» Fiction » Don't Piss Me Off, Angel Vaught [read e books online free .txt] 📗

Book online «Don't Piss Me Off, Angel Vaught [read e books online free .txt] 📗». Author Angel Vaught

New Doctor/teacher

"Chloe can you get down here and do the dishes please." My mum hollered from the kitchen getting the kids something to eat, "well were going to have to use shovels." She giggled in her cheery voice. Her zodiac is the cancer, happy people, but you don’t want to piss them off. I hear folks say that the Taurus’s best friend is cancer, but I seem to get farther from gaining friendship with my mother. The internet even says that, but I guess internet does lie huh. Taurus’s a useless animal.
I whine and go down stairs almost tripping over my brother. I get the dishes ready and soap, "Mom, where's the soap?" I started to feel frustrated. She came in the room and opened the top shelf over the refrigerator handing me the soap. "You know, you could've just told me." I fumed grasping the soap bottle pulling it out of my mother’s hand.
"Quit being hateful or you won’t be going to the party." Yah were supposed to go to my mom's boyfriend’s campaign party, bla.
"Good I didn't want to go anyway!" I throw the soap at the sink and run up to my room and slammed my room. Mom yelled at me saying that I’m grounded for a week now. I don't get to do anything anyways so that's no punishment. I get online and look up cancer. Cancer's good side: emotional and loving, yah to my bro and sis, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, yah right, protective and sympathetic, protective maybe but the other eh. I look over to their dark side: changeable and moody, overemotional and touchy, clinging and unable to let go. I don’t like that last part or moody.
I sigh and put my computer on my desk, and check my calendar. Shit I have to see the doctors tomorrow aw man. Heh remember when I was a little kid and it took three nurses and my mom to hold me down for a shot, oh good times. I go down and do the dishes, no point of not doing these. After I get done I take a shower and go to bed.
*"Dad, why you so mean to me?" I point my tongue out at him and he grabs it. I whine and pull in back in my mouth.
"Next time I'll pull it out," he smiled then went over to tickle me, "and it's to toughen you up, ha-ha." I laughed and growled at him, I never liked being tickled it hurt. He stopped and sat by me; we were eating ice cream and watching a show now. He looked over at me gleaming, "You know what I love y-"*
"Chloe wake up, doctor's appointment remember." I wake up and groan at the light coming through the curtains. I put the blankets over my face.
"Yes, because I'm going blind." I said dramatically, slipping the cover under my eyes once more, while I became light headed consuming the light. She laughed and pushed me, she left me to get dressed. Ugh do I really have to get ready, I get up and get a shoulder cut shirt and a skirt.
"Ok let's go." we head out the door drop the kids off at grandmas and head for the doctors.
"Now Chloe you're going to have a new doctor, so go easy on him ok." I rolled my eyes opening the door I told my mom to say outside.
I walk in a jump on the bed waiting for my doctor. He walks in mumbling angrily, getting his equipment ready. He looks at me and smiles; wow my new doctor is sexy. He gave me my shots then looked at this check board, "I think that shou-" Instead of finishes his eyes went wide then he started to blush, "Um it says I have to give a checkup." He puts his hand on his head and laughs nervously. I shrug not knowing what a clue he's talking about. "You know I have to check your breast and va-va." He couldn't quite get the words out so I helped him.
"Vagina not hard to say." I regretfully say when I see the hurt in his eyes. "Sorry I didn't mean to be so rude." I look away from his gaze to the floor. He went over and placed his huge hands on my breast, he looked kind of worried; ugh I guess I have to tell his guy everything. "I'm not finished growing don't worry." He looked kind of shocked but relieved, geez I'm only sixteen. He went to go down to my vagina, "Woe their tiger um you’re not going to look down there." I raise my legs up and rest my chin on my knees.
"Well I have to check you, I'll make it quick ok." He went for it again but I pushed him away, I don't want anyone seeing down there, not even when I get a boyfriend and he wants to fuck me. "There's nothing to be worried about please it'll be really fast, just a little peek then done I promise." He smiled trying to get me relaxed and calm. I smiled back to let him know I accept. He went down with a q-tip searching around, and then he rose up blushing and smiling. "Do you by any chance play with yourself?" My face turned red when he said that. What the fuck why would he ask me that! I shook my head and he chuckled, "Well you need to calm down on that ok." He did something on his paper while I got dressed. "See you next week Ms. Sawyer." He smiled handsomely.
"Fuck you." I gave him the finger and snarled walking out the door. I seen my mom sitting there smiling with the kids trying to keep them still.
“Well how’d it go, you were nice weren’t you?”


Publication Date: 07-16-2012

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