» Fiction » Burn Me Alive (In Progress), kiki A. Paxton [spicy books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Burn Me Alive (In Progress), kiki A. Paxton [spicy books to read TXT] 📗». Author kiki A. Paxton

Chapter One

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, letting me know its time for school. I groaned and got up. How I hated going, But hey a girl needs a career to get out right? I went to my closet and picked out a Bring Me the Horizon tee with some red skinnies, I put them on and headed to my bathroom, teased my hair and put a big red bow and a thick layer of eyeliner. When I finished I looked in the mirror and smiled, I went back to my room to put my black high top convers on and my bag. I knocked my brother’s door
"Hey trace wake up!" I said hitting the door with my hand
"I’m awake! I’m awake! Gosh!"
Just to let you know Trace is my twin, He's 10 minutes older. I haven’t mentioned my name oops well its Jade but I prefer Jay. Trace opened the door smiling very wide. He was always in a good mood unlike me. He is wearing a Black Veil Brides tee with blue skinny and 2 chains hanging from his sides, with black convers.
He has shoulder length jet black hair and snake bites.
"Hey YOU’RE WEARING MY SKINNIES!" I said pointing
"Ohh yeaa! Can I borrow them?"
"Your already wearing them so why not" I said punching him in his arm, He laughed "Come on were goanna be late"
He ran in his room getting his folder. I walked downstairs, Grabbed 2 pop tarts and headed out the door and waited for him to come outside. When he finally came I gave him the pop tart. We walked to school laughing. When we made it, we headed to our usual spot with the rest of our group.
"Hey Jay" Ashley said
Ashley's my bestfriend since 3rd grade, Let me describe her. She is 16 years old (just like me) Pale, Natural blond hair with blue and green streaks at the bottom, she has angel bites and a septum, and she’s wearing a regular black shirt with pink skinnies and black convers.
"Hiyaa" I said
"What's up?"
"Wanting to go home already" I said she busted out laughing
making everyone look "It’s true!" I said also laughing
We were laughing until her dumb cousin Noah came and ruined my laughter.
"Eye can you tell your mom I have detention after school?" He asked Ashley
"Yeaa sure" she said, He smiled; the he looked at me and left.
"Ughh! I hate him!" I said "He thinks he's all cool" I said
Ashley's cousin thinks he's the badass of the school, since almost everyone knows him correction everyone knows him. Girls are always drooling for him. The thing I don’t get is that he looks just like us. Shoulder length black hair, Snake bites, a band tee, and Black skinnies. People these says, I mean he hangs out with the badest people in the school (They have there own crew) they get in fights, Do drugs and such. I remember the sweet, Caring Noah, but that was long time ago, He started changing when his parents died. When he moved in with Ashley and started High school he completely changed he wasn’t the things he used to be. He was now selfish, Cruel, Not caring.
"Heyy! Jay snap out of it" Trace said snapping his finger at me
"What?" I asked
"Uhh loser the bell rang"
"Ohh my bad" I said getting up from where I was sitting. Ashley looked at trace with loving eyes...Yess she likes him but he doesn't know "Umm I think we should start walking" I said
"Right...Bye trace see you in 3rd period" Ashley said waving at him and grabbing my hand, Then we ran to our Chemistry class
"Why are you looking at me like that" Ashley asked
"I saw how you were looking at Trace" I said smiling an evil laugh
"Yeaa...And..Ah stop smiling like that!"
"You should tell him"
"Yeaa and then jump of a cliff when he rejects me...Yea I should tell him" She said it being sarcastic "I'll tell him when I feel like its the right time...Kay"
"Alright, alright"
We sat down in the back near the window. Mr. Anderson came in with a bunch of papers. The class flew by since me and Ashley was giggling. Our second period was P.e; we had free time so we just talked. Next was Art class my favorite class but then again I didn't like it because Noah and his dumb friends were there, but the good thing was that he always ditched.
As Me, Ashley and Trace entered the class, the teacher told us he was goanna assign us new partners.
"Okay class look for your names on the desk, When you find them, Whoever your sitting next to will be your partner for the rest of the year...And no complaining!" Mr.K said
I looked for my name, when I found it I was seated in the back near the window. Ashley and Trace sat in the front of me; Meaning there partners. Ashley looked back and smiled very big, I knew she was happy. I thought I didn't have a partner but then I looked at the paper and it said Noah's name, my mouth flew open.
"Uhh Mr.K I don’t like my partner" I said
"Didn't you hear me I said no complaining" He said
I glared. He started teaching and there still was no sigh of my partner 'Noah' Great!! He ditched...Yess!! When Mr.K was giving us our assignment IT(Noah) opened the class door IT and his friends said they were at the principles office (Like always).
"Go find your seats young men!" Mr.k said
"Alright Neil" IT said
"It’s Mr.k, Don’t address me with my first name"
"Okay 'Mr.K'"
IT was looking for his seat, When his friends sat down, He noticed that the only seat left was next to me, He smiled and sat down next to me. 15 minutes later we already had our assignment given to us, we were supposed to draw something that was in our mind. As soon as we got it I started drawing a forest for some reason. I felt eyes on me, I looked threw my bangs and noticed Noah or 'IT' as I like to call him looking at me. I shrugged it of till he kicked my leg for no reason.
"What the hell" I said
"Oops" was all he could say, I glared at him "You know staring at someone is bad and not polite Jade" IT said.
"Well then stop staring at me and its JAY not JADE got it" I said getting annoyed.
"You don’t have to be so rude JADE!" he said saying jade not jay.
Right when I was about to slap him for thinking he's such a badass the bell rang, He got up.
"Bye Jade, Glad you’re my partner"
"I’m not!" I said getting up and leaving the class.


Text: KiKi A. Paxton
Publication Date: 11-30-2010

All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of my Maman.

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