» Fiction » The Promise..., Erikka Boyle [top books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Promise..., Erikka Boyle [top books to read TXT] 📗». Author Erikka Boyle

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“C’mon Alice! You never do anything fun. Just come to the shopping with me for the party since you won’t actually attend the party.” My best friend Sophie coaxed.
I know she didn’t understand how important my appointments were, so she couldn’t be blamed for thinking me a stick in the mud for never doing anything.
“Soph, you know why I can’t. You know I only get three appointments a week with ‘The Doctor’ and I’m not about to miss one. I haven’t missed one since I was five.” I tried to explain.
“I don’t see why you call them appointments with ‘The Doctor’. They’re just hour long chats with your father that only has time for you three times a week. Just ditch him once, or call and tell him that you’re not going. You’re seventeen now Alice, put your foot down and make ‘The Doctor’ be a real parent finally.” She said, knowing it wouldn’t get her anywhere. I would never miss an appointment, and she knew that.
“You know I can’t. It’s almost time, I better go. I’ll see you on Monday, okay?” I said. She rolled her eyes and headed to her car. I sighed and headed to mine.
As I drove off towards my house, I started to think about what Sophie had said. She always had a way of getting me to think that my father wasn’t a real parent. He tried, I know he did. Things had been hard since Mom left. He had to work more, and he really needed to take his mind off of things. I understood that we couldn’t spend time together other than three nights a week for an hour.
I had the same bright green eyes and dark brown hair that my mom had. I had her same dainty figure and small features. I basically looked like I could be her twin. That was hard for Dad to deal with. He had loved her. When she left, it was hard, she just disappeared one day, and never came back. She took all her clothes, her jewelry, even everything from her vanity table. We never heard from her again.
After she left, Dad changed the house so that he had no reminders of her. Ever piece of furniture she had bought was burned. Any room she had chosen the paint and carpet for, were re-done. He couldn’t take out the staircase Mom had loved to descend every morning looking like a model, so instead he added an elevator and refused to use the stairs.
As I pulled up to the house I shook my head to clear it and ran inside.
“Dad?” I called as I rushed into the house.
He wasn’t in the main floor’s family room where we usually had our appointments; that meant he was in the office. Already late, I practically ran to the door. I heard him shouting.
“I don’t care who you are and what my ex-wife promised you. The deal is off, plain and simple!” I walked in as he slammed the cell phone shut and threw it across the room.
“Who was that, daddy?” I asked as I took time to look at his face.
Immediately I could tell that something was wrong. One, his eyes were bloodshot. Meaning he had been drinking. Two, he wouldn’t look me in the eye. My father always looked me in the eye. Always. Three, the next words that came out of his mouth were words he’d never spoken before.
“I’m sorry Alice, but we can’t have our appointment today.”
I froze. My father never canceled on me.
“What’s going on daddy? Who was that on the phone?” I stared at him for a moment, pleading with my eyes for him to make contact. Still he refused to make eye contact. Instead, he got angry.
“It’s none of your business Alice. I told you that we aren’t having our appointment today. Now leave,” He snapped as he turned around in his chair and began to busy himself with something else. Something that must have been more important than me…
I walked out and headed for my room on the fourth floor. I felt hot tears stinging my eyes.
“Why am I so upset!?” I hissed to myself as I climbed the stairs. I was so angry that I tripped. I began to wonder why I refused to use the elevator that my father put in.
“It’s stupid, that’s why,” I told myself. The tears were streaming down my cheeks now, making me once again wonder why.
I sighed, finding no answer, and continued to my room. I pushed open my double doors and saw that the French Doors across to my balcony were open. It was raining outside; my room was cold.
I closed the doors and went into the bathroom. I showered quickly and put on some shorts and a dark green tank top. I got out my nail kit and started to do my toenails. I had become so good at doing them that it looked almost professional. I put a small diamond in place on each of my big toes, laid down on my bed, and flipped on the TV.
I was completely relaxed when there was a knock at my door.
“Come in,” I called.
It was probably just Helga, my maid. The door opened slightly but no one came in. I sighed and walked over to open it the rest of the way and invite her in. The hallway was dark, and I could barely distinguish an outline of the body. It was definitely not Helga; it was my dad.
“Oh, Daddy, what do you need?” My voice was irritated; I wasn’t over him cancelling on me.
He slowly stumbled into the light.
“Daddy…” I whispered as my eyes went wide and my breath caught in my throat.
“Alice…” He said as he fell forward.
I jumped under him before I fell to the ground. His face was covered in blood.. There were several deep gashes from leading from his face down his entire body.
“Daddy, who did this to you?” I asked as I took off my tank top and started dabbing at his bleeding face. I once again felt the tears on my cheeks.
“Alice… you need… you need to run.”
“I can’t run daddy, we need to get you help. Who did this to you?” I asked again as I got up and grabbed my cell phone, quickly dialing 911.
“911, what is your emergency,” said a cool voice on the other line of the phone.
“My father was attacked. He has a ton of deep cuts all over his body. He’s bleeding terribly! He needs some serious help lady.” I practically yelled into the phone.
“Ma’am, we are sending an ambulance. What is your address?”
I told it to her quickly and hung up the phone, ignoring her request that I stay on the line.
“Alice, run. It’s not safe here…” My father stammered, struggling to stay conscious.
“Obviously it’s not safe. Look what happened to you. I’ve called the police and-”
“Alice, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? For what?”
“For snapping at you, I never snap at you… I must be a horrible father.”
I was stunned. He was lying on the floor bleeding, and he was apologizing for snapping at me. I was going to say something to the extent of ‘Don’t worry. I love you’, but I heard the paramedics come to the door. I hollered for them to come upstairs.
They quickly put my father on the stretcher and took him to the elevator. I rode down with him, still without my shirt, it was the first time the elevator didn’t seem completely stupid to me. When we got to the ambulance, I tried to crawl in behind them, but a paramedic stopped me.
“You need to stay here,” He said in his monotone voice. He looked like he was in some sort of trance the way he just stared forward with a blank look on his face.
“Why?” I asked.
“He might die. We don’t want you to be there if he does.” He said plainly and shut the door.
I stood in the rain and watched the ambulance carry my father away.
When I got back to my room, I looked at the clock. It couldn’t be three in the morning, could it?
I sighed and closed my eyes. There was a sudden loud crash, and the light in the hall went out.
“Must be the damn storm,” I hissed.
I looked out my window and saw all the other houses in my neighborhood still had power.
“What the-…” I was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I froze. Whoever was coming was doing so quickly.
I wasn’t expecting anyone. Honestly, it scared me a little. I dashed under my bed and held my breath as the door opened. Two men entered.
“Where is she?” One whispered.
“Man, I have no idea. But boy the boss is going to be pissed!” The second responded.
“Not if we blame it on her old man. See, let’s say he told her what was going on and she ran. It might not even be a lie. Either way he’s going to kill the old man; we might as well make it sooner.”
I gasped and looked around at what was under my bed. There was no way I was going to lay here and listen to them talk about killing my dad. These men were going down! Under my bed lay an array of clothes, shoes, makeup, lost homework, and a book. “Okay,” I thought. “The book will have to do.” It was a fat old dictionary so it might at least hurt a little. Silently and slowly I climbed out from under the bed.
“Um… Mike, I think I found the girl.” One said staring directly at me.
The other turned to see I was only inches from him. I swung the book as hard as I could right at his face. I looked at both men for a moment. They were both staring at me. The man called Mike burst out laughing. His friend quickly joined in.
“I’ll teach you to laugh at me!” I shouted as I kicked Mike square in the groin with all my strength. His eyes went wide and their laughter stopped completely.
I ran to the elevator and pushed the button to shut the doors repeatedly. Mike slowly stood and ran towards the doors. They shut just in time. I tapped my foot as I waited for elevator to hit the bottom floor. It suddenly occurred to me that they would be waiting so I stopped on the second floor instead.
I ran to the guest bedroom on the floor and threw open the balcony doors. It wasn’t that far of a jump. I could make it… I think. I got to the landing and was about to jump when a deep, strong voice startled me.
“You won’t want to do that Alice,” the voice said.
It was pouring and I was soaking wet.
“Then go away!” I yelled. “And leave my father alone!”
The man chuckled. “If your father had obeyed my master then that would have never happened to him. So really, it’s his fault”
“Tell me what is going on.” I demanded and turned around carefully.
The man was attractive. He had blonde hair and deep cerulean eyes. He was tall and extremely pale. He smirked. ‘Lucky him,’ I thought, ‘he’s inside and is staying dry.’
“Your mother made a deal with my master. If he would spare her life, then my

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