» Fiction » My best friend Sophie!, Chloe Challenger [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «My best friend Sophie!, Chloe Challenger [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Chloe Challenger

I woke up.
Sweat dripping down my forehead. Another nightmare, I padded around to find the light switch and flicked it on. I pushed the glasses comfortably on the edge of my nose. It’s not the first time this nightmare had occurred, where am in a dark gloomy forest and am running and running but seem be getting nowhere!
It doesn’t seem that scary but when you’re a total nerd and scared of your own two fee, it seems possible! You see, schools the worst torment. Chloe and Natasha. The nastiest people in the world! Natasha is hardly anything special… Everyone knows Chloe is using her to make her look better! Chloe has lovely curly blonde half brown hair and amazing hazel eyes, she wears the hippiest, chic clothes! But Natasha on the other hand has long black hair piercing grey eyes and wears gothic/emo clothes!Me on the other hand,am totally ugly am the mayor of ugly town…No! The Queen of ugly town!
I have sticky out in funny places kind of hair, which is a mousey gray browny colour. I wear the old scraggy uniform while all the others enhance there’s. They chased me home today, the had sticks and bottles, some full and plastic some full and metal. I ran up the porch of my grotty house and ran inside.
Tears poured down my rosy cheeks as I held tight onto my whip lashes and sores. I ran upstairs and straight into my pjs. If my mum saw my sores and lashes she would topple up to school and scream the place down. Then it will just get worse. I know it will. It happened before, when I was younger they pushed me over I ran to tell mum and now here I am, covered in painful lashes and aching sores.

There is one girl I like. She’s called Sophie, she is way prettier then Chloe! She has Beautiful, soft flowing hair. Cute blue, twinkling eyes, and wears cute pauls boutique clothes and brands. She smiled and me and that was about it… I don’t think we will ever be friends, Like I said she’s friends with Chloe…She will NEVER allow it…


Everyone was chasing this girl today. No clue who she was, all I know is that she’s called Annalisa and am absolutely banned from even looking at her I don’t know why though… Chloe won’t tell me. I saw her and a bunch of other kids chasing Annalisa and chucking water bottles and sticks at her. I felt sorry for her, I wanted to grab her and keep her safe,as a friend. But I couldn’t risk losing my one and only true friend… I just Couldn’t! I felt dead guilty though, when I saw her the next day I almost cried.
Her legs were covered from head to toe with red hot lashes and blackened bruises. She clambers into the classroom everyday and silently sits down and gets out her pen and pencil and gets to work. Never saying a word. Ignoring all the chants, name-calling and face pulling she shrugged it off. I could tell by her expression she wanted to curl up and basically die. Her pencil snapped and her face turned pale and she bit her lip. “Do you need a sharpener?” I asked her with a warming smile, she looked up at me in a shocked but kind expression, she scanned the room and took it carefully. When she came back she gently slid it under my arm and trotted back to her seat. Why she was being so sneaky about borrowing a sharpener I don’t know…

She’s scared of someone or something, and of what I will not know… I might confront her tomorrow… I need to know… It might be Chloe… Nahh… Can’t be! Chloe’s sweet and gentle! Well she is to me…


I can’t believe it. It was shocking. Sophie let me borrow her Sharpener! How nice was that! No-one has ever been nice to me before. It really made my day! So when they yelled names, chased me and even gave me an Indian burn I couldn’t care less. Sophie was nice to me. Sophie might be my friend! I might of gone to far there but a girl can dream!
When I saw her at school the next day I plucked up the courage to wave! The best thing is she chose me to hang around with a morning break! “Annalisa! Wait up!” She yelled panting when she got to me “I was wondering, if you wanna walk home with me?” I was gob smacked! How could I refuse? “Urh… Sure! Ill meet you near the gates!”
I said with a grin she smiled back and scurried quickly over to Chloe before she noticed.
Someone actually asked me to walk home with them! I cant believe my luck, I might as well be lucky triple lucky with a lucky on top! A bit far but I might as well ice the cake! The rest of the day flew by, I barely noticed the names and the whispering I didn’t even feel the triple Indian burn!
All that I felt was excitement! But also nervous… What if she doesn’t show up? What if it’s a big joke? What if they jump out and beat me to a pulp? What If… Stop What Iffing! I told me self in a grown-up voice! But in my mind…It played like a TV gone hay-wire! All I knew is that I couldn’t wait any longer!


As I was steadily making my way up the path to the school gates, I could just the faint outline of Annalisa, her cheeks flushed from pale white to a glowing red when she saw me! She practically jumped for joy! Well if I was her only friend I must be in some way important? I grinned at her with a heavenly smile. She seemed a nice lass and I don’t know why so many people hate her… It didn’t seem right to me… She may not be the best looking in the group, but still she is kinda cute…


Publication Date: 11-13-2011

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