» Fiction » emily we're going home, Jose Vasquez [best e book reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «emily we're going home, Jose Vasquez [best e book reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Jose Vasquez

As me and emily stare at each other we ponder where do we go from here how will we get back home and will emily stay 12 if we get back since in this place she has stayed 12 but she actually has aged 40 years what will become of her all we do know is that her father is the key but where is her father i mean in real time is he even still alive meanwhile back in real time honey it's late think he's in bed yet? i dont know so my parents walk into the house and all seems right there are lights and cars and all seems good except for the part that im nowhere to be found my mom goes into a panic yelling and screaming my name running all over the house looking for me but im not there the cops are called and soon a massive manhunt is begun in search of me days go by my dad doesn't go in to work staying by the phone in case of news while my mom is all over town talking to my friends parents trying to find out anything when all of a sudden theres a knock at the door my dad opens and a man is standing there an older gentlemen maybe in his 60's he saids to my dad that he lived in this very house 40 years ago and that his daughter also dissapeared from this very house on her twelve birthday just like my son my dad saids then he saids pardon me my name is richard barrows and my daughter was named emily emily barrows he also told me he had worked for the same company i work for now he retired a few years ago he said he was studying time and space dimensions and parallel universes i was trying to make sense if he had anything to do with my son's dissapearance but i didnt know how he would he then told me he had invented a machine a machine he believed that formed a bubble and he believed if anyone was caught in it they would be transported to another dimension or parralel world i was starting to think that this guy was crazy but yet i kept listening he told me that on the night emily dissapeared he had turned it on and a blue glow surrounded the den that he was in but it grew and grew until it enveloped the whole house but then as quick as it happened it was gone so he thought it failed and soon went to bed the next morning when his wife went in to check on emily she was gone and has never been found he said he sold the house and moved away just a few miles away actually then he heard what happened to my son and he felt that maybe something did happen that night with that eerie glow that happened all those years ago but he didnt know how i asked him if he still had the machine he said yes i said im a nuclear scientist how does it actually work he said that it was based on magnetism and alien technology that he had been given during the roswell crash i said can you bring it here and we will see if that does anything he agreed so later that night my dad and my mom along with mr and mrs barrows united at the house it was 8pm and they were going to turn on this machine and see if that is the cause of why im gone and to see if emily dissapeared due to this machine they stood around the machine ready to hit the switch so i said emily tell me what exactly was the last thing you remember before showing up here she told me that her mom was in bed she was in the living room watching tv and that her father was in the den looking over some machine she said that he had been working on..a machine i thought..ok..she then told me she saw a blue glow envelop the house and she was enveloped along with it she said she felt a sick feeling as she was in this blue glow and she woke up outside just a few miles away from the house as she walked closer she said she recognized this house as the house she lived in and went upstairs to find her mom and dad but of course it became clear that this wasnt her house it was empty so she left and began walking around outside in the darkness and as she was a few miles away she saw a light in the distance so she began running towards it and she said she ended up back at the house again but this time she found me and here we are so whats weird is that she was walking away from the house and then saw the same house as she walked toward it and now we are here in this void i asked her if she ever saw anyone else in all her time here she said no all she heard was sounds a jibberish but that was all as we talked the lights came back on everything the tv and all the electronic stuff started coming back on so i jumped up and said whats going on? when all of a sudden i saw a eerie strange blue glow i yelled for emily as she came and stood by me as we held on to each other and looked in panic as this strange blue glow grew larger and larger so we stared at each other and promised that no matter what happens we will hold on to each other meanwhile back in real time my dads yelling something is happening richard as wind came from no certain place and filled the room followed by a strange blue glow that was begining to form it grew larger and larger as we stood there and watched it richard then yelled if this is the cause of emily and your boy dissapearing we will be sucked in too we need to turn it off my dad yelled noooo he reached for his briefcase that was sitting on a corner table and from it he pulled out a giant horseshoe magnet a magnet that he saids he had been given at work by his boss remembering that his boss told him keep this with you at all times close by i never knew why he told me that but now i know that he must know something but now is not the time so i held the magnet at arms length and yelled for the others to get behind me and the magnet began to shake violently but i held it tight as richard also helped me hold it so that i wont let go of it then all of a sudden there kneeling before us were 2 kids holding each other and as they looked up at us i knew that it was my son and richard yelled out emily? emily? she yelled back daddy then he and his wife grabbed her and hugged her as we did the same with steven and we stood there hugging and holding each other richard then suggested that we destroy the machine and we agreed that it was too dangerous an item to have at our current level so he said he would take it the next morning to have it melted down so we spent the rest of the night hearing from emily and from steven about the darkness void that they had been taken to by that machine and the miracle that emily remained 12 so that she can live out her life as she had planned but her dad was older but he was alive and he was there with her and thats all that mattered as i am with my son so the nightmare of what happened is past and mr barrows will destroy that awful machine THE END


Publication Date: 11-12-2009

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