» Fiction » The Hollows. Woods of Danger, Mircaydi Kuzio [best ereader for students txt] 📗

Book online «The Hollows. Woods of Danger, Mircaydi Kuzio [best ereader for students txt] 📗». Author Mircaydi Kuzio

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Chapter 1 Alyssa

Happily ever after… That’s how it was supposed to be. Unfortunately that is not the ending of my story…


“Come on Mom, unlock the door it’s freezing out here!” With the cold that was crawling up my back, I was shivering wildly. This year October feels like December and I was already wanting summer to come back. Standing outside the locked car door I peered inside the window, mom was sitting with the heat turned to the max and turning on her heated seat. A warm tushee would be really nice right now.

I looked up at the dark, thin clouds covering the entire sky, it reminded me of soft snow covering the ground as far as you could see. When I looked back down mom was knocking on the window, signalling that the door was unlocked. My face flushed with embarrassment as I slowly got in the car. I prepared myself for when she made fun of me.

“Geez, honey I thought you went deaf for a moment there,” she joked.

“Ya, ya, I was just… umm… thinking about this winter,” I lied as I turned up the radio and listened.They were already calling for snow. I could not believe it! Snow in October! Last year it didn’t snow until early December.

I thought about telling mom what I was really thinking of. When it gets cold these wolves come into the forest behind my house. Every summer the wolves disappear and only come back when it gets intensely raw outside. I grew attached to these wolves when I was seven, and every summer I would always watch out the window longingly waiting for them to appear, waiting to see a flash of dark gray to know they were watching me without being seen. Though I wished, it never happened. There was one wolf that I especially loved. He had yellow eyes and a coat of grey, soft, thick fur.


Just then, out of the blue, I was aching to see my wolves yellow eyes in the

forest staring back at me. It hurt so much, it felt like a kick to the gut.

“ Honey, are you okay?”

Imagining in my head what I looked like right then, scared me.I stared into my mother’s worried eyes and knew that she wouldn’t understand what was going on with me. She didn’t know how important that one wolf was to me.

    Then I saw her and dad, standing there, watching me as I was dragged off into the woods by a strong, intimidating wolf. The snow was cold on my back. The teeth digging into my ankles hurt so bad that I wanted to scream… But I didn’t. I just watched my wolf’s winsome lemon eyes as he watched my hazy green ones. When I stopped moving, the wolves gathered around me. I knew I was going to be eaten alive, but I stared at the way my wolf stayed behind as the others inspected my body. But I must’ve been hit in the head because everything turned black. All I remember is being carried across the yard to the door and then waking up in the hospital to the sound of my mother’s soft sob.

“Sweetheart, are you alright? You don’t have to come if you are feeling sick,” hearing my mom, I slowly came back from the past .

“Oh…No I-I’m fine.” I stuttered trying to remember why we were in the car.

“It’s just a shopping trip. It’s not like you have to come,” She sounded worried. A shopping trip that’s what it was. I was sort of wanting to stay home, but that would just seem selfish, so I decided to go. It would get my mind off of the wolves.

As we were driving I watched out the window. Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind me of seaside waves; even the colour of the moss is kelp-like. I tilt my head upward, feeling my hair tumble further down my back. The pines are several houses tall, reaching toward the golden rays of the sun. Birdsongs come low and dull as if they are getting farther and farther away, as winter gets closer and closer.


Chapter 2 Grayson

I watched her. I lay in the damp underbrush, my tail tucked close to me, sore and weary. I did not know why I was a wolf, none of the others have turned yet, so why did I? I clamped my chin into my front paws, and laid my ears back against my head. The breeze carried her scent to me. I knew it, everything in me knew it.

I wanted to be found.

I needed to bolt.

The girl’s voice was soothing as it sang words that I did not know as a wolf. At some times the girl moved closer, but sometimes she moved so far away that I could only hear the low hum of her disembodied voice. I rose slightly, thinking of following. Then the birds would grow quiet as she approached again and I would hurriedly crouch back into the leaves that hid me. At one point the girl came so close that I could see her clearly from where I laid, hidden and motionless. I thought, for a moment that she saw me, but her eyes were focused on something beyond me. Something far more amzing then I was. Eventually she became disinterested in what she was looking for-- me. I watched as she turned around and headed back inside a warm area that smelled of meat. I needed to go and find some meat of my own, so I steathily got up and started to walk back into the safety of the trees. Stopping in my tracks I smelled the air, something dangerous was near.


I lost that scent and thought as my muscles started to ache. I whimpered in pain as I slowly stood up on my back legs. My shoulders started to uncoil and my muzzle had disappeared, and with my human face I started to scream in pain. I watched as my paws extended and turned into fingers and my fur turn into cold skin. 




Chapter 3 Alyssa


When my mom and I got back from our shopping trip, I went out back and walked the treeline. I looked through the trees to find any sign of my wolf… Any wolf. The ground was covered with brown, rotting leaves. The sky above the was pink as the sun slowly set. The bushes a few metres away from me rustled, and I stared at that area for a long moment.  I really wished that my wolf’s eyes would pop out of the bush and I would stare at them until nightfall.

But, it turned out to just be the wind. I looked up into the sky. A cloud I saw looked like a running wolf. It made my mind tumble over my wolf’s eyes and the look on my dad’s face when I was pulled of my tire swing in the backyard.

“Alyssa! Time for dinner!” Mom yelled. I snapped out of the trance that I was in and headed back inside.

“It is freezing out there honey, aren’t you cold?” My mom asked. I never realized I was cold until my mom asked me. I was so worried about my wolf that I didn’t feel the cold.

“Y-ya… I am, actually,” I stuttered. My mom seemed surprised when I came over and gave her a hug. Although I do hug her when she wants me to hug her, but never on a moment like this. I guess we were never really that close. Today, though, I felt closer to her than I’ve ever been. The last few days she has been making me love her more and more, but she is also making me dislike her more and more. To help me my problems is a big thing for my mom to do and I appreciate her doing that but, she knows that don't like it when she's gone all the time and she still goes away all the time. Although having a mom this cool should be fun and exciting, I mean, she is a beautiful artist, I feel that she is just pushing me down in life. She always tells to follow my dreams and stuff like that, but she has never, not once, helped me pursue those dreams. Like, I want to become a clothes designer, except when I need help getting materials she tells me to go get a job and pay for it myself. The thing is, I don't what job I want to get first. I want my first job to be amazing, I want to be a great story that I can tell my kids about, to inspire them to pick something amazing for their first job. I also want to fix up my life so my mom can tell my kids what a great child I was.



Chapter 4 Bedir


Don’t shift now, don’t shift now. I need to be here for Grayson when he comes back. The outside world was getting colder by the second. Standing on the porch waiting for Grayson to come back, did not seem like such a good idea anymore. It was dark and I couldn’t see very far anyway. I took one last quick glance at the forest and went back into the house. I found Dante sitting on the couch, pair of

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