one rule that can change the whole magic community with only one spell.
All we heard was the singing of the Happy Birthday song, we all turned sixteen today. We were all different from everyone, but to each other we seemed normal. I looked at the cake and there written in icing was six names, William Edwards, Elizabeth Thompson, Jazebah Smythe, Agnes and Kathrynne Miller, and my name Abbey Rose.
We all lived in a small town in Massachusetts and that town’s name is Salem. The way we were different is that we all had magic powers. Each of us had different powers. William is a warlock which is a male witch, I am myself is a witch. Elizabeth is a vampire; she can walk in the sun if only she has blood in her system, animal’s blood to be exact. Jazebah he’s a werewolf, he can change into his wolf form anytime he likes, but on the full moon he can very strong. Then there is Agnes and Kathrynne, they can see ghost, talk and feel their auras. We never told anyone about our powers, scared that people would judge us. Not even our parent’s know.
We know it’s dangerous to be born with powers to mucklings. An the leader of our community Agatha Whyte allowed mucklings to live in our society, if they do not steal magic. We know that if our secret comes out, our powers will not be the only things that they will take from us our lives are at risk also.
That’s why we declared that we have to change this society, a new leader, and fairer rules. The only way for that to happen is if we bring back the six leaders of The Salem Clan. The only place for us to find a book that brings back the dead is Madam Scarlet’s Books of Ancient Times. So the six of us headed off.
“Do you think we’ll find a book of spells that can help us?” Elizabeth says, with worry in her voice. Before anyone can answer, Kathrynne says, “Like Abby say’s Madam Scarlet has all types of books.”
“Bringing back the dead, always has it’s consequences”, Jazebah say’s with no emotion, but with a sarcastic smirk on his face. After hearing Jazebah speak, I decided I should say something.
“ Guys listen, it’s risky and it does has it consequences but in the end it will all be worth it. I promise you.” I said with a not so sure positive smile on my face.
By the time we made our way to Madam Scarlet’s store, we were all so sure we were going through with it, but not sure of what we got our selves into.
“ Welcome to Madam Scarlet’s Books of Ancient Times, were you can find any type of book on every single spell created”. “ How can I help you, young ones?” Madam Scarlet say’s. She was an old woman, short and plump. She had big hazel eyes that made her face look surprised, and a burgundy turban wrapped around her probably gray hair.
“ Yes, I’m looking for a book, not just any book, a book that can bring back the dead.” I said Madam Scarlet gave me a look saying I am crazy, then she spoke,” I do have a book that may help.” She walked around the counter and goes to a shelf, full of big, long books.
Madam Scarlet pulls a book out that looks like it’s been there for ages. She comes back to the counter and say’s,” Libro Dei Morti”
After hearing that we were all confused, so I ask, “ what does it, mean” while gazing at the book.” It means, Book of the Dead. It comes from the Intelly Witches, they are from a clan in Italy.”
Kathrynne finally speaking states,” so this can bring back the dead?”
“Yes and No…” “ It will bring them back, after the full moon sets they have several hours, till down breaks and they will return to their forever resting place.” Madam Scarlet says.
So we paid for the book and we were on our way home, when she said her final words,” But be warn that not all good can come back good, and there would be sacrifices you will have to give. Good day to all of you and have a wonderful night.” Madam Scarlet said with a devious smile on her face. We didn’t say anything back, but hearing her words made us sacred more then ever.
So we waited till nightfall, we decided to do the spell in the Mystic Devil Forest. The forest was abandon after the murders in twenty-forty five. The murders were mysterious and were no accident. Legends has it that the murder that happen her sixteen years ago were the six remaining Salem Clan. And after hearing that, we knew it was the perfect place.
“Okay the book says, we have to stand in a circle going counter clockwise in alphabetical order. So it goes me, Agnes, Elizabeth, Jazebah, Kathrynne and Samson.” I say. We decided to the spell in the center of the forest big forest trees surrounded us, it was dark and the only thing that was helping us see was the pit of fire in the center of the circle.
When we got into our spots we started to say the spell.
“ Hear these words, hear our cries, spirit from the other side. Come to us, summon thee, cross over the great divide, beloved spirit, the Salem Clan, we seek your guidance commune with us, take our sacrifices as a grave of trust. Tooth of wolf, tears from a vampire, blood from the ones who see you the most, and powers from your kind that brings back your greatest kind.”
After the final words were said there was a bright green light in the center of our circle and what appeared in front of us were the six leaders of The Salem Clan and our names would now be spoke in honor.
The main leader f the Salem Clan started telling us what happen sixteen years ago, and how we got our powers.
So I asked, “What do we have to do to get her over-thrown from being leader?”
The main leader spoke, “ we don’t have much time for us, we will be gone again, but you must tell them, tell the whole community the truth, and swear to the great gods of powers that you are telling the truth and let the people decide.” And with that they were gone.
After they disappeared the six of us ran straight out of the forest and into the town square, they were having a festival, celebrating Agatha’s sixteen years as a great ruler. The only way to get the people’s attention is if I ruin the celebration. So I ran up the stage and got he bad to stop playing and grabbed everyone’s attention, I started to speak.
“Stop, stop celebrating her leadership and start over throwing her!” People gasped, shocked of what they heard that came out of my mouth. Agatha got up from her seat and stormed up to the stage and began to speak.
“How dare you come and ruin my celebration of triumphs of great ruling with your nonsense!” she said with a strong voice.
“Because you’re a murderer, you killed the six remaining Salem Clan sixteen years ago!” I yelled with rage in me.”
“Preposterous” Agatha denied, “The fired killed them little girl.”
“ I swear on the great gods of powers that you murdered them, you created that fire. You were unhappy with the way they had our society, so you took matter into your own hands! So if you denied it, swear to the great gods of power and the people all around us that you did not murder the Salem Clan!” I yell.
“Fine I did it, I murdered the Salem Clan, but look how happy our society is. I did what was best and now it is time for you to go now.” She told me.
Agatha stun me, she knew more things about magic then I did. Agatha’s minions grabbed all of my friends, but Jazebah was stronger then anyone, so her changed into his wolf form and attacked all her minions. Samson and Elizabeth helped me up and we saw that Jazebah had attacked Agatha and left a big gash on her neck. The gash was as big as my fist and who knows how deep, but I didn’t have sympathy for her. Karma came and struck her, and left her to die. And on that day seventeenth of September twenty-sixty one a new leader was gained and his name was Lavon Brown who was a warlock and was very nice, he also believed in equality, and with that my friends and I made history.


Publication Date: 10-21-2011

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