» Fiction » Chasing Reality, Alison Hale [electronic book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Chasing Reality, Alison Hale [electronic book reader .txt] 📗». Author Alison Hale

Chapter One: Belleza



August 14th :


In the beginning I wake up and everything is all blurry, like somehow someone has drugged me. I'm tied down to a hospital bed by my wrists and ankles. I look over to my right and there is an absolutely gorgeous blonde girl with bright blue eyes crying sitting on the floor. Blood covers and drips from her mouth. Beside her on the ground is a man in a white hospital gown covered in blood and the girl appears to be eating the man. She looks like she didn't want to do it, but somehow she had to. She was crying and the look on her face was pained. All I wanted to do was help her. I struggle against the restraints, but to no prevail. In this moment I don't care what happens to me, but it is clear that this girl needs help. But how can I help her?


The door opens behind the girl and dead man and another man comes in, he is extremely pale wearing a white lab coat, his hair is dark brown in a bull-cut and pitch black beady eyes. In his right hand he is holding a syringe and walks up to me and stands beside the girl and dead man. he raises the syringe, as if to inject me with whatever is in it, but before he can a girl with jet black hair in two braids and blue eyes runs in and says, "You're not a doctor. You can't be in here."


He ignores her and stabs the syringe into my right hand in between my thumb and index finger.


I wake up with a gasp. My eyes shoot down to my right hand and almost start crying with what I see. A needle mark. In the exact spot the fake doctor just moment ago shot me up with who knows what. But all I could think about was how much I wanted to help that girl.




The next day:


I told my mom the next morning and she just sorta laughed it off and told me it was all in my head and that maybe I should stop watching horror movies with my older sister Nalia.


I told my friends Angel and Maddie about it and they said it was nothing.




A month Later: September 11th:


I wake up in a huge glass room, but the kind of glass that is so thick you can't see through it. The entire room was made out of it.



A voice, that I recognized but couldn't for the life of me place it, said "We need to get out of here." from somewhere in the room.


I could hear many different screams from somewhere else in the building, like a room next door but since I couldn't see through the glass I couldn't be sure. All of a sudden the glass walls caved in on me and the shards of glass scraped and cut at my legs. I looked down and saw blood oozing from the thin cuts that were left on my legs from the falling glass. All I saw after that was a bright white light.


I wake up to my legs hurting like hell. I lift my pajama pants up to see fresh thin scratches on my legs.




A Month later: October 8th:


I am in a small cream color painted room, there is nothing but a small wooden table a matching chair and a black house phone sitting on the table. The phone is ringing loudly, I walk to the table and sit down on the chair before answering it.


"Hello?" I ask into the phone.


On the other end I can hear a girl crying really hard.


"Hello? Are you alright ?" I ask her.


She starts crying harder.


"What's your name? hello?" I ask.


"Help me! Please ! Please, help!" She whispered fiercely into the phone.


I could tell she was trying not to be heard. This girl was obviously very scared and in danger. I want so badly to help her, but without any answers to my questions I can do nothing to help.


"Where are you?" I ask.


I can hear a door open and the girl scream loudly. Through the phone I can hear hitting and the girl continue to scream. The call ends.


I wake up and can't go back to sleep.




For the next 23 days nothing exciting or weird happens. Thankfully for me, because those dreams seriously terrified me. The worst part is no one believes me. Everyone thinks it in my head and that I watch too many horror movies with my half sister Infernalia ( Nalia ) , And I don't even LIKE horror movies! The only time I ever watch them is when I am with her, and I haven't seen her since the first month of summer vacation! So how in the bloody hell can all these dreams be coming from watching too many horror movies, when I haven't seen a horror movie in over four months!?


On the morning of October 31st I wake up to my mom cooking for my birthday party. Tonight will be the first time I have seen my sister in over four months. Lets see what she has to say about all these psychotic dreams. I can not wait to see her. 




Publication Date: 02-22-2015

All Rights Reserved

To Belle, I love you so much. Thanks for always being there, even when it's not easy. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. Thanks for always standing by me, no matter what. Rayne,We love you. Keep fighting. Trust me, even though things look bad right now, they will get better. I promise. You have such a bright future ahead of you, just keep the faith and believe in yourself (and hopefully in Belle and I as well). To both of you, thank you for all the hours you've spent reading all my junk writing. I love you all the more for it.

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